, an author of profound learning and considerable abilities, grossly
, an author of profound learning
and considerable abilities, grossly misapplied, was born at
Paris in 1688. He was bred nominally to the law, but his
inclinations and talents not being suited to that profession,
he devoted himself, from an early period, to his favourite
studies of chronology and history. At twenty-five he was
admitted into the academy of inscriptions, where he produced at the same time “A Discourse on the Origin of
the French.
” This treatise, at once bold and learned,
added to some indiscreet conversations, occasioned his
being confined in the Bastille. In his confinement, he
could obtain no book but the dictionary of Bayle, which
he consequently read so earnestly as almost to learn it by
heart. He imbibed, at the same time, the scepticism of
Bayle, and even went beyond him in the grpssness and
impudence of his infidel sentiments, as clearly appears by
some of his writings. These were, 1. “Letters of Thrasybulus to Leucippe,
” in which atheism is reduced to a system. 2. “Examination of the Apologists for Christianity,
a posthumous work (not published till