, is an author of whom very little is known. From the circumstance
, is an author of whom very
little is known. From the circumstance of his being a
kinsman to serjeant Fleetwood, recorder of London, it is
probable that he was of a good family. It appears that he
first tried his fortune at court, where he consumed his patrimony in fruitless expectation of preferment. Being now
destitute of subsistence, he commenced soldier, and served
abroad, though in what capacity is unknown. Such, however, was his gallant behaviour, that his services were rewarded with additional pay. He returned from the wars
with honour, but with little profit; and his prospect of advancement was so small, that he determined to turn farmer,
but being unsuccessful in that undertaking, was under the
necessity of applying to the generosity of his friends. This
he found to be “a broken reed, and worse than common
beggary of charity from strangers. Now craft accosted
him in his sleep, and tempted him with the proposals of
several professions; but for the knavery or slavery of them,
he rejected all: his munificence constrained him to love
money, and his magnanimity to hate all the ways of getting
” At last he resolved to seek his fortune at sea, and accordingly embarked with sir Humphrey Gilbert in the expedition to Newfoundland, which was rendered unsuccessful by an engagement with the Spanish fleet. From this
period, Mr. Whetstone seems to have depended entirely on
his pen for subsistence. Where or when he died has not
been ascertained. He is entitled to some notice as a writer
whose works are in request as literary curiosities, but of
little intrinsic value. Mr. Steevens pronounced him “the
most quaint and contemptible writer, both in prose and
verse, he ever met with.
” He wrote, 1. “The Rock of Regard,
” a poem in four parts. 2. “The Life of George Gascoigne,
” English Poets,
” Promus and Cassandra,
a comedy, Measure for Measure.
” 4. “Heptameron of civil discourses,
” The remembrance of the life
and death of Thomas, late earl of Sussex,
” A mirrour of true honour, &c. in the life and death, &c,
of Francis earl of Bedford,
” &c. 1,585, 4to. 7. “The English mirror, wherein all estates may behold the conquest
of error,
” Censure of a dutiful subject of certain
noted speech and behaviour of those fourteen noted traytors at the place of execution on the 20th and 21st of
” no date. 9. A poem “on the life and death of sir
Philip Sidney
” by him, and supposed unique, a very few
leaves only, was lately sold at Messrs. King and Lochee’s
to Mr. Harding for 261. 5s. An account of some of these
curiosities may be seen in our authorities.