, the wife of Dr. Joseph Verati, a very ingenious lady, was born in 1712, and died at Bologna,
, the wife of Dr.
Joseph Verati, a very ingenious lady, was born in 1712,
and died at Bologna, of which she was a native, in 1778.
Such were her acknowledged talents and learning, that,
in 1732, she was honoured with a Doctor’s degree, after,
having disputed publicly in Latin, and her reputation
became afterwards completely established by a course of
lectures on experimental philosophy, which she delivered
from 1745 to the time of her death. Madame tie Bocage,
in her “Letters on Italy,
” informs us that she attended
one of those lectures, in which Madame Bassi developed
the phenomena of irritability, with precision and depth.
The greater part of the literati of Europe, to whom she
was well known, bore testimony to her learning, particularly in the Greek, Latin, French, and Italian; nor was
she less distinguished for her numerous exertions of charity
to the poor and the orphan. We do not find that she published anything, but was the theme of much poetical praise.A collection of these tributes of applause appeared in 1732,
with her portrait, and an inscription, “L. M. C. Bassi,
Phil. Doct. Coll. Academ. Institut. Scientiar. Societ. Ætat.
Ann. xx.
” and with the following allusion to Petrarch’s
id, &c. Amst. 1737, 4to. Alluding to the negligence which sometimes appears in his poetry, his wife, a very ingenious lady, used to say, “Confine yourself to thinking,
, president a mortier of the parliament of Dijon, and a member of the French academy, was
born March 16, 1673. He began his studies under the
direction of his father (who was also president a mortier of the same parliament) at the Jesuits’ college of Dijon, and
finished them in 1638 with great approbation. Being as
yet too young for the law schools, he studied the elements
of that science in private, and perfected himself at the
same time in the Greek language. He also learned Italian, Spanish, and acquired some knowledge of the Hebrew. After two years thus usefully employed, he went
through a course of law at Paris and Orleans; and in 1692
he became counsellor of the parliament of Dijon. In 1704
he was appointed president, the duties of which office he
executed until 1727, and with an assiduity and ability not
very common. In this latter year he was elected into the
academy, on the condition that he would quit Dijon and
settle at Paris, to which condition he acceded, but was
unable to perform his promise, for want of health. Though
remote, however, from the capital, he could not remain in
obscurity; but from the variety and extent of his learning‘,
he was courted and consulted by the literati throughout
Europe: and many learned men, who had availed themselves of his advice, dedicated their works to him. At
length, his constitution being worn out with repeated attacks of the gout, he died March 17, 1746. A friend approaching his bed, within an hour of his death, found him
in a seemingly profound meditation. He made a sign that
he wished not to be disturbed, and with difficulty pronounced the words J’epie la mort “I am watching death.
Notwithstanding his business and high reputation as a
lawyer, he contrived to employ much of his time in the
cultivation of polite literature, and wrote many papers on
Critical and classical subjects in the literary journals. Separately he published, 1. A poetical translation, not inelegant, but somewhat careless, of Petronius on the Civil
War between Coesar and Pompey, with two epistles of
Ovid, &c. Amst. 1737, 4to. Alluding to the negligence
which sometimes appears in his poetry, his wife, a very
ingenious lady, used to say, “Confine yourself to thinking, and let me write.
” 2. “Remarques sur les Tusculanes de Ciceron, avec une dissertation sur Sardanapale,
dernier roi d'Asyrie,
” Paris, Des Lettres sur les Therapeutes,
” Dissertations sur
” with memoirs of the life of Bouhier, Dissertation sur le grand pontifical des
empereurs Remains,
” Explications de
quelques marbres antiques,
” in the collection of M. Le
Bret, Observations sur la Coutume de
” Dijon, 2 vols. fol. A complete edition of
his law works was published in 1787, fol. by M. de Bevy.
He wrote a very learned dissertation on the origin of the
Greek and Latin letters, which is printed in Montfaucon’s
Palaeography, Paris, 1708, p. 553 and his “Remarques
sur Ciceron
” were reprinted at Paris in
ed to stand near their house. The first rudiments of literature he received from his mother, who was a very ingenious lady; and used, as it is said, to read Terence
, recorder of Exeter, was born in
that city in 1562, and educated in the grammar school,
whence he was sent to Broadgates-hall, now Pembroke
college, Oxford, in 1579. Here he is supposed to have
taken one degree in arts, and then removed to some of the
inns of court in London to study law. In 1605, he was
elected reeofder of his native city, where he died April 12,
1617. He is noticed here as the author of a history or
chronicle of the kings of England, entitled “The History
and Lives of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to King Henry VIII.
” Lond. 1616, folio, reprinted
in 1618, an amusing, and not ill-written work, taken principally from the Chronicles. An appendix was published
in 1638, by B. R M. A. including the history of Edward
VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. It is said that king James took
offence at some passages in Mr. Martyn’s work respecting
his own family or the Scottish nation, and that the author
was brought into some trouble. Of what kind this trouble
was we are not told, but that it preyed on his mind, and
hastened his death. Mr. Martyn also published a book for
the use of one of his sons, entitled “Youth’s Instruction,
Lond. because,
” said he,
“the fire there spoken of is such a fire, as both good and
bad must pass through and the fire shall try every man’s
work of what sort it is.
” “And this,
” says Fuller, in his
quaint manner, “seeming to shake a main pillar of purgatory, the pope’s furnace, the fire whereof, like the philosopher’s stone, melteth all his leaden bulls into pure gold;
some of his under-chemists, like Demetrius and the craftsmen, began to bestir themselves, and caused him to be
, a very ingenious lady, the only child of Edward Talbot, second
, a very ingenious lady, the only child of Edward Talbot, second son of William, bishop of Durham, and nephew to the chancellor, was born in May 1720. She was born five months after the decease of her father, who died at the early age of twenty-nine, and being a younger brother, left his widow in a situation very inadequate to his rank in life. She was the daughter of the rev. George Martyn, prebendary of Lincoln, and had been married to Mr. Talbot only a few months. Happily, however, for her, the kind attentions of a dear and intimate friend were not wanting at that critical period. Catharine, sister to Mr. Benson, afterwards bishop of Gloucester, who had been the companion of her early youth, and whose brother was upon an equally intimate footing with Mr. Talbot, was residing with her at the time of his death, and was her great support in that heavy affliction; and they continued to live together and bestow all their joint attention upon the infant Catherine. But before she was five years of age, this establishment was broken up by the marriage of Miss Benson to Mr. Seeker, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury (See Secker), but then rector of the valuable living of Houghton-le-Spring in Durham. Mr. Seeker, mindful of his obligations to Mr. Edward Talbot, as mentioned in our account of him, immediately joined with his wife in the request that Mrs. and Miss Talbot would from that time become a part of his family. The offer was accepted, and they never afterwards separated; and upon Mrs. Seeker’s death, in 1748, they still continued with him, and took the management of his domestic concerns.
, a very ingenious lady, and a zealous promoter of religious education,
, a very ingenious lady, and a zealous promoter of religious education, was the daughter of
Joshua and Sarah Kirby, and was born at Ipswich, Jan. 6,
1741. Her father, known in the literary world as the
author of Taylor’s “Method of Perspective made easy,
and “The Perspective of Architecture,
” was a man of an
excellent understanding, and of great piety and so high
was his reputation for knowledge of divinity, and so exemplary his moral conduct, that, as an exception to their
general rule, which admitted no layman, he was chosen
member of a clerical club in the town in which he resided.
Under the care of such a parent it may be supposed she
was early instructed in those principles of Christianity,
upon which her future life and labours were formed. She
was educated in English and French, and other customary
accomplishments, at a boarding-school near Ipswich; but
at the age of fourteen she left Ipswich, with her father and
mother, to settle in London, where Mr. Kirby had the
honour of teaching perspective to the present king, then
prince of Wales, and afterwards to her majesty.