, is the name of several learned men, who were Germans. John-Henry
, is the name of several learned men, who
were Germans. John-Henry Meibomius was a professor
of physic at Heimstadt, where he was born in 1590, and
was afterwards first physician at Lubeck, where he died in
1655. He was the author of several learned works on medical subjects, such as “Jusjurandum Hippocratis,
” Gr.
& Lat. De usu flagrorum in re medica,
Leyden, Maecenas, sive de C. Cilnii Maecenatis vita, moribus, &
rebus gestis,
” in which he seems to have quoted every
passage from antiquity, where any thing is said of Maecenas; but having employed neither criticism nor method,
he cannot claim any higher merit than that of a mere collector.