, a very celebrated amateur and patron of the arts, was horn at
, a very celebrated
amateur and patron of the arts, was horn at Paris Oct. 31,
1692. He was the eldest of the two sons of John, count
de Caylus, lieutenant-general of the armies of the king of
France, and of the marchioness de Villette. His ancestors
were particularly distinguished in the twelfth century; and
his mother was a descendant of the celebrated D'Aubigne,
who was the friend and historian of Henry IV. His parents
were particularly attentive to the education of their son.
The father instructed him in the profession of arms, and
in athletic“exercises, and his mother watched over and
fostered the virtues of his mind, a delicate task, which she
discharged with singular success. The countess was the
niece of madame de Maintenon, and was remarkable for
the solidity of her understanding, and the charms of her
wit. She was the author of a pleasant miscellany, entitled
” Mes Souvenirs," a collection of anecdotes of the court
of Louis XIV. which her son used to relate to her to
amuse her during her illness. She was ever careful to inspire her son with the love of truth, justice, and generosity, and with the nicest sentiments of honour. The amiable qualities and talents of the mother appeared in the
son, but they appeared with a bold and masculine air. In
his natural temper he was gay and sprightly, had a taste
for pleasure, a strong passion for independence, and an
invincible aversion to the servile etiquette and constrained
manners of a court.