nnic doctor, flourished in the 12th century. This author, who is well known as a monkish writer, and a voluminous author of biography, was born in Scotland, and educated
, a famous Sorbonnic doctor, flourished in the 12th century. This author, who is well known as a monkish writer, and a voluminous author of biography, was born in Scotland, and educated in the monastery of Lindisferne, now called Holy Island, a few miles south of Berwick on Tweed, at that time one of the most famous seminaries of learning in the north of England. He went afterwards to Paris, where he settled several years, and taught school divinity, in the Sorbonne. In his latter years he returned to his native country, and became a monk in the abbey of Melrose, and afterwards in that of Durham, where he wrote the life of St. Columbanus, and the lives of 'some other monks of the 6th century. He likewise wrote the life of David I. king of Scotland, who died 1153. He died in 1195. His works were printed at Antwerp in fol. 1659.
, a voluminous author, was born April 1578, at Antwerp, of a family
, a voluminous author, was
born April 1578, at Antwerp, of a family originally of
Bergeu-op-Zoom, and had his education among the Jesuits. He went afterwards to study philosophy at Louvain,
and had scarcely assumed the ecclesiastic dress in order to
pursue his divinity course in that university, when he was
appointed professor of poetry and rhetoric in the college
of Vaulx. He had, some time after, a living near Louvain, and taught philosophy in a house of regular canons
in the same neighbourhood. In 1605 he was called to
Antwerp, where he had the charge of the school, and some
promotion in the church. He died there June 7, 1627.
Foppen has given a long list of his works, the principal of
which seem to be 1. “Apophthegmata Christianorum,
Antwerp, Biblia sacra variarum translationum,
” Antwerp, Promptuaarium morale super evangelia communia, et particularia
qusedam festorum totius anni,
” Magnum Theatrum vitae humanae.
” Referring our readers to Freytag for a more minute account
of this vast compilation, it may be sufficient to add, that
Conrad Lycosthenes left the materials for it, and Theodore
Swinger or Zwinger having put them in order with some
additions with which his course of reading had furnished
him, published three editions of them the first in 1 vol.
fol. 1565, the second in 3 vols. fol. 1571, and the third in.
4 vols. fol. all at Basil, 1586. James Swinger went on
improving and adding to this work, which was at last taken
up by Beyerlinck, whose edition appeared after his death,
Cologne, 1631, enlarged to 8 vols. folio; and it was reprinted in the same form at Lyons, 1678, and at Venice,
1707. It is a mass of theology, history, politics, philosophy, &c. in alphabetical order, containing all the knowledge of the times upon the various subjects, and we may
add, all the ignorance and superstitions.
, a learned and pious doctor of the Sorbonne, and a voluminous author, was born at Beauvais in 1617, and displayed
, a learned and pious doctor of
the Sorbonne, and a voluminous author, was born at Beauvais in 1617, and displayed early propensities for learning. Potier bishop and earl of Beauvais sent him to the
various colleges of Paris for education. He obtained a
canonry of Beauvais, was rector of the university of Paris
in 1646, and died in 1690, after being excluded from his
canonry and the Sorbonne for some ecclesiastical dispute.
Hermant had the virtues and defects of a recluse student^
and was much esteemed for his talents and piety by Tillemont and others of the solitaries at Port Royal. His style
was noble and majestic, but sometimes rather inflated.
His works are numerous: 1. “Toe Life of St. Athanasius,
2 vols. 4to. 2. Those of “St. Basil and Gregory Nazianzen,
” of the same extent. 3. The Life of St. Chrysostom,“written under the name of Menan. And, 4. That of
” St. Ambrose,“both in 4to. 5. A translation, of some
tracts from St. Chrysostom. 6. Another from St. Basil.
7. Several polemical writings against the Jesuits, who
therefore became his mortal enemies, and contrived to
interfere with his monumental honours after death, by preventing the inscription of a very commendatory epitaph.
” A Defence of the Church against Labadie.“9.
” Index Universalis totius juris Ecclesiastici,“folio. 10.
” Discours Chretien sur retablissement du Bureau des pauvres
de Beauvais," 1653. A life of him has been published by
, a voluminous author in Latin and French, whose works, from their
, a voluminous author in Latin and French, whose works, from their subjects, are little
known here, was a canon of the Premonstratensian order,
a doctor of divinity, abbe of Etival, and titular bishop of
Ptolemais. He died at an advanced age, in 1735. His
works are, 1. “Annales Praemonstratensium,
” a history of
his own order, and a very laborious work, in two volumes,
folio; illustrated with plans of the monasteries, and other
curious particulars; but accused of some remarkable errors. 2. “Vie de St. Norbert Fondateur des Premontres,
Sacrae antiquitatis monumenta historica,
dogmatica, diplomatica,
” Trait
historique et critique de la Maison de Lorraine,
” Reflexions sur les deux Ouvrages concernant
la Maison de Lorraine,
” where he defends his former
22, 1616. These are all the particulars Wood has given of this Mr. Rogers, who appears to have been a voluminous author and translator. Among his original works are,
, whom Wood styles “a most admirable theologist, an excellent preacher, and well deserving every way of the sacred function,
” was a native of
Cheshire, and entered a student of Christ church in 1568. He
took orders very early, and became a constant preacher;
was M. A. in 1576, chaplain to 'Bancroft, bishop of London;
and at last, in 1581, rector of Horninger, near Bury St.
Edmunds, in Suffolk, where he lived in great esteem, and
died Feb. 22, 1616. These are all the particulars Wood
has given of this Mr. Rogers, who appears to have been a
voluminous author and translator. Among his original
works are, 1. “A Philosophical Discourse, entitled, The
Anatomy of the Mind,
” Lond. Of the End of the World, and Second Coming of Christ,
” ibid. Lond. The English Creed, wherein
is contained in tables an exposition on the articles which
every man is to subscribe unto,
” &c. ibid. An Exposition of the 39 articles of the Church
of England,
” 4to. This work, according to Wood, was
not at first received so well as it deserved, and some things
in it he says gave offence, not only to papists and schismatics, but even to “many protestants of a middle temper.
Wood has expressed their objections rather obscurely, but
it may be conjectured that Mr. Rogers interpreted the articles in their literal sense, and did not admit, as Wood adds,
of “the charitable latitude formerly allowed in those articles.
” 4. “A golden chain taken out of the rich treasurehouse of the Psalms of David,
” ibid. Historical Dialoguetouchingantichristand popery,
” &c.
ibid. Sermons on Romans xii. v. 6, 7, 8,
ibid. Miles Christian us, or, a Defence of all
necessary writings and writers, written against an Epistle
prefixed to a Catechism by Miles Moses,
” ibid. Table of the lawful use of an Oath, and the cursed
state of vain swearers,
” ibid. 9. “Two Dialogues,
” or
Conferences concerning kneeling at the Sacrament, ibid.
1608. Wood enumerates about thirteen volumes of translations from various foreign divines, among whom are St.
Augustine, Thomas a Kempis, &c. &C.
, a voluminous author of the seventeenth century, was born in 1590
, a voluminous author
of the seventeenth century, was born in 1590 in Scotland,
and became a divine, but left that country in Charles I.'s
reign, and was appointed one of his majesty’s chaplainsj
and master of the free-school at Southampton. He died
in 1654, leaving a handsome bequest to the above school,
from which it is said he had retired for some time before
his death, and passed the remainder of his days in the family of the Henleys of Hampshire, to whom he left a large
library and a considerable sum of money, part of which
was concealed among his books. Echard says “he was a
busy, various, and voluminous writer, who by his pen and
ether ways made a considerable noise and figure in these*
times, and who so managed his affairs, that in the midst of
these storms, he died very rich, as appears from the several
benefactions he made.
” We have a list before us of thirty
pieces by this author, but whether published separately,
each forming a volume, we know not. Most of them occur very seldom. Among them are some whose dates we
have recovered, but cannot vouch for the accuracy of the
list. 1. “Comment, de Terrae motu refutatum/' Lond.
1634, 4to. 2.
” The new Planet no Planet^ or, the earth
no wandering star,“ibid. 1640, 4to, reprinted in 1646.
” Virgilius Evangelizans;“ibid. 1634, 8vo. This is a
cento on the life of Christ, collected entirely from Virgil.
Granger says it is ingenious, and was deservedly admired.
” Medicus medicatus, or, the physician’s religion cured,“ibid. 1645, 8vo. Th;s was one of the pieces in which he
attacked the reputation of sir Thomas Browne in his
” ReJigio Medici.“We find him returning to the charge afterwards in a work entitled, 5.
” Refutation of Dr. Browne’s
Vulgar Errors,“ibid. 1652, 8vo. 6.
” Observations upon
sir Kenelm Digby’s Discourse on the nature of Bodies,“ibid. 1645, 4to. 7.
” The picture of the Conscience,“ibid. 1646, 12mo. 8.
” The Muses’ Interpreter,“ibid.
1646, 8vo. 9.
” Arcana Microcosmi,“ibid. 1651 and
1652, 12mo and 8vo. 10.
” Observations upon Hobbes’s
Leviathan,“ibid. 1653, 12mo. 11.
” Observations upon
sir Walter Raleigh’s History of the World,“ibid. 12mo.
After this he published
” A Continuation“of that history,
which Granger calls his
” great work;“but adds, that it is
like a piece of bad Gothic tacked to a magnificent pile of
Roman architecture, which serves to heighten the effect
of it, while it exposes its own deficiency in strength and
beauty. 12.
” An Epitome“of the same history. 13.
” A View of all Religions,“the work for which he is best
known, and which has passed through variotfs editions, the
sixth in 1683. It had the merit of being the first compilation of the kind in our language, and attained a great degree of popularity. 14.
” Abridgment and translation of
John Wollebius’s Christian divinity,“ibid. 1657, 8vo. 15*
” Three Decades of Divine Meditations,“no date. This
is one of his poetical works, and valued in the
” Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica“at Si. tis. 16.
” Mel Helreonium,
or, Poetical Honey gathered out of the weeds of Parnassus,
&c.“ibid. 1642, 8vo. This, of which an account is given
by Mr. Park in the
” Censura Literaria,“is an attempt to
spiritualize the Greek and Roman mythology. In moral
and metre it resembles Quarles. Of the following works
we have no dates:
” De rebus Judaicis, libri quatuor,“in
hexameter verse;
” Rasura tonsoris,“prose;
” Chymera
Pythagoria;“”Meditations upon Predestination;“” Questions upon Genesis;“” Melissomachia;“”Four books of
Epigrams,“in Latin elegiacs
” Mystagogus poeticus“”ColloquiaPlantina;“” Chronology,“in English
” Christiados poematis libri tredecim," with others, which seem
of doubtful authority.