, eldest son of the preceding, and a very singular character, was born at Oxford, in 1578, while
, eldest son of the preceding, and
a very singular character, was born at Oxford, in 1578,
while his tather was dean of Christ church; and matricuJated in 1589, when only eleven years of age. He was
the year after admitted student, and by the advantage of
quick parts, and a good tutor, he soon acquired considerable distinction as an orator and disputant. After taking
his degrees in arts, he left England in 1605, for such improvement as travelling could confer, and made himself a
master of some foreign languages. This journey, however,
was much against his father’s inclination, who expressly
forbade his going to Italy, suspecting probably what happened when he broke his word and went to that country,
where he was converted to popery by the celebrated Jesuit
Parsons, to the great grief of his father, who was theu in
so distinguished a station in the church. He himself informs us that the first impressions made upon him arose
from the devout behaviour of the rustics in the churches
abroad, and from being convinced of the reality of the
liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius at Naples; but
that his complete conversion was reserved for father Parsons, who gave him to read Mr. William Reynolds’ s “Reprehension of Dr. Whitaker,
” which he esteemed the most
valuable work on wit and humour he had ever seen. It
affords, however, no very favourable idea of Mr. Matthew’s
conversion, that it was begun by an imposture, and perfected by wit and humour.