, an eminent French chemist, was born at Senlis, Feb. 26, 1728, and
, an eminent French chemist, was
born at Senlis, Feb. 26, 1728, and devoted his time to the
study of pharmacy and chemistry. In 1752 he was admitted as an apothecary at Paris, and in 1775 was elected a
member of the royal academy of sciences. He more recently became a member of the National Institute, and
died at Carrieres near Paris, March 14, 1805. He published, 1. “Plan d‘un cours de Chimie experimentale et
” Paris, Dissertation sur
F Ether,
” ibid. Elemens de Pharmacie
theorique et pratique,
” ibid. ibid. 1763, 1765,
1769, 12mo. 5.
” Memoire sur les argiles, ou, recherches
sur la nature des terres les plus propres a I 1 agriculture, et
sur les moyens de fertiliser celles qui sont steriles,“ibid.
1770, 8vo. 6.
” Chimie experimentale et ruisonnee,"
ibid. 1773, 3 vols. 8vo. This extends only to the mineral
, an eminent French chemist, was born at Paris June 15, 1755, where
, an eminent French
chemist, was born at Paris June 15, 1755, where his father was an apothecary, of the same family with the subject of the succeeding article. In his ninth year he was
sent to the college of Harcourt, and at fourteen he completed the studies which were at that time thought necessary. Having an early attachment to music and lively
poetry, he attempted to write for the theatre, and had no
higher ambition than to become a player, but the bad
success of one of his friends who had encouraged this taste,
cured him of it, and for two years he directed his attention to commerce. At the end of this time an intimate
friend of his father persuaded him to study medicine, and
accordingly he devoted his talents to anatomy, botany,
chemistry, and natural history. About two years after, in.
1776, he published a translation of Ramazzini, “on the
diseases of artisans,
” which he enriched with notes and
illustrations derived from chemical theories which were
then quite new. In 1780, he received the degree of
M. D. and regent of that faculty, in spite of a very considerable opposition from his brethren, and from this time
his chemical opinions and discoveries rendered him universally known and respected. The fertility of his imagination, joined to a style equally easy and elegant, with
great precision, attracted the attention of a numerous
school. In 1784, on the death of Macquer, he obtained
the professorship of chemistry in the Royal Gardens, and
the year following he was admitted into the academy of
sciences, of the section of anatomy, but was afterwards
admitted to that of chemistry, for which he was more eminently qualified. In 1787, he in conjunction with his
countrymen De Morveau, Lavoisier, and Berthollet, proposed the new chemical nomenclature, which after some
opposition, effected a revolution in chemical studies.
(See Lavoisier.) Although constantly occupied in scientific experiments, and in publishing various works on subjects of medicine, chemistry, and natural history, he fell
into the popular delusion about the time of the revolution,
and in 1792 was appointed elector of the city of Paris, and
afterwards provisional deputy to the national convention,
which, however, he did not enter until after the death of
the king.
, an eminent French chemist and physician, was born at Caen in 1701,
, an eminent French chemist
and physician, was born at Caen in 1701, and was the son
of a counsellor, who sent him, when of a proper age, to
study law at Paris. Young Malouin, however, as soon as
he arrived there, without ever informing his father, began
the study of medicine, and pursued it with such success
as well as secrecy, that on his return home in 1730, his
father, whom he had always satisfied in every respect as
to moral conduct, expenses, &c. and who expected to see
him return as a licentiate in law, was astonished to find
him a doctor of medicine, but was obliged at the same
time to yield to a choice which indicated so much zeal
and decision. Nor was this a new profession in the family,
his uncle and grandfather having both been physicians.
After remaining at home about three years, he went again,
to Paris, and assisted Geoffroi in his chemical lectures,
and would probably have succeeded him had he been on
the spot when he died; but it was not until 1767 that he
was appointed in the room of Astruc, who was the
immediate successor of Geoffroi. At Paris, where he got iiitd
practice, it lay much among literary men, whom he found
generally very incredulous in the virtues of medicine.
Malouin, who was a perfect enthusiast in his art, had
many contests with them on this account. When a certain
great philosopher had been cured by taking Malouin’s prescriptions for a considerable time, and came to acknowledge the obligation, Malouin embraced him and exclaimed, “you deserve to be sick.
” (Vous etes digne d'etre maladej. He could not, however, bear those who, after being cured, indulged their pleasantries at the expehce of the faculty, and he broke off his acquaintance with an eminent writer* who had been his patient, on this account. On another occasion, when one of these wits with whom he had had a warm dispute about his favourite art, and had quarrelled, fell ill, Malouin sought him out, and
his first address was, “I know you are ill, and that your
case has been improperly treated; I am now come to visit
you, although I hate you; but I will cure you, and after
that never see your face more,
” and he kept his word in all
these points. This was, however, in him pure enthusiasm,
without any mixture of quackery. His liberal conduct and
talents were universally acknowledged, and he filled with
great reputation the honourable offices of professor of medicine in the college of Paris, and physician in ordinary to
the queen. He was also a member of the academy of
sciences, and of our royal society. His love of medicine
did not hinder him from paying equal attention to preventatives, and he was distinguished for a habit of strict temperance, which preserved his health and spirits to the advanced age of seventy-seven, without any of its infirmities.
His death was at last occasioned by a stroke of apoplexy,
which happened Dec. 31, 1777. He left a legacy to the
faculty on condition of their assembling once a year, and
giving an account of their labours and discoveries. His
principal works were, 1. “Traite
” de Chimie,“1734, 12mo.
” Chimie medicinale,“1755, 2 vols. 12mo, a work iti
a very elegant style, and including maiiy valuable observations. He wrote also several articles in the dictionary
” Des arts et metiers,“published by the academy of
sciences* and the chemical part of the
” Encyclopedic."