, first professor of rhetoric in the college of the Grassins, and afterwards
, first professor of rhetoric in the
college of the Grassins, and afterwards professor in the
college-royal, secretary to the duke of Orleans, perpetual
secretary and pensionary of the academy of inscriptions,
was born at Paris, Oct. 19, 1701 (Saxius says 1709), and
died in that city, March 13, 1778. He was married, and
left only one daughter. This honest and laborious academician, the rival of Rollin in the art of teaching, idolized
by his scholars, as that famous professor was, had perhaps
a more extensive fund of learning, and particularly in
Greek and Latin literature. His history of the Lower Empire, in 22 vols. 12mo, 1757, forming a continuation of
Crevier’s History of the Emperors, is the more esteemed,
as in the composition of it he had many difficulties to overcome, in reconciling contradictory writers, rilling up
chasms, and forming a regular body out of a heap of
mishapen ruins. It is strongly characterized by a judicious
series of criticism, couched in a polished and elegant style.
The logician sometimes appears too conspicuously; but
in general it is read with pleasure and profit. The first
volume of an English translation of this work was published
in 1770, but, we believe, not continued. The memoirs
of the academy of belles lettres are enriched with several
learned dissertations by the same author, particularly on
medals, on the Roman legion, on the Roman art of war,
and thirty-four biographical eloges, distinguished for truth
and impartiality. The religious sentiments, the sound
principles, the sweetness of manners, and the inviolable
integrity of M. le Beau, which inspired his friends and disciples with so much attachment to him when alive, occasioned them to feel a long and lasting regret at his departure. Several little anecdotes might here be related that
do honour to his heart. A place in the academy of bt-iles
lettres had been designed for him. Bougainville, the
translator of the Anti-Lucretius, who applied for it, with
fewer pretensions, and a less consummate knowledge,
dreaded such a formidable competitor as M. le Beau, to
whom, however, from his known character, he was not
deterred from making his wishes known. The professor
felt for his embarrassment, and hastened to the friends who
had promised him their votes, desiring they might be
transferred to the young student. “It is one of the
smallest sacrifices,
” said he, “1 should be ready to make
in order to oblige a man of merit.' 1 M. le Beau was received at the election following; and M. Capperonier,
surprised at his extensive erudition, and affected by his
generosity, exclaimed,
” He is our master in all things!“On another occasion, when highly praised for his acquisitions, he said,
” I know enough to be ashamed that I knowno more." Thierrat published Le Beau’s Latin works,
Paris, 1782, 2 vols. 8vo, consisting of orations, poetry, ancj
fables; -the last inferior to his other productions.