vivers of the learned languages in England, was descended from a good family in Buckinghamshire, and born in 1516. He was educated at Eton school, under Dr. Richard Cox,
, an eminent scholar, and one
of the revivers of the learned languages in England, was
descended from a good family in Buckinghamshire, and
born in 1516. He was educated at Eton school, under
Dr. Richard Cox, afterwards bishop of Ely, and was thence
elected to King’s college, in Cambridge; where he greatly
distinguished himself by his parts and learning, and particularly by writing Latin in an elegant, but, as Mr. Warton thinks, not a very pure style. He studied also the civil
law, of which he became doctor; and read public lectures
in it in 1547, and the two years following, and was so much
approved, that upon a vacancy in the professor’s chair in
1550, the university employed the celebrated Ascham to
write to king Edward VI. in his favour. He was accordingly appointed professor, and was also for some time professor of rhetoric and orator of the university. During
king Edward’s reign, he was one of the most illustrious
promoters of the reformation; and therefore, upon the
deprivation of Gardiner, was thought a proper person to
succeed him in the mastership of Trinity-hall. In September 1552, through the earnest recommendation of the
court, though not qualified according to the statutes, he
was chosen president of Magdalen college in Oxford; but,
in October 1553, upon the accession of queen Mary, he
quitted the president’s place for fear of being expelled, or
perhaps worse used, at Gardiner’s visitation of the said
college. He is supposed to have lain concealed in England all this reign; but, on the accession of Elizabeth, was
ordered by the privy council to repair to her majesty at
Hatfield in Hertfordshire, and soon after was constituted
by her one of the masters of the court of requests. Archbishop Parker also made him judge of his prerogative-court. In the royal visitation of the university of Cambridge, performed in the beginning of Elizabeth’s reign,
he was one of her majesty’s commissioners, as appears by
the speech he then made, printed among his works. In
1566 he was one of the three agents sent to Bruges to restore commerce between England and the Netherlands
upon the ancient terms. He died Jan. 21, 1571-2, and
was buried in Christ Church, London, where a monument
was erected to his memory, but was destroyed in the great
fire of London. He was engaged, with sir John Cheke,
in turning into Latin and drawing up that useful code of
ecclesiastical law, published in 1571, by the learned John
Fox, under this title, “Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum,
” in 4to. He published, in Admonitio ad
Elizabetham reginam Angliæ,
” in which the English nation, and the reformation of the church, were treated in a
scurrilous manner. His other works were collected and
published in 1567, 4to, under the title of “Lucubrationes.
” This collection contains ten Latin orations, fourteen letters, besides the above-mentioned to Osorio; and
also poems. Several of his original letters are in the Harleian collection; and his poems, “Poemata,
” containing a
great number of metrical epitaphs, were separately published with his life in 1576. Many of our writers speak in
high terms of Haddon, and not without reason; for, through,
every part of his writings, his piety appears equal to his
learning. When queen Elizabeth was asked whether she
preferred him or Buchanan? she replied, “Buchananum
omnibus antepono, Haddonum nemini postpono.
, a learned Frenchman, and noted commentator upon the classics, was born in 1516 at Montrevil in Picardy. Applying himself with indefatigable
, a learned Frenchman, and noted commentator upon the classics, was born in 1516 at Montrevil in Picardy. Applying himself with indefatigable industry to polite literature, he made an extraordinary progress, especially in the critical knowledge of the classic authors. After some time he was taken into the retinue of cardinal Francis de Tournon, whom he attended into Italy, where he continued several years. On his return to Paris, he was made king’s professor of the belles lettres, which he had taught before at Amiens. He published commentaries upon Piautus, Lucretius, Cicero, and Horace; he translated, into Latin, Aristotle’s morals and politics, and several pieces of Demosthenes and Æschines. He died in 1572, of grief, for the loss of his friend Peter Ramus, who perished in the massacre of the protestants on the infamous vespers of St. Bartholomew. Lambin was not without apprehensions of suffering the same fate, notwithstanding he was otherwise a good catholic. He was married to a gentlewoman of the Ursin family, by whom he had a son, who survived him, and published some of his posthumous works.
, or Dumas, born in 1516, at Linnich, near Brussels, was one of the most learned
, or Dumas, born in 1516, at Linnich, near Brussels, was one of the most learned men of
the sixteenth century. He was secretary to John de Weze,
bishop of Constance, after whose death he was sent as an
agent to Rome. He married at Cleves in 1558, and was
appointed counsellor to William duke of Cleves. He died
in April 1573. He was a master of the ancient and oriental
languages to such a degree, that Sebastian Minister said
he seemed to have been brought up in ancient Rome, or
ancient Jerusalem. He produced, 1. “A Collection of
various pieces, ancient and modern, translated from the
” Antwerp, Syrorum Peculium,
” Grammatica Linguae
” A Commentary on the Book of
” Antwerp, Critical Disquisition
” on this work in Disputatio de Ccena
” Antwerp,