, grandson of the preceding, and son of John, the youngest son of sir John Baker by Catherine
, grandson of the preceding, and son of John, the youngest son of sir John Baker by Catherine daughter of sir Reynold Scot of Scot’s hall in Kent, was born at Sissingherst in Kent, about the year 1568. In 1584, he was entered a commoner at Hart-hall in Oxford, where he remained three years, which he spent chiefly in the study of logic and philosophy. From thence he removed to one of the inns of court in London, and afterwards travelled abroad, in order to complete his education. In 1594, he was created master of arts at Oxford and in May 1603, received the honour of knighthood from James I. at Theobalds. In 1620, he was high-sheriff of Oxfordshire, having the manor of Middle-Aston and other estates in that county, and was also in the commission of the peace. He married Margaret, daughter of sir George Manwaring, of Ightfield in Shropshire, knight and having become surety for some of that family’s debts, was thereby reduced to poverty, and thrown into the Fleet prison, where he died Feb. 18, 1645, and was buried in St. Bride’s church, Fleet-street. He was a person tall and comely (says Mr. Wood), of a good disposition and admirable discourse, religious, and well-read in various faculties, especially in divinity and history, as appears from the books he composed.
, a celebrated physician and philosopher, and son of John Bernoulli last mentioned, was born at Groningen
, a celebrated physician and
philosopher, and son of John Bernoulli last mentioned, was
born at Groningen Eeb. the 9th, 1700, where his father
was then professor of mathematics. He was intended by
his father for trade, but his genius led him to other pursuits.
He passed some time in Italy; and at twenty -four years of
age he declined the honour offered Rim of becoming president of an academy intended to have been established at
Genoa. He spent several years with great credit at Petersburgh; and in 1733 returned to Basil, where his father
was then professor of mathematics and here our author
successively filled the chair of physic, of natural and of
speculative philosophy. In his work “Exercitationes Mathematics?,
” Son of John Bernoulli,
” and never would suffer any other
to be added to it. This work was published in Italy, while
he was there on his travels and it classed him in the rank
of inventors. In his work, “Hydrodyriamica,
” published
in 4to at Strasbourg, in