, formerly a member of the French academy, was born in Nancy, Dec. 16,
, formerly a
member of the French academy, was born in Nancy, Dec.
16, 1717, of a family of Lorrain. He was educated among
the Jesuits at the college of Pont-a-Mousson, but in early
life entered into the army, which he quitted at the peace
of Aix-ia-Chapelle in 1748, and joined the gay party assembled by Stanislaus, king of Poland, at Luneville. There
he became an admirer of Madame de Chatelet, who returned his attachment. He was afterwards intimate with, and
the egregious flatterer of Voltaire, It is not said what
part he took in the revolution, but he escaped its dangers,
and died ai Pans Feb 9, 1805. He was a man of genius,
but his steps in the literary career were rather slow, and incommensurate with the activity of his genius; for his first
poetical nork, “Les Fe>es de l‘Amour et de l’Hymen,
” a
theatrical performance, was published about Lt-s quaires parties du jour
” appeared in Essai sur le luxe,
” 8vo. His
next, and justly celebrated, poetical performance, “Les
” which was published in