, an eminent linguist and philologer, was born at Utrecht of an ancient
, an eminent linguist and philologer, was born at Utrecht of an ancient and reputable
family in 1542; and educated in the belles lettres under
the inspection of his parents, till he was 12 years of age.
He was then sent to Cornelius Valerius at Lou vain, with
whom he continued four years; and gave surprising proofs
of his progress in Greek and Latin literature, by writing
letters in those languages, by translations, and by drawing
up some dramatic pieces. Having an uncommon taste for
the Greek, he removed in 1559 from Lou vain to Paris, for
the sake of learning that language more perfectly from
John Auratus, under whom he studied till 1562, and then
was obliged to leave France on account of the civil wars.
He travelled next into Germany and Italy, and visited the
several universities of those countries; Bononia particularly, where he became known to the famous Carolus
Sigonius, to whom he afterwards dedicated his eight books
“Novarum Lectionum.
” Venice he had a great desire to
see, not only for the beauty and magnificence of the place,
but for the opportunity he should have of purchasing manuscripts; which the Greeks brought in great abundance
from their own country, and there exposed to sale: and
from Venice he purposed to go to Rome. But, not being
able to bear the heat of those regions, he dropped the
pursuit of his journey, and returned through Germany to
l^ouvain, where in about eight years’ time excessive study
brought on a lingering consumption, of which he died in
1*75, when he was only in his 33d year. Thuanus says,
that he deserved to be reckoned among the most learned
men of his age; and that he would certainly have done
great things, if he had not died so very immaturely. He
understood six languages, besides that of his native country, viz. the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian, and
, an eminent linguist, was born at Hamstocks, in Haddingtonshire,
, an eminent linguist, was born at Hamstocks, in Haddingtonshire, Scotland, July 14, 1573. His father, a disciple of John Knox,
was rector of that place. The son was educated at St.
Andrew’s, where, for some reason, he embraced the popisfi
religion, and went to France and Italy. He afterwards
travelled through Turkey, Persia, Syria, and most other
countries of the East, devoting his attention principally to
the study of their languages: on his return he entered into
a convent of Minims in. the neighhourhood of Avignon,
which he exchanged after some time for the monastery of
the Holy Trinity at Rome, belonging to the same order.
His fame as a linguist having reached the ears of pope
Paul V. he appointed him librarian of Oriental books and
Mss. in the Vatican, in which office he remained six years.
He is said to have been at Venice in 1620, whither he had
gone with an intention of translating from Hebrew, Syriac,
and Chaldaic writings, and is supposed to have died there
in that or the following year. Wonders are told of his
proficiency in languages; we may allow that it was great
for his time, but must hesitate in believing that he knew
seventy-two languages. Of his works, Dempster mentions
“A Hebrew and Chaldaic Dictionary, and an Arabic Grammar,
” forming one volume, quarto, printed at Rome in
cestershire, and resided at Nailsworth, where he also kept an academy. He had the character of being an eminent linguist. He was popular as a preacher; for the place
, a learned dissenting divine, was born in 1693, and received his academical learning under his uncle, the rev. Samuel Jones, first of Gloucester, then of Tewksbury, the tutor of Chandler, Butler, and Seeker. He was fellow-student with the latter in 1711, and was a distinguished scholar, when he entered upon academical studies. It is apprehended, that he was a native of the North of England, and that his father was a gentleman in affluent circumstances. There was with him, at the above seminary, a younger brother, a youth of quick parts, who afterwards settled as a dissenting minister at Manchester. Mr. Jones, soon after he had finished his course of preparatory studies, became the minister of the congregation of Protestant dissenters, who assembled for worship in Forest Green, Avening, Gloucestershire, and resided at Nailsworth, where he also kept an academy. He had the character of being an eminent linguist. He was popular as a preacher; for the place of worship was considerably enlarged in his time. His discourses met with the approbation of the more judicious, for his salary amounted to one hundred pounds per annum, and the whole subscription came from persons of superior rank in life. Though a deep scholar and hard student, he was not a man of severe manners; but of an open and social disposition, and one of a bowling party at a place still called the Lodge, on Hampton common, at which healthy exercise he relaxed from his studies, and by his presence and influence preserved decorum in the company. His character secured him the marked respect of a neighbouring clergyman. His anxiety to fulfil an engagement, which he had made, to perform some ministerial service at a place on the other side of the Severn, hastened his death. It escaped his recollection, till the time drew near; to prevent disappointment, he made so much speed, that his tender constitution was injured by it, and a complaint contracted, from which he never recovered. He died in 1724, aged 31.