, nephew of the preceding, and a man of abilities, although not equal to his uncle, was born
, nephew of the preceding,
and a man of abilities, although not equal to his uncle,
was born Jan. 8, 1705, and consequently could not have
been educated by his uncle, as some biographers have asserted. Removing from Rouen to Paris in his thirty-fourth
year, he opened there a public school for architecture,
and acquired so much reputation as to be elected into the
academy in 1755. Appointed afterwards professor, he
carried on his public lectures and private tuition for thirty
years, during which his instructions produced a new sera
in architecture. He likewise wrote all the articles on this
subject in the Encyclopaedia. When attacked with the
disease which proved fatal, he caused himself to be removed to his school in the Louvre, that he might breathe
his last in the place where he had acquired his fame, and
died there, January 9, 1774. His principal buildings are
to be seen at Metx and Strasburgh. His printed works are,
1. “Architecture Francaise,
” Cours
d' Architecture civile,
” 9 vols. 8vo, three of which consist
o? plates only but this work, the second part of which appeared in 1773, is unfortunately imperfect, owing to his
death. 3. “Architecture moderne,
” De la distribution des maisons de plaisance,
” Paris,
Course of Architecture.