, younger brother of the preceding, born in I 587, at Geneva, was also a very learned lawyer, and rose
, younger brother of the preceding,
born in I 587, at Geneva, was also a very learned lawyer,
and rose to the highest posts in that republic. He was
five times syndic, and died there 1652. He left several
works much esteemed; the following are the principal
ones: I. “Opuscula varia, juridica, politica, historica,
” 4to. 2. “Fontes Juris civilis; de diversis Regulis Juris,
” De famosis latronibus investigandis de jure praecedentiae de Salario animadversiones Juris civilis. De suburbicariis Regionibus de
statu Paganorum sub Imperatoribus Christianis. Fragmenta Legum Juliae et Papioe collecta, et notis illustrata.
Codex Theodosianus,
” Veteris
orbis descriptio Gracci Scriptoris, sub Constantio et Constante Imperantibus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis,
” 4to. 5. “De
Cenotaphio; de Dominio seu imperio marls et jure naufragii colligendi.
” 6. Commentaries and Notes on several
Orations of Libanius. 7. “L'Hist. Ecclesiastique de Philostorge, avec un Appendix.
” 8. “Les Mercure Jesuite,
ou Recueil des pieces concernant les Jesuites,