, a German lawyer and poet, was born at Lubeck, Sept. 22, 1680, and after having
, a German lawyer
and poet, was born at Lubeck, Sept. 22, 1680, and after
having studied and taken his degrees in the civil and canon
law, settled and practised at Hamburgh, where his merit
soon raised him to the senatorial dignity, to which the
emperor, without any solicitation, added the rank of Aulic
counsellor, and count Palatine. These counts Palatine
were formerly governors of the imperial palaces, and had
considerable powers, being authorized to create public
notaries, confer degrees, &c. Brockes published in five
parts, from 1724 to 1736, 8vo, “Irdisches Vergnugen in
Gott, &c.
” or “Earthly Contentment in God,
” consisting
of philosophical and moral poems, which were much
praised by his countrymen. He also published translations
from Marini, and other Italian poets, into German, and had
some thoughts of translating Milton, as he had done Pope’s
Essay on Man, a proof at least of his taste for English
poetry. His works form a collection of 9 vols. 8vo, and
have been often reprinted. He appears to have carefully
divided his time between his public duties and private
studies, and died much esteemed and regretted, Jan. 16,
, a celebrated Italian lawyer and poet of the fourteenth century, who usually is known by
, a celebrated Italian lawyer and
poet of the fourteenth century, who usually is known by
that name, although he was of the ancient family of the
Sinibaldi or Sinibuldi, and his first name was Guittoncino
(not Ambrogino, as Le Quadrio says), the diminutive of
Cuittone, and by abbreviation Cino. Much pains were
bestowed on his education, and according to the fashion of
the times, he studied law; but nature had made him a poet,
and he cultivated that taste in conjunction with his
academical exercises. He took his first degree in civil law at
Bologna, and in 1307 was appointed assessor of civil causes
but at that time was obliged to leave Pistoia, owing to the
civil commotions. Cino was a zealous Ghibelin, and was
now glad to seek an asylum in Lombardy, whither he followed his favourite Selvaggia, whose charms he so often
celebrates in his poems, but where he had the misfortune
to lose her. After her death he travelled for some time in
Lombardy, and is thought to have visited Paris, the university of which was at that time the resort of many foreigners. On his return, however, to Bologna in 1314, he
published his “Commentary on the first nine Books of the
” a very learned work, which placed him among the
ablest lawyers of his time, and has been often printed, first
at Pavia in 1483; the best edition is that improved by
Cisnez, Franefort, 1578. He now took his doctor’s degree,
ten years after he had received that of bachelor, and his
reputation procured him invitations to become law-professor, an office which he filled for three years at Trevisa,
and for seven years at Perugia. Among his pupils in the
latter place was the celebrated Bartolo, who studied under
him six years, and declared that he owed his knowledge
entirely to the writings and lessons of Cino. From Perugia
he went to Florence, but his reputation was confined to the
civil law. At this time the canonists and legists were sworn
enemies, and Cino, not only in his character as a legist,
but as a Ghibelin, had a great aversion to decretals, canons,
and the whole of papal jurisprudence. It is not true, however, as some have asserted, that he taught civil law to
Petrarch, or canon law to Boccaccio, although he communicated with Petrarch on poetical matters, and exhibited to
him a style which Petrarch did not disdain to imitate.
, a Danish historian, lawyer, and poet, was born at Bergen in Norway, in 1685. His family
, a Danish historian, lawyer,
and poet, was born at Bergen in Norway, in 1685. His
family is said by some to have been low, by others noble;
but it is agreed that he commenced life in very poor circumstances, and picked up his education in his travels
through various parts of Europe, where he subsisted either
by charity, or by his personal efforts of various kinds. On
his return to Copenhagen, he found means to be appointed
assessor of the consistory court, which place affording him
a competent subsistence, he was able to indulge his genius, and produced several works, which gave him great
celebrity. Among these are some comedies, a volume of
which has been translated into French. He wrote also a
History of Denmark, in 3 vols. 4to, which has been considered as the best that hitherto has been produced, though
in some parts rather minute and uninteresting. Two volumes of “Moral Thoughts,
” and a work entitled “The
Danish Spectator,
” were produced by him: and he is generally considered as the author of the “Iter subterraneum
of Klimius,
” a satirical romance, something in the style of
Gulliver’s Travels. Most of these have been translated
also into German, and are much esteemed in that country.
His “Introduction to Universal History
” was translated
into English by Dr. Gregory Sharpe, with notes, 1755,
8vo. By his publications, and his place of assessor, he
had osconomy enough to amass a considerable fortune, and
even in his life gave 70,000 crowns to the university of
Zealand, for the education of young noblesse; thinking
it right that as his wealth had been acquired by literature,
it should be employed in its support. This munificence
obtained him the title of baron. At his death, which happened in 1754, he left also a fund of 16,000 crowns to portion out a certain number of young women, selected from
the families of citizens in Copenhagen.
, an English lawyer and poet, was born in 1566, at Mownton, in the parish of Lanwarne,
, an English lawyer and poet, was
born in 1566, at Mownton, in the parish of Lanwarne, in
Herefordshire, and was at first intended by his father for
a trade, but his surprizing memory and capacity induced
him to send him to Westminster, and afterwards to Winchester school, at both which he made great proficiency.
From Winchester he was in 1584 elected probationer-felr
low of New-college, Oxford, and two years afterwards
admitted actual fellow. In 1591 he took his master’s degree; but being terra jiliu$ y in the act following, he was,
says Wood, “so bitterly satirical,
” as to be refused to
complete his degree as regent master, and was also expelled the university. He then, for his maintenance,
taught school for some time at Ilchester, in Somersetshire,
where he compiled a Greek lexicon as far as the letter M.
Marrying afterwards a lady of property, he entered himself as student in the Twiddle temple, and at the usual
time was called to the bar. In 1614 he hid a seat in parliament, where some rash speeches occasioned his being
imprisoned for a year. He was afterwards elected Lentreader of the Middle-temple, and four years after was
made a serjeant at law, a justice itinerant for Wales, and
one of the council of the Marches. He died at his house
at Morehampton, in Herefordshire, Aug. 27, 1638.