, an English divirre of uncommon abilities and learning, was born
, an English divirre of uncommon
abilities and learning, was born June 20, 1642, at Newsham
in Yorkshire, where his parents were settled on a very large
farm-. He was sent to the grammar school at North Allerton, and thence in 1659, to St. John’s college in Oxford.
Soon after the Restoration he removed to Magdalen colJege, from thence to Magdalen hall; and at length, in
3664, was chosen fellow of Lincoln college, taking the
degree of M. A. the year after. In June 1666 he was>
admitted into orders, became a public tutor r and discharged
that office with great reputation for seven years. Being
then in a bad state of health, he was advised to travel;
upon which sir George Wheeler, who had been his pupil,
and had conceived a filial affection for him, invited him to
accompany him to the continent. They set out in Oct.
1673, and made the totir of France; after which they
parted, Hickes being obliged to return to take his degree
of B. D. At Paris, where he staid a considerable time,
he became acquainted with Mr. Henry Justell, who in confidence told him many secret affairs, particularly that of
the intended revocation of the edict of Nantes, and of a
design in Holland and England to set aside the family of
the Stuarts. He committed to him also his father’s ms. of
the “Codex canonum ecclesiae universalis,
” to be presented in his name to the university of Oxford.