, in Latin Santolius, a celebrated modern Latin poet, was born at
, in Latin
Santolius, a celebrated modern Latin poet, was born at
Paris May 12, 1630, of a good family. He studied the
belles lettres at the college of St. Barbe, and in that of
Louis le Grand, under the learned Pere Cossart, and entering soon after among the regular canons of St. Victor,
devoted himself wholly to poetry, commencing his caree/
by celebrating some great men of that time. He also was
employed to write many of those inscriptions which may
be seen on the public fountains and monuments of Paris,
and this he did in a style at once clear, easy, and dignified. When some new hymns were wanted for the Paris
breviary, he was requested by his brother Claude, Pelisson,
and Bossuet, to compose them, which he accomplished
with the greatest success and applause, in an elevated,
perspicuous, and majestic style, suited to the dignity of
the subject. The reputation which he gained by these'induced the order of Clugny to request some for their breviary. With this he complied, and in return they granted
him letters of filiation, and a pension. Santeul was much
esteemed by the literati of his time, and by many persons
of rank, among whom were the two princes of Coiide 1 father and son, whose bounty he frequently experienced
44ud Louis XIV. who settled a pension upon him. He
greatly offended the Jesuits, however, by his epitaph in
praise of their enemy Arnauld. While SanteuPs Latin
poems were always much admired by his countrymen, he
seems to have enjoyed fully as much reputation, during his
life-time, for his wit, and odditjes of character. La Bruyere, under the name of T/ieodes, has described him as, in
one moment, good-humoured, tractable, easy, and complaisant, in another, harsh, violent, choleric, and capricious; as at once simple, ingenuous, credulous, sportive,
and volatile; in short, a child with grey hairs, and as
speaking like a fool, and thinking like a sage. He utters,
adds La Bruyere, truths in a ridiculous manner, and sensible things in a siliy way; and we are surprised to find so
much intellect shining through the clouds of buffoonery,
contortions, and grimaces. He had great credit for his
witticisms, many of which may be seen in the “Santoliana.
When the duke of Bourbon went to hold the states of Burgundy at Dijon, Santeul attended him, and died there,
August 5, 1697, aged sixty-seven, as he was on the point
of returning to Pans. His death was attributed to an inconsiderate trick played upon him by some one whom his
oddity of character had encouraged to take liberties, and
who put some Spanish snuff into his wine-glass, which
brought on a complaint of the bowels that proved fatal in
fourteen hours. Besides his Latin hymns, 12mo, he left
a considerable number of Latin “Poems,