, born at Paris in 1710, was the son of a woodmonger, and originally
, born at Paris
in 1710, was the son of a woodmonger, and originally intended for his father’s trade but nature had given him a
taste for literature, and in order to be able to cultivate it,
he at first embraced the ecclesiastical profession, which
he quitted some time afterwards, and retired to Holland, where he passed ten or fifteen years. He carried
with him from that country charts but little known in
France, which he communicated to M. Bauche, who kept
him with him above twenty-three years, and in whose workshe had the greatest share. In 1759, however, a production appeared under his name. This was “Mappe-monde
” an ingenious and novel chart, in which the
author has had the skill to combine geography, chronology,
and history into one system. He had intended to particularize this general chart in distinct maps but he was forced
to abandon this idea by the necessity he laboured under of
gaining his bread by rapid publications. The world is indebted to him for the “Tablettes Chronologiques
” ofthe
abbe Lenglet, Geographic IVJoderne
” of the abbe la Croix, the substance of which is properly his the two last volumes of the “Bibliotheque de
” of father le Long; and he furnished great assistance to M. de Fontette in the publication of the three
first. We have likewise by him a Description of the empire of Russia, published in German by baron de Strahlemberg, 1757, and translated into French, but this is a very
inaccurate work and “Vie de M. Francois Paris, diacre,