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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

marquis de Baville, &c. first president of the parliament of Paris,

, marquis de Baville, &c. first president of the parliament of Paris, and one of the most eminent magistrates of his age, was born October 20, 1617, at Pans, of a noble and ancient family, which has produced many persons of merit. He was son of Christian de Lamoignon, president of the parliament at Paris, seigneur de Baville, &c. and admitted counsellor to the same parliament 1635, master of the requests 1644, and first president 1658. His prudence, amiable temper, affability, talents for public affairs, and love of learning and learned men, gained him universal esteem. The extent of his genius, and his great eloquence, were admired in his “Remonstrances,” and the harangues which he delivered at the head of the parliament. Nor were his abilities less conspicuous in the verbal process of the ordinances of April 1667, and August 1670, nor in his “Resolutions,” which we have on several important points of the French law, 1702, 4to. He died December 10, 1677, aged sixty, regretted by all persons of worth. M. Flechier spoke his funeral oration, and Boileau justly mentions him, with the highest encomiums.