, a very singular adventurer, was the son of a clergyman, and a
, a very singular adventurer, was the son of a clergyman, and a native of Zurich,
in Switzerland, where he married, but left his country in
consequence of an intrigue. Having had an opportunity
of visiting the principal cities of Europe, he acquired a
taste for elegant and refined pleasures, which by degrees
qualified him for the management of public amusements.
In 1708, when he was near fifty years old, he came to England on a negotiation from the Swiss at Zurich; but failing
in his embassy, he entered as a private soldier in the
guards for protection. By his sprightly engaging conversation, and insinuating address, he soon became a favourite with our young people of fashion, from whom he obtained the appellation of “the Swiss count,
” by which
name he is noticed in the “Tatler.
” He had the address
to procure a subscription, with which in 1709 he was enabled to furnish out the opera of “Thomyris,
” which was
written in English, and performed at the queen’s theatre
in the Haymarket, with such success, that he g ined by
this performance alone 500 guineas. The judicious remarks he made on several detects in the conduct of our
operas in general, and the hints he threw out for improving
those entertainments, soon established his character as a
theatrical critic. Appeals were made to his judgment;
and some very magnificent and elegant decorations, introduced upon the stage in consequence of his advice, gave
such satisfaction to George II. who was fond of operas,
that his majesty was pleased from that time to countenance
him, and he soon obtained the chief management of the
opera-house in the Haymarket. He then undertook to
improve another species’of diversion, not less agreeable to
the king, the masquerades, and over these he always presided at the king’s theatre. He was likewise appointed
master of the revels. The nobility now caressed htm so
much, and had such an opinion of his taste, that all splendid and elegant entertainments given by them upon particular occasions, and all private assemblies by subscription,
were submitted to his direction, for which he was liberally