, counsellor and secretary to the French king, was born at Paris, 1580. Having
, counsellor and secretary to
the French king, was born at Paris, 1580. Having excellent parts, and a strong bent to letters, he made a great
progress; and, as soon as he left the college, applying
himself to the study of the councils and ecclesiastical history, he published the “Code of Canons of the Church
universal, and the Councils of Africa, with notes.
” He
held a literary correspondence with the most learned men
of his time, as Usher, Salmasius, Blondel, sirHenry
Spelman, and others, till his death, which happened at
Paris in 1649. He had the character of knowing more of
the middle ages than any of his time. Besides the code
already mentioned, he published, in 1645, “The Genealogical History of the House of Auvergne;
” and several
collections of Greek and Latin canons, from Mss. which
formed the.“Bibliotheca juris canonici veteris,
” published
at Paris in