, commonly called Cousin Jaques, a very eccentric French writer, was born
, commonly called
Cousin Jaques, a very eccentric French writer, was born
at Laon Nov. 6, 1757. From his eighteenth to his twentysecond year, he taught rhetoric and the belles iettres in
several colleges, and came to Paris in 1770, where he was
made a member of the Musee and of the Lyceum of arts.
He was also a member of the academy of Bretagne, and of
many other learn'ed societies, all which seem to indicate
reputation and talents. The former he employed every
means to acquire, but appears in general to have been more
ambitious of temporary than lasting fame, and thought
himself very successful when he puzzled the wits of Paris
with the strange titles of his publications. In 1799 he
began to publish, in a periodical form, what he called
“Dictionnaire des hommes et des choses,
” which his
biographer styles a whimsical work, without informing us in
what respect. Something political seems to have entered
into its composition, as after he had published several
numbers, it was suppressed by the police. He tried his
talents likewise on the theatre; and if success be a proof
of merit, had no reason to complain. His plays were,
1. “Les ailes de l'amour,
” which was performed at three
theatres. 2. “Le club des bonnes gens,
” played Histoire universelle,
” a comic opera, played 87 times at
Feydau in 1790 and 1791. 4. “Nicodeme dans la Lune,
represented La petite Nanette,
” &c.
and other operas, which were all successful, and of which
he also composed the music, in an easy and agreeable