, an ex-jesuit, was born in 1689, and died at Besancon in 1753. He
, an ex-jesuit, was born in
1689, and died at Besancon in 1753. He was the author
of some curious pieces. The first was a collection of
French, Italian, and Spanish proverbs, a scarce little
work in 12mo, Besançon, 1733, and published under the
assumed name of Antoine Dumont, to prevent any unpleasant consequences to the author for some humorous attacks
which it contains on the Jansenists. In 1738, he published under the same name, in Latin, “A treatise on
” but his most considerable work is “Le Precepteur,
” Besançon,
, an ex-jesuit, was born at Brussels Aug. 18, 1735, and became professor
, an ex-jesuit, was born
at Brussels Aug. 18, 1735, and became professor of rhetoric at Liege, Luxemburgh, and Turnau in Hungary, after
which he travelled in Italy, Poland, Austria, and Bohemia.
After the suppression of the society of the Jesuits in 1773,
he took the name of Flexierue Reval, which he exchanged
afterwards for that of Feller, under which he published
at Luxemburgh, from 1774 to 1794, a political and literary journal, entitled “Clef des cabinets,
” in which he is
said to display considerable knowledge, riot unmixed with
bigotry. The profits of this work not being adequate to
his wants, he endeavoured to derive emolument from the
less reputable employment of literary piracy. In this way
he republished Vosgien’s Geographical Dictionary and the
“Dictionnare Historique,
” of which last he published three
editions, with his name, the third a little before his death,
in 8 vols. When he wished to steal the contents of a
book, and make them pass for his own, he generally began
by an attack upon it in his journal, as a work good for nothing. He usually resided at Liege, but when the French
revolution broke out, he went to Maestricht, and afterwards to other places of safety; in 1797 he went to Ratisbon, where he died May 23, 1802. Whatever trutti there
may be in this character of Feller as a compiler, his original works are creditable to his talents. Among these
are: K “Jugement d'un ecrivain protestant touchant le livre
de Justinus Fabronius,
” Leipsic, Lettre,
sur le diner du comte de Boulainvilliers.
” 3. “Examen
critique de THistoire Naturelle de M. de Buffon,
” Internal evidence of
the Christian religion, with notes and observations, which
he published in 1779, under his assumed name of Flexier
de Reval. 5.
” Observations philosophiques sur le systeme de Newton, le mouvement de la terre, et la pluralite
des mondes,“1771 and 1788, in which he attempts to
prove that the motion of the earth has not been demonstrated, and that a plurality of worlds is impossible. La
Lande answered this work. 6.
” Examen impartial des
epoques de la nature de M. de Buffon,“Luxemburgh,
1780, 12mo, and reprinted a fourth time at Maestricht in
1792. 7.
” Catechisme philosophique,“a collection of
remarks in favour of the Christian religion,
” Paris, 1777,
8vo. 8. “Discours sur divers sujets de religion, et de
” Observations sur les rapports
physiques de Phuile avec les flots de la mer,
chia Solipsorum,” is also attributed to him, but was more probably written by Julius Clement Scotti, an ex-Jesuit. On its first appearance it was ascribed to Sciopins,
, a learned German, was born
in 1584 at Vienna. He entered the Jesuits’ society at
Rome 1607, and taught philosophy, mathematics, and
theology, at Messina, where he published a Latin treatise
in 1629, fol. which made much noise, and shows no little
ercdulity. It was reprinted at Viterbo, 1632, fol. In this
work he says that the pretended “Letter from the Blessed
Virgin Mary to the people of Messina
” is genuine; and
he was therefore obliged to go to Rome and clear himself
from the accusation brought against him in consequence of
this work; but it ended in his being only compelled to
change the title of his book, and to make some small
alterations in it. He spent several years at Rome, and died
at Milan, September 28, 1648, leaving a “Treatise on the
Motion of the Earth and Sun,
” De sacra
” 1639,
” Annalium Ecclesiasticorum Regni Hungariae,“torn. 1. fol. This is a valuable work, but has not been
finished. He wrote also the funeral oration of Nicholas
Richard, a Dominican, master of the Sacred P ilace, 4to;
and a satire against the government of the Jesuits, entitled
'< Monarchia Solipsorum,
” is also attributed to him, but
was more probably written by Julius Clement Scotti, an
ex-Jesuit. On its first appearance it was ascribed to Sciopins, but that opinion is now given up. It was, however,
dedicated to Leo Allatius, and was reprinted at Venice,
1652, with Inchofer’s name. Bourgeois, in his account
of the book cwi “Frequent Comm mion,
” page 89, enters
into a large detail respecting Inchofer, and the “Monarchia Solipsorum,
” and as he was at Rome when the work
first came out, and was acquainted with Inchofer, to whom
he ascribes it, his testimony must be allowed to have considerable weight.