, an eminent school-master and learned man, was the son of Henry
, an eminent school-master and
learned man, was the son of Henry Dugard, a clergyman,
and born at Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, Jan. 9, 1605.
He was instructed in classical learning at a school in Worcester; and from thence sent, in 162'J, to Sidney college,
Cambridge. In 1626 he took the degree of B. A. and that
of M. A. in 1630. Soon after he was appointed master of
Stamford school in Lincolnshire; from whence, in 1637,
he was elected master of the free-school in Colchester.
He resigned the care of this school Jan. 1642-3, in consequence of the ill-treatment he received at the hands of a
party in that town, to which, us well as to the school, he
had been of great service; and May 1644 was chosen head
master of Merchant Taylors’ school in London. This
school flourished exceedingly under his influence and management but for shewing, as was thought, too great an
affection to the royal cause, and especially for printing
Salmasius’s defence of Charles I. at a press in his own
house, he was deprived of it February 1650, and imprisoned in Newgate his wife and six children turned out of
doors and a printing-office, which he valued at a thousand pounds, seized .
Being soon released from this confinement, he opened,
April 1650, a private school on Peter’s Hill, London; but,
in September was restored to his former station, by means
of the same council of state who had caused him to be removed, and who, with Milton, took advantage of his distresses to force him into their service, and among other
things to print Milton’s answer to Sahaasius. There, however, he continued with great success and credit, till about
1662, when he was dismissed for breaking some orders of
the merchant tailors, though he had been publicly warned
and admonished of it before. He presented a remonstrance to them upon that occasion, but to no purpose: on.
which he opened a private school in Coleman-street, July
1661, and, by March following, had gathered a hundred
and ninety-three scholars: so great was his reputation, and
the fame of his abilities. He lived a very little while after,
dying in 1662. He gave by will several books to Sion
college library. He published some few pieces for the use
of his schools as, 1. “Lexicon Grajci Testament! alphabetieum; una cum explicaiione gramimitica vocum
singularum, in usum tironum. Necnon Concordantiil singulis dictionibus apposita, in usurn theologian candidatorum,
1660. 2. “Rhetorices compendium,
” Hvo. 3. “Luciani
SamosatenMS dialogorum seiectorum libri duo, cum interpretatione Latina, multis in locis emendata, et ad calcem
” 8vo. 4. “A Greek grammar.
, an eminent school -master, was descended from an ancient family
, an eminent school -master, was descended from an ancient family in Cumberland. His father, William Mulcaster, resided at Carlisle, where, according to Wood, his son Richard was born. He was educated on the foundation at Eton, whence, in 1548, he gained his election to King’s college, Cambridge. Here he took no degree, but while scholar removed to Oxford; for what reason we know not. In 1555, he was elected student of Christ-Church; and, in the next year, was licensed to proceed in arts, and became eminent for his proficiency in Eastern literature. He began to be a teacher about 1559, and on Sept. 24, 1561, for his extraordinary accomplishments in philology was appointed the first master of Merchant Taylors’ school, then just founded; and he provided the first usher, and divided the boys into forms, &c. In this school he passed nearly twenty-six years; a severe disciplinarian, according to Fuller, but beloved by his pupils when they came to the age of maturity and reflected on the benefit they had derived from his care. Of these, bishop Andrews appears always to have preserved the highest respect for him, had his portrait hung over his study-door, behaved with great liberality to him, and by his will bequeathed a handsome legacy to his son. In April 1594, he was collated to the prebendal-stall of Gatesbury in the cathedral of Sarum; and, in 1596, he resigned the mastership of Merchant Taylors. The company were desirous that he should remain with them; but Fuller has recorded that he gave for answer, Fidelis semus, perpetuus asinus; and it appears from Mr. Wilson’s History that he had at last reason to think himself slighted . With his profession he certainly was not dissatisfied, nor, able to give it up for when he left the Merchant Taylors, he was chosen, in the same year, 1596, upper master of St. Paul’s School, in which office he remained for twelve years, and then retired to the rich rectory of StamfordRivers, in Essex, to which he had been instituted at the presentation of the queen. His retirement might also have been hastened by the loss of an affectionate wife, as well as by the decaying state of his own health; for, two years after putting up a plate with an inscription to her memory, in the church of Stamford, he died April 15, 1611, and was buried in the same church, but without any memorial.