, an eminent dissenter, the son of an ejected nonconformist, was
, an eminent dissenter, the son of
an ejected nonconformist, was born at Kibworth, in Leicestershire, in 1691. He obtained a good stock of grammar learning at the free-school of his native place, and
about 1709 he was sent to pursue a course of academical
studies in London, under the care of Dr. Chauncey. Having
finished his studies he was appointed one of the preachers
at an evening lecture at Rotherhithe, and in 1716 chosen
assistant preacher at the meeting near Haberdashers’ hall.
Two years afterwards he was elected pastor to the congregational church in Old Gravel-lane, Wapping, in which
office he continued during forty-four years. Within a year
after he entered upon it, he refused to comply with the
requisition brought forwards by many of his brethren at
Salters’-hall, to sign certain articles relating to the Trinity.
Mr. Jennings, about 1730, published a small volume of
sermons addressed to the young, entitled “The Beauty
and Benefit of early Piety,
” which was followed by other
publications of a practical nature. In 1740- he entered
the lists against Dr. John Taylor, concerning original sin,
which doctrine he strenuously justified; but notwithstanding their difference in doctrinal points, they continued in
habits of intimacy and friendship. In 1743 Mr. Jennings
was elected trustee of Mr. Coward’s charities, and one of
the lecturers at St. Helen’s; and in the following year he
became divinity tutor, in the room of Mr, Eames, at the
academy, at that time chiefly supported by Mr. Coward’s
funds. In this work he was earnestly intent: nothing ever
diverted him from a daily attendance in the lecture room;
and he was indefatigable in the discharge of the duties
belonging to his office. The habits of early rising, of
order in the arrangement of business, and of punctuality
in his engagements, enabled him to perform more than
most men would have been able to get through. As a
relief to the studies of the mind he employed himself in the
common mechanical arts of life. His method of communicating instruction was easy and familiar, and his general
deportment towards his pupils affable and friendly. He,
however, determined to maintain in his academy the reputation for orthodoxy which it had acquired, and would not
suffer young men to deviate from his standard of faith; and
in some cases he had recourse to expulsion. In 1747 Mr.
Jennings published “An introduction to the Use of the
” &e. which maintained a considerable degree of
popularity for more than half a century. In 1749 the university of St. Andrew’s in Scotland conferred on the author the
degree of D.D. After this he published “An appeal to reason
and common sense for the Truth of the Holy Scriptures.
He died in September An introduction to the
knowledge of Medals.
” Of this science Dr. Jennings
seems to have known very little, and the editor of his work
less. The blunders in this work are numerous, and gross.
In 1766 a more elaborate work was published by Dr. Furneaux from the Mss. of Dr. Jennings, entitled “Jewish
Antiquities; or a course of lectures on the Three First
Books of Godwin’s Moses and Aaron: to which is annexed
a dissertation on the Hebrew language,
” in 2 vols. 8vo.
This is a work of great merit, and deserves the perusal of
all who would obtain an intimate acquaintance with the
Scriptures, particularly of the Old Testament. A new
edition of the “Jewish Antiquities
” was published about
three years since, it having been long out of print, and
very much called for.
, an eminent dissenter, was born in London about 1667, and educated
, an eminent dissenter, was born
in London about 1667, and educated at a private academy
in Wiltshire. Having entered into the ministry, he was in
1695 chosen assistant to ~Mr. Thomas Gouge in his meeting near the Three Cranes, London, and about four years
afterwards became his successor. In 1712, in conjunction
with Mr. John Eames, he began to conduct an academy,
supported by the independents of London, as divinity
tutor; his qualifications for which office were very considerable, both as to learning and abilities, and a judicious
manner of conveying knowledge. It was in the course of
lecturing to his pupils, that he delivered an exposition of
the “Assembly’s Larger Catechism,
” which he published
in Body of Divinity,
” in 2 vols. folio. This
has been frequently reprinted, and is still held in high estimation among the Calvinislic dissenters, with whom he
ranks; but he held some few speculative opinions, respecting the doctrines of the Trinity, and of a future state, which
are peculiar to himself. The university of Aberdeen bestowed on him the degree of D. D. as a testimony of their
approbation of this work. His other publications were,
various single sermons, and two tracts occasioned by the
controversy among the dissenting ministers on the subject
of subscription to creeds. As a preacher he officiated at
other places, besides his own meeting, and was much
tollowed. He died March 27, 1734, in the sixty-seventh
year of his age.