, an opponent of Luther in the sixteenth century, was a native of
, an opponent of Luther in the sixteenth century, was a native of the circle of Suabia, a
licentiate of the canon law, professor at Leipsic, and secretary and counsellor to George duke of Saxony. When
Luther’s translation of the Bible appeared, it was very
generally read in Germany, and contributed much to advance the reformation. An antidote was therefore necessary, and Emser was fixed upon as the best qualified to
furnish it. This he first attempted by publishing some
notes on Luther’s New Testament, and afterwards, encouraged by the duke and two popish bishops, produced what
Le called “A correct translation
” of the New Testament
into German, which was in fact little more than a transcript of Luther’s labours, with some alterations in favour
of the peculiar tenets of the Romish church; yet the duke
George had such an opinion of this formidable translation,
and of the mischief it would do to the reformed, that as soon
as it was ready to appear (1527), he issued a proclamation
in which he treated Luther and his disciples with the most
virulent language. Emser also entered into controversy
with Luther, on the mass and other subjects which then
formed the basis of the disputes between the popish adherents and the reformed. He died suddenly Nov. 8, 1527,
and his works soon after him, which, indeed, had never
been held in high repute, nor did Luther ever condescend
to answer him.