, in Latin Claramontius, an eminent Italian astronomer and philosopher,
, in Latin Claramontius,
an eminent Italian astronomer and philosopher, was born
at Cesena in the province of Romagna in June 1565. His
father was a physician at Cesena. He studied at Perugia
and Ferrara, and became distinguished for his progress in
philosophy and mathematics;, the former of which he
taught for some time at Pisa. He passed, however, the
greater part of his long life at Cesena, and in his history
of that place, which he published in 1641, he informs us,
that for fifty -nine years he had served his country in a public capacity. He was, in particular, frequently deputed to
Rome, either to offer obedience to the pope in the name
of his countrymen, or on other affairs. He had married a
Jady whom he calls Virginia de Abbatibus, but becoming
a widower at the age of eighty, he went into the church,
received priest’s orders, and retired with the priests of the
congregation of the oratory, for whom he built a church at
Cesena, and there he died Oct. 3, 1652, in his eightyseventh year. He established at Cesena the academy of
the Oifuscati, over which he presided until his death. His
works, written partly in Italian and partly in Latin, are
very numerous, and filled a considerable space in the literary history of his time: 1. “Discorso della Cometa pogonare dell' anno 1618, &c.
” Venice, Anti-Tycho, in quo contra Tychonem Brahe,
et nonnullos alios, &.c. demonstrator Cometas esse sublunares,
” Venice, De conjectandis cuj usque moribus et
latitantibus animi affectibus semeiotice moralis, seu de signis libri decem,
” ibid. Notse in moralem suam
semeioticam, seu de signis,
” Cesena, Apologia pro Anti-Tychone suo adversus Hypcraspiten Joannis Kepleri,
” Venice, De tribus novis stellis, quse annis 1572, 1600, et 1604, comparuere,
” Cesena, Difesa di Scipioni
Chiaramonti, &c.
” Florence, Delia ‘ragione di stato libri tre, nel quale trattato da primi priticipii dedotto si suo prona la natura, le massime, e le specie
cle’ governi buoni, cattivi e mascherati,
” Florence, Examen ad censuram Joannis Camilli Gloriosi in hbrum
de tribus novis stellis,
” ibid. De sede
sublunari Cometarum, opuscula tria,
” Amst. 1636, 4to. If.
“Castigatio J. Camilli Gloriosi adversus Claramontium
castigata ab ipso Claramontio,
” Cesena, De methodo ad doctrinam spectante, libri quatuor, &c.
ibid. Csesense Historia libris sexdecim,
ab initio civitatis ad haec tempera,
” with a sketch of the
general history of Italy during the same period, Cesena,
1641, 4to. 14. “De atrabile, quoad mores attinet,
” Paris, Anti-Philolaus, in quo Philolaus redivivus de
terrse motu et solis ac fixarum quiete impugnalur,
” &c.
Cesena, Defensio ab oppugnationibus Fortunii Liceti de sede Cometarum,
” Cesena, De Universo, libri
” Cologne, De altitudine Caucasi liber unus, cura Gab. Naudasi editus,
” Paris, Philosophia naturalis methodo resolutiva tradita, &c.
” Cesena,
Opuscula varia mathematica,
” Bologna,
Commentaria in Aristotelem de iri.de,
” ibid. In quatuor meteorum Aristotelis librum commentaria,
” Venice, Delle,
scene, e theatri opera posthuma,
” Cesena,