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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

clock and watch maker, the most ingenious and accurate artist in his

, clock and watch maker, the most ingenious and accurate artist in his time, was born at Horsgills, in the parish of Kirklinton in Cumberland, in 1675. In 1688 he came up to London, and was put apprentice to a person in that profession; but after being some time with his master, he was received, purely on account of his merit, into the family of the celebrated Mr. Tompion, who treated him with a kind of parental affection as long as he lived. That Mr. Graham was/ without competition, the most eminent of his profession, is but a small part of his character he was the best general mechanic of his time, and had a complete knowledge of practical astronomy so that he not only gave to various movements for measuring time a degree of perfection which had never before been attained, but invented several astronomical instruments, by which considerable advances have been made in that science he also made great improvements in those which had before been in use and, by a wonderful manual dexterity, constructed them with greater precision and accuracy than any other person in the world.