, author of a Dictionary once in much reputation, was born in Northamptonshire
, author of a Dictionary once in much
reputation, was born in Northamptonshire about 1640.
Towards the end of 1658, he was entered of Magdalencollege, in Oxford, but left it without taking a degree;
and retiring to London, taught Latin there to youths, and
English to foreigners, about 1663, with good success in
Russel-street, near Covent-garden, and at length became
one of the ushers in merchant-taylors’ school. But being
there guilty of some offence, he was forced to withdraw
into Ireland, from whence he never returned. He was,
says Wood, a curious and critical person in the English
and Latin tongues, did much good in his profession, and
wrote several useful and necessary books for the instruction of beginners. The titles of them are as follows: 1.
“The Complete English Schoolmaster or, the most natural and easy method of spelling and reading English, according to the present proper pronunciation of the language
in Oxford and London, &c.
” Lond. The
newest, plainest, and shortest Short-hand; containing,
first, a brief account of the short-hand already extant, with their alphabets and fundamental rules. Secondly, a plain and easy method for beginners, less
burdensome to the memory than any other. Thirdly, a v
new invention for contracting words, with special rules for
contracting sentences, and other ingenious fancies, &c.
Lond. Nolens Volens or, you shall
make Latin, whether you will or no; containing the plainest
directions that have been yet given upon that subject,
Lond. The Youth’s
visible Bible, being an alphabetical collection (from the whole Bible) of such general heads as were judged most
capable of Hieroglyphics; illustrated with twenty-four
copper-plates, &c.
” 5. “An English Dictionary, explaining the difficult terms that are used in divinity, husbandry, physic, philosophy, law, navigation, mathematics,
and other arts and sciences,
” Lond. A Dictionary, English-Latin,
and Latin-English; containing all things necessary for the
translating of either language into the other,
” Lond. The most natural and easy Method of
learning Latin, by comparing it with English: Together
with the Holy History of Scripture-War, or the sacred art
military, c.
” Lond. The Harmony of
the Four Evangelists, in a metrical paraphrase on the history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
” Lond. The Young Scholar’s best
Companion: or an exact guide or directory for children
and youth, from the A B C, to the Latin Grammar, comprehending the whole body of the English learning, &c.
Lond. 12mo. Cole’s Dictionary continued to be a schoolbook in very general use, for some time after the publication of Ainswdrth’s Thesaurus. But it has fallen almost
into total neglect, since other abridgments of Ainsworth
have appeared, by Young, Thomas, and other persons.
The men, however, who have been benefactors to the cause
of learning, ought to be remembered with graiitude, though
their writings may happen to be superseded by more perfeet productions. It is no small point of honour to be the
means of paving the way for superior works.