, canon and theologal of Seez, the son of John le Noir, counsellor to
, canon and theologal of Seez, the son
of John le Noir, counsellor to the presidial of Alenon,
was a celebrated preacher at Paris, and in the provinces,
about the middle of the seventeenth century; but, having
had a quarrel afterwards with M. de Mendavi, his bishop,
in consequence of the boldness with which he censured
not only the doctrine, but the conduct of his superiors,
he was banished in 1663, confined in the Bastille in 1683,
and condemned April 24, 1684, to make amende honorable
before the metropolitan church at Paris, and to the gallies
for life. This punishment, however, being changed to
perpetual imprisonment, M. le Noir was afterwards carried
to St. Malo, then to the prisons of Brest, and, lastly, to
those of Nantes, where he died April 22, 1692, leaving
several works, which are curious, but full of intemperate
abuse. The principal are, A collection of his Requests
and Factums, folio; a translation of “L'Echelle du Clottre
” “Les Avantages incontestable de PEglise sur les
” 8vo “L‘Herésie de la Domination Episcopate
qu’on etablit en France,
” 12mo “Les nouvelles Lumieres
politiques pour le Gouvernement de l'Eglise, ou TEvangile
nouveau du cardinal Palavicini dans son Histoiredu Concile
de Trente,
” Holl.