, duchess of Newcastle, and second wife of the preceding, was born at
, duchess of Newcastle, and second wife of the preceding, was born at St. John’s, near Colchester in Essex, about the latter end of the reign of James I. Her father, of whom she was the youngest daughter, was sir Charles Lucas, a gentleman of a very ancient and honourable family, and who was himself a man of great spirit and fortune. Dying young, he left the care of his children to his widow, a lady of exquisite beauty and admirable accomplishments, who took upon herself the education of her daughters, and instructed them in needlework, dancing, music, the French tongue, and other things that were proper for women of fashion. As, however, she had from her infancy an inclination for literature, and spent much of her time in study and writing, her biographers have lamented that she had not the advantage of an acquaintance with the learned languages, which might have improved her judgment, and have been of infinite service to her in the numerous productions of her pen. In 1643 she obtained permission from her mother to go to Oxford, where the court then resided, and where she could not fail of meeting with a favourable reception, on account of the distinguished loyalty of her family, as well as of her own accomplishments. Accordingly, she was appointed one of the maids of honour to Henrietta Maria, the royal consort of Charles I.; and in that capacity accompanied her majesty to France, when the queen was obliged by the civil war to quit England. At Paris Miss Lucas first saw the marquis of Newcastle, then a widower, who admiring her person, disposition, and ingenuity, was married to her at that place, in 1645. The marquis had heard of the lady’s character before he met with her in France; for having been a friend and patron of her gallant brother lord Lucas, he took occasion one day to ask his lordship in what respect he could promote his interest. To this his lordship replied, that he was not solicitous about his own affairs, as being prepared to suffer either exile or death in the royal cause; but that he was chiefly concerned for his sister, on whom he could bestow no fortune, and whose beauty exposed her to danger. At the same time, he represented her other amiable qualities in so striking a light, as raised the marquis’s curiosity to see her. After their marriage, the marquis and marchioness of Newcastle went from Paris to Rotterdam, where they resided six months, and from that to Antwerp, which they fixed upon as the place of their residence during the time of their exile. In this city they enjoyed as quiet and pleasant a retirement as their ruined fortunes would permit. Though the marquis had much respect paid him by all men, as well foreigners as those of his own country, he principally confined himself to the society of his lady, who, both by her writings and her conversation, proved a most agreeable companion to him during his melancholy recess. The exigency of their affairs obliged the marchioness once to come over to England. Her view was to obtain some of the marquis’s rents, in order to supply their pressing necessities, and pay the debts they had contracted; but she could not procure a grant from the rulers of those times, to receive one penny out of her noble husband’s vast inheritance: and had it not been for the seasonable generosity of sir Charles Cavendish, she and her lord must have been exposed to extreme poverty. At length, however, having obtained a considerable sum from her own and the marquis’s relations, she returned to Antwerp, where she continued with him till the restoration, and employed herself in writing several of her works.
ure. They were probably dazzled, and almost blinded by the high rank and solemn pomp of the duke and duchess of Newcastle. Absurd, however, as were her grace’s pretensions
But though the duchess’s literary character and works are now treated with general disregard, this was by no means the case during her own life. The most extravagant compliments were paid her not only by persons whose applauses might be deemed of little estimation, but by learned bodies, and by men of great eminence in literature. They were probably dazzled, and almost blinded by the high rank and solemn pomp of the duke and duchess of Newcastle. Absurd, however, as were her grace’s pretensions to philosophical knowledge, and extravagant as are her other compositions, it cannot, we apprehend, be denied that she had considerable powers of imagination and invention; and if her fancy had been enriched by information, restrained by judgment, and regulated by correctness of taste, she might probably have risen to considerable excellence. A very elegant writer in the Connoisseur has paid a much higher compliment to her genius and poetical merit than has been customary with modern authors, insinuating that even Milton might have borrowed from her. The duchess of Newcastle departed this life at London, in the close of 1673, and was buried in Westminster-abbey, on the 7th of January, 1673-4. Her person is reported to have been very graceful. With regard to her character, her temper was naturally reserved; so tha$ she seldom said much in company, and especially among strangers. In her studies, contemplations, and writings, she was most indefatigable. She was truly pious, charitable, and generous very kind to her servants an excellent Œconomist and a complete pattern of conjugal affection and duty. It hath been thought surprising, that she who devoted her time so greatly to writing, cuuld acquit herself with so much propriety in the several duties and relations of life.
lio volume was printed containing “letters and poems in honour of the incomparable princess Margaret duchess of Newcastle.” These, says Mr. Park, consist of such inflated
The following is a list of her works, almost all of which
are now very scarce, and in considerable demand by the
collectors of literary curiosities: 1. “The World’s Olio,
Lond. Nature Picture, drawn by
fancy’s pencil to the life. In this volume there are several feigned stories of natural descriptions, as comical,
tragical, and tragicomical, poetical, romancical, philosophical, and historical, both in prose and verse, some all
verse, some all prose, some mixt, partly prose and partly
verse. Also there are some morals, and some dialogues;
but they are as the advantage loaf of bread to the baker.'s
dozen, and a true story at the latter end, wherein there is
no feigning,
” London, Orations of
divers sorts, accommodated to divers places,
” Lond. Plays,
” Lond. Philosophical and
Physical Opinions,
” Lond. Observations
upon Experimental Philosophy: to which is added, the
Description of a new World,
” Lond. Philosophical Letters or Modest
Reflections upon some opinions in Natural Philosophy,
maintained by several famous and learned authors of this
age, expressed by way of letters,
” Lond. Poems and Phancies,
” Lond. CCXI Sociable Letters,
” Lond. 1664, fol. 10. “The
Life of the thrice noble, high, and puissant Prince William Cavendishe, duke, marquiss, and earl of Newcastle,
” Lond. De Vita & rebus
gestis nobilissimi illustrissimique Principis Gulielmi, Ducis Novo-Castrensis, commentarii: Ab excellentissima
principe Margareta, ipsius Uxore sanctissima conscripti,
et ex Anglico in Latinum conversi,
” Lond. Plays, never before printed,
” Lond. The unnatural Tragedy,
” is a
whole scene written against Camden’s Britannia! Three
more volumes in folio, of her poems, are preserved in manuscript, which Gibber says were once in the possession of
Mr. Thomas Richardson and bishop Willis. In 1676, a
folio volume was printed containing “letters and poems in
honour of the incomparable princess Margaret duchess of
” These, says Mr. Park, consist of such inflated eulogies on her grace’s parts, from the rector magnificus of Leyden, and the academical caputof Cambridge,
to the puffs of Tom Shadwell, that it must have been
enough to turn any brain previously diseased with a
cacocthes scribendi.
cted. His comedy, called “Damoiselles a la mode,” was printed in 1667, and addressed to the duke and duchess of Newcastle; the author had designed it for the theatre, and
, an English poet and dramatic
writer in the reign of Charles II. whose productions, although not without some proportion of merit, would not
have preserved his name so long as the satire of Dryden,
entitled “Mac Flecnoe,
” is said to have been originally a
Jesuit, and to have had connections with some persons of
high distinction in London, who were of the Roman catholic persuasion. What was the cause of Dryden’s aversion
is not determined. Some have said that when the revolution was completed, Dryden, having some time before
turned papist, became disqualified for holding his place of
poet-laurcat. It was accordingly taken from him, and
conferred on Flecknoe, a man to whom Dryden is said to
have had already a confirmed aversion; and this produced
the famous satire, called from him Mac Flecknoe, one of
the most spirited and amusing of Dryden' s poems; and,
in some degree, the model of the Dunciad. That this is a
spirited poem is as certain, as that all the preceding account from Cihber and his copiers is ridiculous. Shadwell
was the successor of Dryden, as laureat, and in this poem
is ridiculed as the poetical son of Flecknoe. However con.temptibly Dryden treated Flecknoe, the latter at one time
wrote an epigram in his praise, which, with his religion,
might have conciliated both Dryden and Pope. Perhaps
Dryden, says a modern critic, was offended at his invectives against the obscenity of the stage, knowing how much
he had contributed to it. Be this as it may, Flecknoe himself wrote some plays, but not more than one of them was
acted. His comedy, called “Damoiselles a la mode,
” was
printed in For the acting this comedy,
those who have the government of the stage have their
humours, and would.be in treated and I have mine, and
won't intreat them and were all dramatic writers of my
mind, tljeyshould wear their old plays thread-bare, ere
they should have any new,till they better understood
their own interest, and how todistinguish between good
*nd bad.
hich was added, 8. “A seasonable Defence of Preaching, -and the plain way of it.” 9. “Letters to the Duchess of Newcastle.” 10. Three single Sermons, besides four printed
He published a great number of tracts besides what have
been mentioned. Among which are, 1. “A Blow at Modern Sadducism,
” &c. A
Relation of the fancied Disturbances at the house of Mr.
” as also, 3. “Reflections on Drollery and
” 4. “Palpable Evidence of Spirits and Witchcraft,
” &c. A Whip for the Droll Fidler to
the Atheist,
” Essays on several important
subjects in Philosophy and Religion,
” An
Essuy concerning Preaching,
” A seasonable Defence of Preaching, -and the
plain way of it.
” 9. “Letters to the Duchess of Newcastle.
” 10. Three single Sermons, besides four printed
together, under the title of “Seasonable Reflections and
Discourses, in order to the Conviction and Cure of the
scoffing Infidelity of a degenerate age.
” As he had a
lively imagination, and a flowing style, these came from
him very easily, and he continued the exercise of his pen
to the last; the press having scarcely finished his piece
entitled “The zealous and impartial Protestant,
” &c. Some Discourses, Sermons, and Remains,
Greene had the honour, early in life, to teach the duchess of Newcastle, which, joined to his professional merit, and the
Greene had the honour, early in life, to teach the duchess of Newcastle, which, joined to his professional merit, and the propriety of his conduct, was the foundation of his favour with the prime minister and the nobility. In 1730, when the duke of Newcastle was installed chancellor of the university of Cambridge, he was appointed to set the ode, and then not only obtained his doctor’s degree, but, on the death of Dr. Tudway, he was honoured with the title of professor of music in that university. As an exercise for his degree, he set Pope’s ode for St. Cecilia’s day; having first had interest sufficient to prevail on the author to make new arrangements in the poem to render it more fit for music, and even to add an entire new stanza, between the second and third, which had never appeared in any of the printed editions.
published his 1 Essay on Civil Government;“in 1730 his poem entitled” Mount Caburn,“dedicated to the duchess of Newcastle, in which he celebrates the beauties of his native
When lord Hardwicke was called up to the house of
lords in 1734, he was chosen to succeed him in representing the borough of Seatbrd in the Commons; and he
represented this borough for the remainder of his life. He
defended the measures of sir Robert Walpole in general,
but was far from being subservient or indiscriminate in his
approbation of public measures. In 1728 he published his
1 Essay on Civil Government;“in 1730 his poem entitled
” Mount Caburn,“dedicated to the duchess of Newcastle,
in which he celebrates the beauties of his native country,
and the virtues of his friends. In 1735 he published
” Remarks on the Laws relative to the Poor, with proposals for
their better relief and employment; and at the same time
brought in a bill for the purpose. He made another attempt of this kind, but without effect. In May 1738, he
was appointed a commissioner of the victualling-office. In
1753 appeared “Religio Philosophi; or, the principles
of morality and Christianity, illustrated from a view of che
universe, and of man’s situation in it.
” This was followed,
in Essay on Deformity;
” in which he rallies
his own imperfection in this respect with much liveliness
and good humour. “Bodily deformity,
” says he, “is
very rare. Among 558 gentlemen in the House of commons, I am the only one that is so. Thanks to my worthy
constituents, who never objected to my person, and I hope
never to give them cause to object to my behaviour.
” The
same year he translated Hawkins Browne “De Immortalitati Animse.
” In Epigrams of Martial;
” but survived this publication only
a short time, dying June 22, the same year. A little time
before, he had been appointed keeper of the records in
the Tower; and it is said that his attention and assiduity,
during the few months he held that office, were eminently
serviceable to his successors.
, Duchess of Newcastle. See Cavendish.
, Duchess of Newcastle. See Cavendish.