une due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor, abbot of Belle-ville, bishop of Bazas, and afterwards
Alamanni left two sons, who shared in the good fortune
due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to
queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor,
abbot of Belle-ville, bishop of Bazas, and afterwards of
Macon; he died in 1581. Nicholas, the other son, was a
knight of St. Michael, captain of the royal guards, and
master of the palace. Two other persons of the name of
Louis Alamanni, likewise natives of Florence, were
distinguished in the republic of letters. One was a colonel in
the French service, and in 1591 consul of the academy of
Florence. Salvino Salvini speaks of him in “Fastes Consulaires.
” The other lived about the same time, and was
a member of the same academy. He wrote three Latin
eclogues in the “Carmina illustrium Poetarum Italorum,
and a funeral oration in the collection of “Florentine
” vol. IV. He was the grandson of Ludovico Alemanni, one of the five brothers of the celebrated poet.
, king’s counsellor, and historiographer of France, was born at Paris
, king’s counsellor, and historiographer of France, was born at Paris Dec. 25, 1571,
and died in 1640. The chief part of his labours were directed to the history of France; on which he wrote, l.“La
Conjunction des mers,
” on the junction of the ocean with
the Mediterranean by the Burgundy canal, 1613, 4to. 2.
“Discours surl'etatdes Finances,
” Paris, Histoire des guerres de Louis XIII. centre les religionnaires rebelles,
” ibid. 1633, fol. Of this only abont three
dozen copies were printed, but the whole was afterwards
inserted in his history of Louis XIII. 4. “Carte genealogique de la royale maison de Bourbon, avec des Eloges
des princes, &c.
” ibid. Genealogie de la maison de Bourbon.
” 5. “Histoire
de Louis XIII. jusqu‘a la guerre declaree contre les Espagnols, avec un Discours sur la vie de l’auteur,
” ibid.'
1646, fol. This account of the life of the author was written by Charles Sorel, his nephew, who also continued the
work down to 1643. The abbé de Gendre says that Bernard is deficient both in style and taste, dealing too much
in trifles and digressions, and too prolix in his descriptions of works of architecture, as well as in common-place
reflections. He allows, however, that he gives a good account of military affairs, and developes with great skill the
intrigues of the court, with which he had a good opportunity of being acquainted.
some time made a considerable figure at the court of France, where he was honoured with the title of king’s counsellor. Erasmus says, that his great crime was openly
, a gentleman of Artois, and a
man of great learning, was burnt for being a Protestant,
at Paris, 1529. He was lord of a village, whence he took
his name, and for some time made a considerable figure at
the court of France, where he was honoured with the title
of king’s counsellor. Erasmus says, that his great crime
was openly professing to hate the monks and hence arose
his warm contest with William Quernus, one of the most
violent inquisitors of his time. A charge of heresy was
contrived against him, the articles of his accusation being
extracted from a book which he had published, and he was
committed to prison, but when the affair came to a trial,
he was acquitted by the judges. His accusers pretended
that he would not have escaped, had not the king interposed his authority; but Berquin himself ascribed it entirely to the justice of his cause, and went on with equal
courage in avowing his sentiments. Some time after, Noel
Beda and his emissaries made extracts from some of his
books, and having accused him of pernicious errors, he
was again sent to prison, and the cause being tried, sentence was passed against him; viz. that his books be committed to the flames, that he retract his errors, and make
a proper submission, and if he refuse to comply, that he
be burnt. Being a man of an undaunted inflexible spirit,
he would submit to nothing; and in all probability would
at this time have suffered death, had not some of the judges,
who perceived the violence of his accusers, procured the
affair to be again heard and examined. It is thought this
was owing to the intercession of madame the regent. In the
mean time Francis I. returning from Spain, and finding the
danger his counsellor was in from Beda and his faction, wrote
to the parliament, telling them to be cautious how they
proceeded, for that he himself would take cognizance of
the affair. Soon after Berquin was set at liberty, which
gave him such courage, that he turned accuser against his
accusers, and prosecuted them for irreligion, though, if he
had taken the advice of Erasmus, he would have esteemed
it a sufficient triumph that he had got free from the persecution of such people. He was sent a third time to
prison, and condemned to a public recantation and perpetual
imprisonment. Refusing to acquiesce in this judgment,
he was condemned as an obstinate heretic, strangled on the
Greve, and afterwards burnt. He suffered death with
great constancy and resolution, April 17, 1529, being then
about 40 years of age. The monk, who accompanied him
on the scaffold, declared, that he had observed in him
signs of abjuration which Erasmus however believes to be
a falsehood. “It is always,
” says he, “their custom in
like cases. These pious frauds serve to keep up their
credit as the avengers of religion, and to justify to the
deluded people those who have accused and condemned
the burnt heretic.
” Among his works are, 1 “Le vrai
moyen de bien et catholiquement se confesser,
” a translation from the Latin of Erasmus, Lyons, 1S42, 16mo. 2.
“Le Chevalier Chretien,
” In 1523, May 23, the parliament ordered the books of
Lewis de Berquin to be seized, and communicated to the
faculty of divinity, for their opinion. The book
” De abroganda Missa“was found upon him, with some others of
Luther’s and Melancthon’s books and seven or eight
treatises of which he was the author, some under these
” Speculum Theologastrorum“” De usu & officio
Missae, &c.“” Rationes Lutheri quibus omnes Christianos
esse Sacerdotes molitur suadere,“” Le Debat de Pieté &
Superstition.“There were found also some books which
he had translated into French, as
” Reasons why Luther
has caused the Decretals and all the books of the Canon
Law to be burnt“” The Roman Triad,“and others. The
faculty, after having examined these books, judged that
they contained expressly the heresies and blasphemies of
Luther. Their opinion is dated Friday, July 26, 1523, and
addressed to the court of parliament. After having given
their censure upon each book in particular, they conclude
that they ought all to be cast into the fire that Berquiu
having made himself the defender of the Lutheran heresies, he ought to be obliged to a public abjuration, and to
be forbidden to compose any book for the future, or to
snake any translation prejudicial to the faith.
r and critic, the descendant of an ancient and illustrious family in France, lord of Marli-la-ville, king’s counsellor, and master of requests, was born at Paris in 1467.
, or Bude’ (William), an eminent scholar
and critic, the descendant of an ancient and illustrious
family in France, lord of Marli-la-ville, king’s counsellor,
and master of requests, was born at Paris in 1467. He
was the second son of John Budé, lord of Yere and Villiers,
secretary to the king, and one of the grand officers of the
French chancery. In his infancy he was provided with
masters; but such was the low state of Parisian education
at that time, that when sent to the university of Orleans to
study law, he remained there for three years, without
making any progress, for want of a proper knowledge of
the Latin language. Accordingly, on his return home, his
parents had the mortification to discover that he was as
ignorant as when he went, disgusted with study of any
kind, and obstinately bent to pass his time amidst the
gaieties and pleasures of youth, a coarse which his fortune
enabled him to pursue. But after he had indulged this
humour for some time, an ardent passion for study seized
him, and became irresistible. He immediately disposed
of his horses, dogs, &c. with which he followed the chace,
applied himself to study, and in a short time made very
considerable progress, although he had no masters, nor
either instruction or example in his new pursuit. He became, in particular, an excellent Latin scholar, and although
his style is not so pure or polished as that of those who
formed themselves in early life on the best models, it is
far from being deficient in fluency or elegance. His knowledge of the Greek was so great that John de Lascaris, the
most learned Grecian of his time, declared that Budé might
be compared with the first orators of ancient Athens. This
language is perhaps complimentary, but it cannot be denied that his knowledge of Greek was very extraordinary,
considering how little help he derived from instructions.
He, indeed, employed at a large salary, one Hermonymus,
but soon found that he was very superficial, and had acquired the reputation of a Greek scholar merely from
knowing a little more than the French literati, who at that
time knew nothing. Hence Budé used to call himself
ανἶομαθης & οψιμαϑης
i. e. self-taught and late taught. The work
by which he gained most reputation, and published under
the title “De Asse,
” was one of the tirst efforts to clear up
the difficulties relating to the coins and measures of the
ancients; and although an Italian, Leonardus Portius, pretended to claim some of his discoveries, Budé vindicated
his right to them with spirit and success. Previously to
this he had printed a translation of some pieces of Plutarch,
and “Notes upon the Pandects.
” His fame having
reached the court, he was invited to it, but was at first
rather reluctant. He appears to have been one of those
who foresaw the advantages of a diffusion of learning, and
at the same time perceived an unwillingness in the court
to entertain it, lest it should administer to the introduction
of what was called heresy. Charles VIII. was the first
who invited him to court, but died soon after: his successor Louis XII. employed him twice on embassies to
Italy, and made him his secretary. This favour continued
in the reign of Francis I. who sent for Budé to court when
it was held at Arches at the interview of that monarch with
Henry VIII. the king of England. From this time Francis
paid him much attention, appointed him his librarian, and
master of the requests, while the Parisians elected him
provost of the merchants. This political influence he employed in promoting the interests of literature, and suggested to Francis I. the design of establishing professorships for languages and the sciences at Paris. The excessive heats of the year 1540 obliging the king to take a
journey to the coast of Normandy, Budé accompanied his
majesty, but unfortunately was seized with a fever, which
carried him off Aug. 23/1540, at Paris. His funeral was
private, and at night, by his own desire. This circumstance created a suspicion that he died in the reformed religion; but of this there is ho direct proof, and although
he occasionally made free with the court of Rome and the
corruptions of the clergy in his works, yet in them likewise he wrote with equal asperity of the reformers. Erasmus called him porttntum Gallic, the prodigy of France.
There was a close connection between these two great
men. “Their letters/' says the late Dr. Jortin,
” though
full of compliments and civilities, are also full of little
bickerings and contests: which shew that their friendship
was not entirely free from some small degree of jealousy
and envy; especially on the side of Budé, who yet in
other respects was an excellent person." It is not easy
to determine on which side the jealousy lay; perhaps it
was on both. Budé might envy Erasmus for his superior
taste and wit, as well as his more extensive learning; and
perhaps Erasmus might envy Budé for a superior knowledge of the Greek tongue, which was generally ascribed
to him.
it, because he would not quit his profession of an advocate, and contented himself with the posts of king’s counsellor and secretary to the court, with a pension of 900
, an eminent French civilian, was born at Semur, the capital of Auxois, Dec. 16, 1583. After studying at Dijon, Orleans, and other places, he was received as an advocate of parliament in 1602, when only nineteen years old, and the same year he went into Germany to attend the celebrated Bongars, who was sent by Henry IV. resident from France, into the empire; but soon left him, to study the law at Heidelberg, where the well-known Codefroy was at that time law-professor. Godefroy paid great attention to Fevret, who was recommended by several persons of quality: he received him into his house, and caused him to hold public disputations, which; he did with great applause. In 1607, Fevret returned to Dijon, where he married Mrs. Anne Brunet of Beaulne, by whom he had nineteen children; fourteen of which they brought up together during eight years. After his wife’s death, which happened in 1637, he very whimsically caused his bed to be made one half narrower, and never would marry again. He gained great reputation at the bar at Dijon; and was chosen counsellor to the three estates of the province. In 1629, Lewis the Thirteenth being come to Dijon in order to punish a popular insurrection, Fevret was chosen to petition the king that he would graciously be pleased to pardon the guilty. He spoke for all the corporations, and made so elegant a discourse, that the king commanded him to print it, and to send it to him at Lyons. His majesty then pardoned the authors of the sedition, and granted to Fevret the place of counsellor in the parliament of Dijon; but not being permitted to employ a deputy, he refused it, because he would not quit his profession of an advocate, and contented himself with the posts of king’s counsellor and secretary to the court, with a pension of 900 livres. He wrote a history of this insurrection, which was published some time after. As he was frequently sent a deputy to the court, he was known to de Morillac, keeper of the seals of France, who honoured him with his friendship. As early as 1626 and 1627, Monsieur, the king’s brother, had chosen him for his counsellor in ordinary in all his affairs; and the prince of Conde had made him intendant of his house, and of his affairs in Burgundy. He was continued in the same post by his son Louis de Bourbon prince of Cond6; and, during the life of these two princes, he was honoured with their favour in a distinguished manner. Frederic Casimir, prince palatine of the Rhine, and his consort Amelia Antwerpia, born princess of Orange, chose him also their counsel and intendant for their affairs in Burgundy. He had an extensive correspondence with all the learned civilians in his time. He died at Dijon, in 1661.
, king’s counsellor at the Chatelet, and syndic of the annuitants of
, king’s counsellor at the Chatelet, and
syndic of the annuitants of the H6tel de Ville at Paris,
attached himself to cardinal de Retz, whom he attended a
long time as secretary in his troubles and adventures, but
quitted his eminence when he returned to Rome. There
are some “Memoirs
” by him, from The Intrigues of the Peace,
and the “Negociations
” made at court by the friends of
M. the prince, after his retreat to Guienne, folio, with a
sequel of the same “Intrigues,
” 4to.
, a French biographer, was born December 24, 1652, at Paris, and was the son of James Bourgoin, king’s counsellor, and hereditary judge and warden of the mint in
, a French
biographer, was born December 24, 1652, at Paris, and
was the son of James Bourgoin, king’s counsellor, and
hereditary judge and warden of the mint in that city. He
spent some years in the community of gentlemen established in the parish of St. Sulpice, with a view of concealing himself from the world, and having more leisure for
study; but his merit discovered him, and he was admitted
into the academy of inscriptions in 1706. In 1708, however, he voluntarily withdrew from this academy, alleging, as an excuse, that his health would not permit him
to perform the duties of it. He retired afterwards to a
small apartment in the cloisters of the Metropolitan church,
and there passed the rest of his life, contented with a little, free from ambition, employed in study and prayer,
and enjoying the society of a small number of select
friends. He continued a layman, but neither married, nor
held any office in the state. He died December 2, 1737,
aged eighty-five, leaving a great number of biographical
works, translations, and small pieces. His biographical
productions are, “The Life of St. Bernard,
” 4to; “The
Lives of the Holy Fathers of the Deserts in the East and
” 5 vols. 12mo; “The Life of St. Theresa,
” with
“Select Letters
” of the same Saint, 4to, and 2 vols. 12mo;
“Anecdotes and secret Memoirs concerning the constitution Unigenitus,
” 3 vols. 12mo; but this work was suppressed by a decree of council, as well as the “Refutation
of it, written by M. Peter Francis Lafitau, bishop of Sisteron; “The Life of Anne Genevieve de Bourbon, duchess
de Longueville,
” the best edition of which is Amsterdam,