, known by the title of the Apostle of the North American Indians, from
, known by the title of the Apostle of
the North American Indians, from having been the first
that preached the gospel among them, was a native of
England, and born about the year 1604. He was educated
at Cambridge, and engaged himself as an assistant to a
school, which, Neal says, he was not permitted to continue,
on account of his puritanical notions; but for this we have
no other authority. It appears, however, that he was a
nonconformist in matters of church-government, and that
in 1631, in order to enjoy his own opinions uncontrouled,
he embarked for America, and succeeded a Mr. Wilson as
pastor of an independent church at Boston. He afterward^
removed to Roxburg, in New England, where Mr. Eliot
passed with some of his countrymen and friends the greater
part of his life in the active discharge of those duties which
belong to the pastoral office. In 1646, he began his
scheme of preaching to the native Indians, and for this
purpose learned their language; and, besides preaching
among them with considerable success, and at much
hazard, he translated the Bible into the Indian language:
this was printed at Cambridge, in New England, in 1664,
and a short time before Mr. Eliot’s death, it was reprinted
with corrections by Mr. Cotton, his fellow-labourer in the
Indian mission. By the exertions and influence of this
excellent man, many of the wandering Indian tribes were
collected into regular societies, and formed into congregations, which were instructed by him, and by others who
joined him, in the manner best adapted to their capacities. At Roxburg he established a free grammar school,
which was eminently beneficial to the interests of learning
in the New England states: and among the Indians he
formed schools in which many were trained to useful knowledge, and some of whom became qualified for a liberal
education, which they afterwards received at college. The
measures adopted by Mr. Eliot were aided by large contributions from England, with which estates were purchased
and placed in the hands of trustees, who were afterwards
incorporated under the title of “The society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts.
” This venerable
apostle continued his labours till he arrived at his eightyfourth year. He died in the latter end of 1689, having
attained to the great age of eighty-six.