, an ingenious member of the academy at Soissons, and that of ^the
, an ingenious member of
the academy at Soissons, and that of ^the Ricovrati at Padua, was born at Soissons of a noble family; and the meetings held at his hoTise gave rise to the academy afterwards
established in that place. He was entrusted with some important commissions by the French court, and wrote a history of the academy of Soissons, in Latin, printed at Montauban, 1688, 8vo. He died 1704. M. Lewis de Hericourt, an eminent advocate at Paris, his grandson, who
died 1753, was author of “Traite
” des Loix Ecclesiastiques,
mises dans leur ordre naturel,“1771,fol. an abridgement
of pere Thomassins’s
” Discipline de PEglise,“with remarks, 4to;
” Traite de la Vente des Immeubles," 4to;
and some posthumous works, 4 vols. 4to.