ation abstracted from two anonymous pamphlets, the one entitled Jus sacrum the other. Memoirs of the chevalier de St. George; with memoirs of two other chevaliers in the reign
In the year 1698, Mr. Asgill published a treatise on the
possibility of avoiding death, intitled “An argument,
proving that, according to the covenant of eternal life,
revealed in the scriptures, man may be translated from
hence into that eternal life without passing through death,
although the human nature of Christ himself could not
thus be translated till he had passed through death,
” printed
originally in De jure
divino; or, an assertion, that the title of the house of
Hanover to the succession of the British monarchy (on failure of issue of her present majesty), is a title hereditary, and of divine institution,
” Defence on his Expulsion to which is added, an Introduction and Postscript,
” Mr. Asgill’s Apology for an omission in his late publication, in which are contained summaries of all the acts
made for strengthening the protestant succession.
” 3. a The
Pretender’s declaration abstracted from two anonymous
pamphlets, the one entitled Jus sacrum the other. Memoirs of the chevalier de St. George; with memoirs of two
other chevaliers in the reign of Henry VII.“1713, 8vo.
” The succession of the house of Hanover vindicated,
against the Pretender’s second declaration, in folio, entitled, The hereditary right of the crown of England asserted, &c.“1714, 8vo. This was in answer to Mr. Bedford’s
famous book. 5.
” The Pretender’s declaration from
Plombiers, 1714, Englished; with a postscript before it
in relation to Dr. Lesley’s letter sent after it,“1715, 8vo.
Besides these, hewrotean
” Essay for the Press,“the
” Metamorphoses of Man,“”A question upon Divorce,“1717,
” A treatise against Woolston," and several other pieces.
, chevalier de St. Lazare, member of a great number of academies, and a
, chevalier de
St. Lazare, member of a great number of academies, and
a celebrated traveller, was born at Paris in 1701. He began his journey to the east very young; and after having
coasted along the shores of Africa and Asia in the
Mediterranean, he was chosen, in 1736, to accompany M. Godin
to Peru, for the purpose of determining the figure of the
earth at the equator. The difficulties and dangers he surmounted in this expedition are almost incredible; and at
one time he had nearly perished by the imprudence of one
of his companions, M. Seniergues, whose arrogance had
so much irritated the inhabitants of New Cuenca, that they
rose tumultuously against the travellers; but, fortunately
for the rest, the offender was the only victim. On his return home, la Condamine visited Rome, where pope Benedict XIV. made him a present of his portrait, and granted
him a dispensation to marry one of his nieces, which he
accordingly did, at the age of fifty-five. By his great
equanimity of temper, and his lively and amiable disposition, he was the delight of all that knew him. Such was
his gaiety or thoughtlessness, that two days before his death
he made a couplet on the surgical operation that carried
him to the grave; and, after having recited this couplet to
a friend that came to see him, “You must now leave me,
added he, “1 have two letters to write to Spain; probably,
by next post it will be too late.
” La Condamine had the
art of pleasing the learned by the concern he shewed in
advancing their interests, and the ignorant by the talent of
persuading them that they understood what he said. Even
the men of fashion sought his company, as he was full of
anecdotes and singular observations, adapted to amuse their
frivolous curiosity. He was, however, himself apt to lay
too much stress on trifles; and his inquisitiveness, as is often
the case with travellers, betrayed him into imprudencies.
Eager after fame, he loved to multiply his correspondences
and intercourse; and there were few men of any note with
whom he had not intimacies or disputes, and scarcely any
journal in which he did not write. Replying to every critic, and flattered with every species of praise, he despised
no opinion of him, though given by the most contemptible
scribbler. Such, at least, is the picture of him, drawn by
the marquis de Condorcet in his eloge. Among his most
ingenious and valuable pieces are the following 1 “Distance of the tropics,
” London, Extract of observations made on a voyage to the river of the Amazons,
Brief relation of a voyage to the interior of
South America,
” 8vo. Journal of the voyage
jnade by order of the king to the equator; with the supplement,
” 2 vols. 4to. 1751, 1752. 5. On the
Inoculation of the Small-pox,“12mo, 1754. 6.
” A letter on Education,“8vo. 7.
” A second paper on the Inoculation of
the Small pox,“1759. 8.
” Travels through Italy,“1762,
12mo. These last three were translated and published
here. 9.
” Measure of the three first degrees of the meridian in the southern hemisphere,“1751, 4to. The style
of the different works of la Condamine is simple and negligent; but it is strewed with agreeable and lively strokes
that secure to him readers. Poetry was also one of the talents of our ingenious academician; his productions of this
sort were, <e Vers de societe,
” of the humorous kind, and
pieces of a loftier style, as the Dispute for the armour of
Achilles and others, translated from the Latin poets; the
Epistle from an old man, &c. He died the 4th of February 1774, in consequence of an operation for the cure
of a hernia, with which he had been afflicted.
, chevalier de St. Michel, composer to the king of France, and to l'Academic
, chevalier de St. Michel, composer to the king of France, and to l'Academic Royale de
la Musique, or serious opera at Paris, was born at Dijon in
1683, He went early in his life to Italy, and at his return was appointed organist at Clermout en Auvergne,
where his “Traite
” de la Musique“was written, in 1722.
He was afterwards elected organist of St. Croix de la Bretonnerie at Paris. Here his time was chiefly employed in
teaching; however, he published harpsichord lessons, and
several other theoretical works, without distinguishing himself much as a vocal composer, till 1733, when, at fifty
years of age, he produced his first opera of
” Hippolite et
Aricie." The music of this drama excited professional
envy and national discord. Party rage was now as violent
between the admirers of Lulli and Rameau, as in England
between the friends of Bononcini and Handel, or, in modern times, at Paris, between the Gluckists and the Piccinists. When the French, during the last century, were
so contented with the music of Lulli, it was nearly as good
as that of other countries, and better patronized and supported by the most splendid prince in Europe. But this
nation, so frequently accused of more volatility and caprice
than their neighbours, have manifested a steady persevering constancy in their music, which the strongest ridicule and contempt of other nations could never vanquish.
e de Turenne, was made knight of the order of St. Lazarus; and afterwards was invited to Rome by the chevalier de St. George, styled there James III. king of Great Britain,
The subsequent course of his life received its direction from his friendship and connections with this prelate. Feiielon had been preceptor to the duke of Burgundy, heirapparent, after the death of his father the dauphin, to the crown of France; yet neither of them came to the possession of it, being survived by Lewis XIV. who was succeeded by his great grandson, son to the duke of Burgundy, and now Lewis XV. Ramsay, having been first governor to the duke de Charteau-Thiery and the prince de Turenne, was made knight of the order of St. Lazarus; and afterwards was invited to Rome by the chevalier de St. George, styled there James III. king of Great Britain, to take the charge of educating his children. He went accordingly to that court in 1724; but the intrigues and dissentions, which he found on his arrival there, gave him so much uneasiness, that, with the Pretender’s leave, he presently returned to Paris. Thence he returned to Scotland, and was kindly received by the duke of Argyle and Greenwich; in whose family he resided some years, and employed his leisure there in writing several of his works. In 1730 he had the degree of doctor of law conferred on him at Oxford, being admitted for this purpose of St. Mary hall in April of that year, and presented to his degree by the celebrated tory Dr. King, the principal of that house. After his return to France, he resided some time at Pontoise, a seat of the prince de Turenne, duke de Bouillon with whom he continued in the post of intendant till his death, May 6, 1743, at St. Germaiu-en-Laie, where his body was interred; but his heart was deposited in the nunnery of St. Sacrament at Paris.
arquis was at Lyons, he took a very strange step, little expected from him. He wrote a letter to the chevalier de St. George, then residing at Avignon, to whom he presented
When the marquis was at Lyons, he took a very strange step, little expected from him. He wrote a letter to the chevalier de St. George, then residing at Avignon, to whom he presented a very fine stone-horse. Upon receiving this present, the chevalier sent a man of quality to the marquis, who carried him privately to his court, where he was received with the greatest marks of esteem, and had the title of duke of Northumberland conferred upon him. He remained there, however, but one day; and then returned post to Lyons, whence he set out for Paris. He likewise made a visit to the queen-dowager of England, consort to James II. then residing at St. Germain*, to whom he paid his court, pursuing the same rash measures as at Avignon. It was reported that he told the queen he was resolved to atone by his own services for the faults of his family, and would exert all his endeavours to subvert the Hanover suecession, and promote the interest of the exiled prince; but as he complained that being underage, and kept out of his estate, he wanted money to carry on the design, the dowager-queen, though poor, pawned her jewels to raise him 2000l. We shall afterwards find that the chevalier accommodated him with the same sum long after the dowager’s death.
eary of this, and set his heart on Rome. In consequence of this resolution, he wrote a letter to the chevalier de St. George, full of respect and submission, expressing a
Accordingly, he quitted Rome, and went by sea to Barcelona; and then resolved upon a new scene of life, which few expected he would ever have engaged in. He wrote a letter to the king of Spain, acquainting him, that he would assist at the siege of Gibraltar as a volunteer. The king thanked him for the honour, and accepted his service: but he soon grew weary of this, and set his heart on Rome. In consequence of this resolution, he wrote a letter to the chevalier de St. George, full of respect and submission, expressing a desire of visiting his court; but the chevalier returned for answer, that he thought it more advisable for his grace to draw near England. The duke seemed resolved to follow his advice, set out for France in company with his duchess, and, attended by two or three servants, arrived at Paris in May 1728. Here he made little stay, but proceeded to Rouen, in his way, as some imagined, for England; but he stopped, and took up his residence at Rouen, without reflecting the least on the business that brought him to France. He was so far from making any concession to the government, in order to make his peace, that he did not give himself the least trouble about his personal estate, or any other concern in England. The duke had about 600l. in his possession when he arrived at Rouen, where more of his servants joined him from Spain. A bill of indictment was about this time preferred against him in England for high treason. The chevalier soon after sent him 2000l. for his support, of which he was no sooner in possession than he squandered it away. Asa long journey did not well suit with his grace’s finances, he went for Orleans; thence fell down the river Loire to Nantz, in Britany; and there he stopt some time, till he got a remittance from Paris, which was dispersed almost as soon as received. At Nantz some of his ragged servants rejoined him, and he took shipping with them for Bilboa, as if he had been carrying recruits to the Spanish regiments. PYorn Biiboa he wrote a humorous letter to a friend at Paris, giving a whimsical account of his voyage, and his manner of passing his time. The queen of Spain took the duchess to attend her person.