t to accomplish an undertaking of such vast extent. He inscribed this work to Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain. Mr. Ames was at this time
Mr. Ames very early discovered a taste for English history and antiquities, in which he was encouraged by his
two friends Mr. Russel, preacher at St. John’s Wappino-,
and Mr. John Lewis, minister of Margate, an eminent divine and antiquary. Some time before 1720, in attending Dr. Desaguliers’ lectures, he formed an acquaintance
with Mr. Peter Thompson, an eminent Hamburgh merchant, and member for St. Alban’s, a gentleman of great
humanity, and strong natural parts, who supplied the want
of a liberal education by a conversation with men and
books. He was also a lover of our national antiquities, and
many years fellow of the royal and antiquary societies.
This friendship continued uninterrupted till the death of
Mr. Ames. Some time before 1730, Mr. Lewis, who had
himself collected materials for such a subject, suggested to
Mr. Ames the idea of writing the history of printing in England. Mr. Ames declined it at first, because Mr. Palmer,
a printer, was engaged in a similar work, and because he
thought himself by no means equal to an undertaking of
so much extent, But when Mr. Palmer’s book came out,
it was far from answering the expectations of Mr. Lewis, or'
Mr. Ames, or those of the public in general. Mr. Ames,
therefore, at length consented to apply himself to the task,
and after twenty-five years spent in collecting and arranging his materials, in which he was largely assisted by Mr.
Lewis and other learned friends, and by the libraries of
lord Oxford, sir Hans Sloane, Mr. Anstis, and many others,
published, in one vol. 4to, 1749, “Typographical Antiquities, being an historical account of Printing in England,
with some memoirs of our ancient Printers, and a register
of the books printed by them, from the year 1471 to 1600;
with an appendix concerning printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same time.
” In his preface he speaks with
great humility of his work, and of its imperfections; but it
certainly has no faults but what may well be excused in the
first attempt to accomplish an undertaking of such vast extent. He inscribed this work to Philip lord Hardwicke,
lord high chancellor of Great Britain. Mr. Ames was at
this time fellow of the royal and antiquary societies, and
secretary to the latter of these learned bodies. He was
elected F. A. S. March 3, 1736, and on the resignation of
Alexander Gordon, previous to his going to settle in Carolina, 174], v.as appointed secretary. In 1754, the rev.
W. Norris was associated with him, and on his decease
became sole secretary till 1784. This office gave Mr.
Ames further opportunities of gratifying his native curiosity, by the communication as well as the conversation of
the literati; and these opportunities were further enlarged
by his election into the royal society, and the particular
friendship shewn to him by sir Hans Sloane, then president, who nominated him one of the trustees of his will.
the 25th of April 1748, he married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Philip lord Hardwicke, at that time lord high chancellor of Great Britain; but his lady died without
Mr. Anson, a few days after his return into his own
country, was made a rear-admiral of the blue, and in a
very short time, he was chosen member of parliament
for Heydon in Yorkshire. On the 27th December 1744,
when the duke of Bedford was appointed first lord of the
admiralty, he was appointed one of the commissioners
of the admiralty; and on the 23d of April, in the following year, was made a rear-admiral of the white. On the
14th of July 1746, he was raised to the rank of vice-admiral; and in the latter end of that year, and beginning of
1747, he commanded the squadron in the channel service,
and bore the inconveniencies of a long and tempestuous
winter navigation, with his usual patience and perseverance. Nothing would have frustrated the success of this
expedition, but the accidental intelligence which was
given, by the master of a Dutch vessel, to the duke of
D'Arville’s fleet, of admiral Anson’s station and intention.
However, being employed again early in the ensuing
spring, he had an opportunity of rendering a very signal
service of his country. Being then on board the Prince
George, of 90 guns, with rear-admiral Warren, in the
Devonshire, and twelve ships more under his command,
he intercepted, on the 3d of May 1747, off Cape Finisterre, a considerable fleet, bound from France to the
East and West Indies, and laden with merchandise, treasure, and warlike stores; and took six men of war, and
four East Indiamen, not one of the enemy’s vessels of war
escaping. By this successful exploit, he defeated the
pernicious designs of two hostile expeditions, and made a
considerable addition to the force and riches of our own
kingdom. M. St. George, captain of the Invincible, in
allusion to the names of two of the ships which had been
taken, and pointing to them at the same time, said, when
he presented his sword to the conqueror, “Monsieur, vous
avez vaincu V In-vincible, et la Gloire vous suit.
” On the
13th of June following, the king raised him to the honour
of an English peerage, by the style and title of lord Anson,
baron of Soberton, in the county of Southampton; and
his lordship made choice of a motto, very happily suited
to his perils and his successes, ML Desperandum. On
the 25th of April 1748, he married Elizabeth, eldest
daughter of Philip lord Hardwicke, at that time lord high
chancellor of Great Britain; but his lady died without
issue on the 1st of June 1760.
se was dedicated by him to the honourable Charles Talbot, at that time solicitor-general, afterwards lord high chancellor of Great Britain, who had honoured our author
, a learned divine and prelate of
the church of England, was born at Pinhoe, near Exeter,
on the 31st of January, 1691-2. His father was the rev.
John Conybeare, vicar of Pinhoe; and his mother, Grace
Wilcocks, was the daughter of a substantial gentleman
farmer of that place. At a proper age, he was sent to the
free-school of Exeter for grammatical education, where
Hallet and Foster, afterwards two eminent dissenting divines, were his contemporaries. On the 23d of February,
1707-8, Mr. Conybeare was admitted a battler of Exeter
college, Oxford, under the tuition of Mr. Thomas Kennel,
afterwards Dr. Kennel, many years rector of Drew’s
Teington, Pevon. Mr. Conybeare, on his coming to the
university, was, according to the language of that place,
chum with Mr. Richard Harding, who was elected fellow of
Exeter college in 1709, and died rector of Marwood in
Devonshire, in 1782, in the ninety-fifth year of his age.
How early our young student obtained the esteem of the
learned society with which he was connected, appears from
his having been chosen on the 30th of June, 1710, and
admitted on the 8th of July following, a probationary fellow of his college, upon sir William Petre’s foundation, in
the room of Mr. Daniel Osborrie. When he was proposed
as a candidate, it was only with the design of recommending him to future notice; but such was the sense entertained of his extraordinary merit, that he was made the
object of immediate election. Mr. Harding used to say, that
Mr. Conybeare had every way the advantage of him, excepting in seniority; and that he should have had no
chance in a competition with him, if they had both been
eligible at the same time. The patronage of Dr. Ilennel,
Mr. Conybeare' s worthy tutor, concurred with his own
desert, in bringing him forward thus early to academical
advantages. On the 17th of July, 1713, he was admitted
to the degree of bachelor of arts; and at the next election
of college officers, upon the 30th of June, 1714, he was
appointed praelector, or moderator, in philosophy. On
the 19th of December following, he received deacon’s
orders from the hanclaof Dr. William Talbot, bishop of
Oxford; and on the 2rikof May, 1716, he was ordained
priest by sir Jonathan Trelawny, bishop of Winchester.
On the 16th of April, 1716, he proceeded to the degree of
master of arts; soon after which he entered upon the curacy of Fetcham, in Surry, where he continued about a
year. He was advised to this change of scene for the
benefit of his health, which was always delicate, and had
been greatly impaired by the intenseness of his application.
Upon his return from Fetcham to Oxford, he became a
tutor in his own college, and was much noticed in the university as a preacher. In the beginning of the year 1722,
he published a sermon, which he had delivered before the
university, on the 24th of December preceding, from
Hebrews ii. 4, entitled “The nature, possibility, and certainty of Miracles, &c.
” This discourse was so well received, that it went through four editions. Mr. Conybeare was hence encouraged to commit to the press a second sermon, from 1 Corinthians xiii. 12, which he had
preached before the university, on the 21st of October,
1724, and the title of which was, “The Mysteries of the
Christian Religion credible.
” It is probable, that the
reputation our author gained by these discourses, recommended him to the notice of the bishop of London (Dr. Gibson), who appointed him one of his majesty’s preachers
at Whitehall, upon the first establishment of that institution. The esteem in which his abilities and character were
held, procured him, also, the favour of the lord chancellor
Macclesfield, who, in May 1724, presented him to the
rectory of St. Clement’s in Oxford; a preferment of no
great value, but which was convenient to iiim from his constant residence at that place, and from its being compatible
with his fellowship. In 1725, he was chosen senior proctor of the university, which office he served in conjunction
with Mr. Barnaby Smyth, fellow of Corpus-Christi college,
and a scholar of eminence. In the same year, Mr. Conybeare was called upon to preach a visitation sermon before
the bishop of Oxford, at whose request it was published,
under the title of “The Case of Subscription to Articles
of Religion considered,
” and obtained no small degree of
celebrity, being referred to in the controversy relating to
subscription. The position of Mr. Conybeare is, that
“every one who subscribes the articles of religion, does
thereby engage, not only not to dispute or contradict
them; but his subscription amounts to an approbation of,
and an assent to, the truth of the doctrines therein contained, in the very sense in which the compilers are supposed to have understood them.
” Mr. Conybeare’s next
publication was an assize sermon, preached at St. Mary’s,
Oxford, in 1727, from Ezra vii. 26, and entitled “The
Penal sanctions of laws considered.
” This discourse was
dedicated by him to the honourable Charles Talbot, at
that time solicitor-general, afterwards lord high chancellor
of Great Britain, who had honoured our author with the
care of his two eldest sons, Mr. Charles Talbot, celebrated
by the poet Thomson, and the late earl Talbot, steward
of his majesty’s household. On the llth of July, 1728,
Mr. Conybeare was admitted to the degree of bachelor of
divinity; and on the 24th of January following, he took
his doctor’s degree. In the year 1729, he again appeared
from the press, in a sermon that had been preached before
the lord mayor and aldermen at St. Paul’s cathedral, and
which was entitled ^The Expediency of a Divine Revelation represented.“It was accompanied with a dedication
to bishop Talbot, father of the solicitor-general. From
Dr. Conybeare’s introduction to this family, and the reputation he had acquired as a divine, it was expected that
he would soon have been promoted to some dignity in the
church. But the good bishop was taken off before he had
a proper opportunity of carrying his benevolent intentions
in our author’s favour into execution. In 1730, the headship of Exeter college becoming vacant, by the death of
Dr. Hole, Dr. Conybeare was chosen to succeed him. His
competitor, on this occasion, was the rev. Mr. Stephens,
vicar of St. Andrew’s, Plymouth, a truly worthy clergyxpan, and the author of several ingenious discourses,
Nevertheless, as he had retired early from the society, he
could not be supposed to carry such weight with him as
Dr. Conybeare, who had resided constantly in the college.
In this year Dr. Tindal’s famous deistical book had appeared, entitled
” Christianity as old as the Creation, or
the Gospel a Republication of the Law of Nature.“This
work excited the greatest attention, and drew forth the
pens of some of the ablest divines of the kingdom, both in
the church of PZngland, and among the protestant dissenters. Bishop Gibson, who had himself engaged in the
controversy in his
” Pastoral Letters,“encouraged Dr.
Conybeare to undertake the task of giving a full and particular answer to Tindal’s production. Accordingly, he
published in 1732, his
” Defence of Revealed Religion,“Londoq, 8vo, by which he gained great credit to himself,
and performed an eminent service to the cause of Christianity. In his dedication to the learned prelate now mentioned, he observes, that if he has not succeeded in his
book according to his wishes, he may plead that it was
drawn up amidst a variety of interruptions, and under a
bad state of health.
” This,“says he,
” will in some sort
excuse the author, though it may detract from the performance.“But Dr. Conybeare’s work did not stand in
need of an apology. It is distinguished by the perspicuity of its method, and the strength of its reasoning; and
is, indeed, one of the ablest vindications of revelation
which England has produced. So well was the work received, that the third edition of it was published in 1733.
Dr. Warburton justly styles it one of the best reasoned
books in the world. It is likewise recommended by the
temper and candour with which it is composed. Dr. Conybeare' s Defence will always maintain its rank, and perhaps
be thought to sustain the first place among the four capital
answers which Tindal received. The other three were,
” Usefulness, Truth, and Excellency of the
Christian Revelation;“Leland’s
” Answer to a late book,
entitled Christianity as old as the Creation;“and Mr. Simon Browne’s
” Defence of the Religion of Nature and
the Christian Revelation."
, earl Cowper, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, was descended from an ancient
, earl Cowper, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, was descended from an ancient family, and son to sir William Cowper, baronet, and member of parliament for the town of Hertford in the reigns of Charles II. and William III. He is supposed to have been born in the castle of Hertford, of which his family had been a considerable time in possession; but of the place or time of his birth, or where he was educated, we have not been able to obtain any certain information. It appears, however, that he made so great a proficiency in the study of the law, that, soon after he was called to the bar, he was chosen recorder of Colchester, and in the reign of king William he was appointed one of his majesty’s council. In 1695 he was chosen one of the representatives in parliament for the town of Hertford, and on the day he took his seat had occasion to speak three times, with great applause. The following year he appeared as counsel for the crown on the trials of sir William Perkins, and others, who were convicted of high treason, for being concerned in the plot to assassinate king William. He was also counsel for the crown on the trial of captain Thomas Vaughan, for high treason on the high seas; and he likewise supported in parliament the bill of attainder against sir John Fenwick. In 1704, in a speech in the house of commons, in the famous case of Ashby and White, he maintained that an action did lie at common law, for an elector who had been denied his vote for members of parliament. His reputation continuing greatly to increase, on the accession of queen Anne he was again appointed one of the counsel to the crown; and on October 11, 1705, he was constituted lord keeper of the great seal of England. A few days after, queen Anne addressed both houses of parliament in a speech, which was well received, and which was said to be written by the new lord keeper.
ord Cowper, baron Cowper of Wingham in Kent; and on May 4, 1707, her majesty in council declared him lord high chancellor of Great Britain. In 1709, in consequence of
1619, 4to. Fuller’s Abel Redivivus. Clarke’s Ecclesiastical History, p. 445.
Hayley’s life of Cowper, To!. I. p. '2. 8vo edit. Mr. Hayley thinks it not
improbable that he may have been an ancestor of the poet.
waited upon the queen at St. James’s with the articles
agreed upon between the commissioners, as the terms upon
which the union was to take place, and made a speech to
her majesty on the occasion. The articles of union, agreed
upon by the commissioners, with some few alterations,
were afterwards ratified by the parliaments both of England and Scotland. The lord-keeper had a very considera^le hand in this measure, and in consideration of that,
and his general merit and services, he was advanced, Nov^
9, 1706, to the dignity of a peer, by the style and title of
lord Cowper, baron Cowper of Wingham in Kent; and
on May 4, 1707, her majesty in council declared him lord
high chancellor of Great Britain. In 1709, in consequence
of the intrigues of Harley and Mrs. Masham, the earl of
Sunderland, son-in-law to the duke of Marlborough, was
removed from the office of secretary of state; and it being
apprehended that this event would give disgust to that
great general, and perhaps induce him to quit the command of the army, a joint letter was sent to his grace by
lord Cowper, the dukes of Newcastle and Devonshire, and
other noblemen, in which they conjured him in the strongest terms, not to quit his command. But soon after, on
the 8th of August, 1710, the earl of Godolphin being removed from the post of lord-treasurer, the other whig ministers resigned with spirit and dignity. Lord Cowper, in
particular, behaved with unexampled firmness and honour,
rejecting with scorn the overtures which Harley, the new
favourite, made to induce him to continue. When he
waited on the queen to resign, she strongly opposed his
resolution, and returned the seals three times after he
had laid them down. At last, when she could not prevail,
she commanded him to take them ' adding, “I beg it as a
favour of you, if I may use that expression.
” Cowper
could not refuse to obey her commands: but, after a short
pause, and taking up the seals, he said that he would not
carry them out of the palace except on the promise, that
the surrender of them would be accepted on the morrow:
and on the following day his resignation was accepted.
This singular contest between her majesty and him lasted
three quarters of an hour.
ughter, Elizabeth, married Simon Harcourt, esq. eldest son and heir of Simon lord viscount Harcourt, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, by whom she became mother
, third son of the former, was born at his
father’s house at Sayes-court, near Deptford, January 14,
1654-5, and was there very tenderly educated in his infancy, being considered (after the death of his brother Richard Evelyn, January 27, 1657, who, though but five years of age, was esteemed a kind of prodigy) as the heir
of the family. He was likewise universally admired for
the pregnancy of his parts, of which he gave a pleasing
proof in a Latin letter written to his father in Dec. 1665,
and which induced his father to send him in 1666 to Oxford, where he remained in the house of the ingenious and
learned Dr. Ralph Bathurst, then president of Trinity-college, before he was admitted a gentleman-commoner, which
was in Easter term 1663. It is not clear at what time he
left Oxford; but Mr. Wood seems to be positive that he took
no degree there, but returned to his father’s house, where
he prosecuted his studies under the directions of that great
man. There is, however, good reason to believe that it
was during his residence in Trinity-college, and when he
was not above fifteen years of age, that he wrote that elegant Greek poem which is prefixed to the second edition
of the Sylva, and is a noble proof of the strength of his
genius, and wonderful progress in learning in the early
part of his life. In Nov. 1675, he set out for Paris with
lord Berkley, ambassador to the French court; and in May
1676, returned to England. He discovered his proficiency
soon afterwards, both in the learned and modern languages,
by his elegant translations, as well as his intimate acquaintance with the muses, in some original poems which were
very justly admired. If we consider the father’s turn of
mind, we need not wonder that he should employ his pen
first upon gardening, especially in the easy way of translation, and from a book so justly as well as generally admired as the French Jesuit’s has ever been. The title of
our author’s little treatise was, 1. “Of gardens, four
books, first written in Latin verse, by Renatus Rapinus;
and now made English by John Evelyn, esq.
” Sylva,
” and it must be allowed that the sense is very
faithfully rendered, and the poetry is more easy and harmonious than could have been expected from a youth of
his age. 2. “The life of Alexander the great,
” translated from the Greek of Plutarch, printed in the fourth
volume of Plutarch’s lives by several hands. 3. “The history of the grand visiers, Mahomet and Achmet Coprogli;
of the three last grand signiors, their sultanas, and chief
favourites; with the most secret intrigues of the seraglio,
&c. Lond. 1677, 8vo. This was a translation from the
French, and has been esteemed an entertaining and instructive history. Our author wrote also several poems
occasionally, of which two are printed in Dryden’s Miscellanies, and more are in Nichols’s Collection of Poems.
The one entitled “On virtue,
” has been esteemed excellent in its kind by the best judges and the other, styled
“The remedy of love,
” has been also much admired. On
Feb. 24, 1679-80, he married Martha, daughter and coheiress of Richard Spenser, esq. Turkey merchant, whose
widow married sir John Stonehouse, of Radley, in Berks,
bart. Mr. Evelyn, who had a turn for business as well as
study, and had been introduced to the prince of Orange
in 1688, was in 1690 made one of the chief clerks of the
treasury, and quitting that situation in 1691, became one
of the commissioners of the revenue in Ireland, which
country he visited in 1692. He would probably have been
advanced to higher employments if he had not been cut
off in thd flower of his age, dying at his house in Berkeleystreet, London, March 24, 1698, in the forty-fifth year of
his age. He had by his wife two sons and three daughters.
His eldest son, Richard, -died an infant at Sayes-court, as
did his eldest daughter Martha Mary. His second daughter, Elizabeth, married Simon Harcourt, esq. eldest son
and heir of Simon lord viscount Harcourt, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, by whom she became mother to
the first earl Harcourt. Jane, his third daughter, died an
infant at his house in the parish of St. Martin’s in the fields,
and was interred at Kensington. John Evelyn, his second
and only surviving son, born at Sayes-court, March 2,
1681, succeeded to his grandfather’s estate. He was married at Lambeth chapel, September 18,- 1705, to Anne,
daughter of Edward Boscawen, of Worthivil, co. Cornwall, esq. He was by letters-patent bearing date July 30,
1713, created a baronet. This worthy gentleman, who inherited the virtue and learning as well as the patrimony of
his ancestors, made several alterations and additions to the
family-seat at Wotton, in 1717, one of which was the
erecting a beautiful library, forty-five feet long, fourteen
feet broad, and as many high, for the reception of that
large ajtd curious collection of books made by his grandfather, his father, and himself, and where they still remain. He was long one of the commissioners of the
customs, a fellow of the royal society, and was succeeded by
his eldest son, John, who dying in 1767, was succeeded
by sir Frederick Evelyn, on whose death, in 1812, the
title descended to Mr. John Evelyn, the grandson of
Charles, a younger son of the first baronet of the Wotton
his majesty, upon the resignation of lord Northington, delivered the great seal to his lordship, as lord high chancellor of Great Britain. It was the Rockingham administration
His lordship had the reputation of having presided in
that court with a dignity, weight, and impartiality, never
exceeded by any of his predecessors and when the celebrated John Wilkes was seized and committed to the
Tower, upon a general warrant, his lordship granted him
an Habeas Corpus; and when Wilkes was brought before
the court of Common Pleas, discharged him from his confinement in the Tower, on May 6, 1763, after stating the
case, in a speech which did him great honour. His wise
and spirited behaviour upon this occasion, and in the consequent judicial proceedings, between the printers of the
“North Briton
” and others concerned in that publication,
or in apprehending the authors, was so acceptable to the
nation, that the lord mayor, aldermen, and common-council of the city of London, presented him with the freedom
of their corporation in a gold box, an,d desired him to sit
for his picture, which was put up in the Guildhall in 1764,
with a suitable inscription at the bottom of the frame. The
guild of merchants of the city of Dublin, also voted him
the freedom of their guild, in a gold box the corporation
of barber- surgeons of that city voted him his freedom
thereof; and the sheriffs and commons of Dublin presented
him their thanks “for the distinguished zeal and loyalty
which he has shewn in asserting and maintaining the rights
and liberties of the subject, in the high station whichhe
now fills, with remarkable dignity and for his particular
services to this kingdom, in the office of attorney-general.
Other towns sent him testimonies of their regard, and his
popularity was now at its height. In 1765 he was created
a peer of Great Britain by the title of lord Camclen, baron
Camden in the county of Kent and on July 30, 1766, his
majesty, upon the resignation of lord Northington, delivered the great seal to his lordship, as lord high chancellor
of Great Britain. It was the Rockingham administration
who promoted his lordship’s advancement to the peerage;
but they did not thereby obtain his entire support in parliament for when the declaratory bill, asserting the right
of parliament to make laws, binding the colonies in all cases
whatever, was brought into the House of Lords, he opposed
it with the greatest vigour. Lord Camden, whatever might
be thought of his opinions, was uniformly independent,
and incurred a portion of popular odium for supporting
the suspension of the law, in order to prevent the exportation of corn at a time when scarcity was impending. On
this occasion he happened to make a sarcastic reply to lord
Temple, which drew upon him the wrath of Junius; but
for this he had as little regard as for the more sober invectives of party. As a lord chancellor, he appears to
have conciliated the good opinion of all parties. His acuteness and judgment, and the perspicuity with w'hich he delivered his opinions, and his general politeness, mixed
with a becoming regard to the dignity of his office, all
produced the highest respect and confidence in his decisions. But as he still adhered to his opinion against the
taxation of the Americans, which he strongly and publicly
opposed on every occasion, he was removed from his high
office in 1770.
, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, descended from the noble family
, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, descended from the noble family of Talbot, was the son of William , bishop of Durham, and was born in 168k In 1701 he was admitted a gentleman commoner of Oriel college, Oxford, where he proceeded A.B. in 1704, at three years standing, a privilege allowed him as the son of a bishop. In November of the same year, he was elected a fellow of All Souls, but voided this by marrying, in a few years, Cecily, daughter and heir of Charles Matthews, of Castle Munich, in the county of Glamorgan, esq. and great grand-daughter, by the mother’s side, of the famous judge Jenkins.
, Sec. during lord North’s administration. In June 1778, he was appointed to succeed lord Apsley, as lord high chancellor of Great Britain, and the same day was raised
, Lord Thurlow, a distinguished statesman and lawyer, was the second son of the rev. Thomas Thurlow, rector of Ashfield in Suffolk, and was born about 1732. He was entered of, and continued for some time at Caiut college, Cambridge, whery vulgar report has made him idle and dissipated. Of this we have no proof, nor of his having been equally careless of his studies after he entered the society of the Middle Temple. Lord Thurlow may have been indebted to what are called lucky coincidences for some of his promotions, but as he was always found amply qualified for the high stations he held, he could not have much neglected the cultivation of his natural abilities, or been remiss in accumulating that knowledge by which alone he could rival his contemporaries. He appears to have been called to the bar in 1758, and must have rapidly attained distinction in his profession, for, in three years after, chiefly owing to the talent he displayed in the Douglas cause, he was advanced to the rank of king’s counsel. His voice, person, and manner, were not ill calculated to give his efforts an air of consequence at the bar, and his practice became extensive. In March 1770 he was appointed solicitor-general, and in. June 1771 attorney-general. He now sat in parliament for the borough of Tamworth, where he had many opportunities of justifying the choice of his patrons, and of creating that species of character and interest which generally leads to the highest legal appointments. As a politician, he uniformly, and with commanding vigour, suppotted the measures adopted with respect to America, Sec. during lord North’s administration. In June 1778, he was appointed to succeed lord Apsley, as lord high chancellor of Great Britain, and the same day was raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Thurlow of Ashfield in Suffolk. This office he resigned in April 1783, when the seals were put into commission, but was re-appointed when Mr. Pitt was nominated prime minister in December following. He again resigned them in June 1792, and on the 12th of that month was created Lord Thurlow of Thurlow in Suffolk, with a collateral remainder of this honour to the issue male of his late two brothers, the bishop of Durham, and John Thurlow of Norwich. After this retirement, till a short period before his death, he took an active part, and had great weight, in the House of Lords.; and having retained complete possession of his faculties, with accumulated wisdom and experience, his latter speeches were often more the subject of admiration, than any that had been remembered in his earlier days. He died in the seventy-fourth year of his age, Sept. 12, 1806, without male issue.