, de Saint Sorlin, was a man of getiius, and a favourite of cardinal
, de Saint Sorlin, was a man of
getiius, and a favourite of cardinal Richelieu, who used to
receive him at his retired hours, and unbend his mind by
conversing with him upon gay and delicate subjects. On.
this account, and because he assisted the cardinal in the
tragedies he composed, Bayle used to say, that “he possessed an employment of genius under his eminence;
which in French is a pun, as genie means genius and engineers/lip. He was born at Paris in 1595. He has left
us himself a picture of his morals, which is by no means
advantageous; for he owns that, in order to triumph over
the virtue of such women as objected to him the interest
of their salvation, he made no scruple to lead them into
atheistical principles. “I ought,
” says he, “to weep tears
of blood, considering the bad use I have made of my address among the ladies; for I have used nothing but specious falsehoods, malicious subtleties, and infamous treacheries, endeavouring to ruin the souls of those I pretended to love. I studied artful speeches to shake, blind,
and seduce them; and strove to persuade them, that vice
was virtue, or at least a thing natural and indifferent.
Marets at length became a visionary and fanatic; dealt in
nothing but inward lights and revelations; and promised
the king of France, upon the strength of some prophecies,
whose meaning be tells us was imparted to him from above,
that he should have the honour of overthrowing the Mahometan empire. “This valiant prince,
” says he, “shall
destroy and expel from their dominions impiety and heresy,
and reform the ecclesiastics, the courts of justice, and the
finances. After this, in common agreement with the king
of Spain, he shall summon together all the princes of
Europe, with the pope, in order to re-unite all the Christians to the true and only catholic religion. After all the
heretics are re-united to the holy see, the king, as’eldest
son of the chu/ch, shall be declared generalissimo of all
the Christians, and, with the joint forces of Christendom,
shall destroy by sea and land the Turkish enapire, and law
of Mahomet, and propagate the faith and dominion of Jesus Christ over the whole earth:
” that is to say, over Persia,
the empire of the great mogul, Tartary, and China.