, born in 1497, at Paris, of a noble family, studied at the college
, born in 1497, at Paris, of a noble
family, studied at the college of Navarre, and was the
pupil of Budeus and of John Lascaris. Being appointed
by Francis I. to open the Greek school at the college-royal,
he was professor there for five years, and had scholars that
afterwards signalized themselves. He next became preceptor and confessor to the dauphin, afterwards Francis If.
He was sent to the council of Trent, where he delivered a
very celebrated speech in 1546, which was afterwards published; and during the session of this council he was made
bishop of Lavaur. Sponde and de Thou have handed down
to us an ingenious answer of this prelate. Nicholas
Pseaume, bishop of Verdun, speaking very freely one day
in the council, the bishop of Orvietta looking at the
French, said to them with a sarcastic smile, “Gallus cantat,
” (the cock crows), “Utinam,
” replied Danes, “ad
istud Gallicinium Petrus resipisceret!
” (I wish that Peter would repent at this cock’s crowing.) This prelate died at
Paris the 23d of April, 1577, at the age of 80. He had
been married. When news was brought him of the death
of his only son, he retired for a moment into his closet;
and, on rejoining the company, “Let us be comforted,
said he, “the poor have gained their cause,
” alluding to
his being wont to distribute a part of his revenues among
the poor, which he now thought he might increase. With
the erudition of a true scholar he had the talent of speaking
well, integrity of character, and a great simplicity of manners. His custom was to write much, and almost always
to conceal his name. It has been suspected by some
critics that the tenth book of the history of France, by
Paulus Æmilius, is his. At least it was Danes who sent it
from Venice to the printer Vascosan. His “Opuscula
were collected and printed in Disquisitiones Pliniani,
” is to be found amongour author’s
” This edition is so rare on the continent that
Rezzonicus was able to find only two copies of it in Spain,
and not a single one in Italy; and Ernesti pronounces it
as valuable as it is rare.
, a very eminent Portuguese mathematician and physician, was born in 1497, at Alcazar in Portugal, anciently a remarkable city,
, a very eminent Portuguese mathematician and physician, was born in 1497, at
Alcazar in Portugal, anciently a remarkable city, known
by the name of Salacia, from whence he was surnamed
Salaciensis. He was professor of mathematics in the university of Cojmbra, where he published some pieces which
procured him great reputation. He was mathematical
preceptor to Don Henry, son to king Emanuel of Portugal,
and principal cosmographer to the king. Nonius was very
serviceable to the designs which this court entertained of
carrying on their maritime expeditions into the East, by
the publication of his book “Of the Art of Navigation,
and various other works. He died in