, born at Urbino in the year 1553, was made abbot of Guastalla in 1586,
, born at Urbino in
the year 1553, was made abbot of Guastalla in 1586, without any solicitation of his own. He began his studies with
the mechanics of Aristotle, and a course of history he
had also made verses but, on being appointed abbot, he
applied himself entirely to the canon law, the fathers, the
councils, and to the oriental languages. He died in 1617,
with the reputation of a very laborious man, who understood sixteen several languages. We have by him a great
number of tracts on mechanics, as “De tormentis bellicis
et eorum inventoribus;
” “Commentaria in mechanica
” De Verborum Vitruvianorum significatione.
” “Novæ Gnomonices, lib. V.
” Vitæ
Mathematicorum, &c.
” Some of these are to be seen in
the Vitruvius of Amsterdam, 1649, folio. “Versi e Prose,