, more known under the name of Sacy (Isaac inverted), was brother of
, more known under the
name of Sacy (Isaac inverted), was brother of the former,
and was born at Paris, in 1613, where he was also educated. After pursuing his studies with the greatest success
under Du Verger, the abbé of St. Cyran, and other eminent teachers, he was admitted to the priesthood in 1648.
His reputation gained him the office of confessor to the
society of Port Royal; but that house being accused of
Jansenism, he was involved in the persecution; was obliged
to conceal himself in 1661; and in 1666 was confined in
the Bastille. In that prison he composed some important
works, particularly a translation of the whole Bible, which
was finished on the eve of All-saints, 1668; and on the
same day he obtained his liberty, after being confined two
years and a half. When this work was presented to the
king and his minister, le Maistre desired no other reward
than that of being allowed frequently to visit the Bastille,
to inspect the state of the prisoners. Some writers assert
that during his confinement, he composed a history of the
Old and New Testament, in one volume, under the name
of Royaumont, a work known in this, country by a translation in 4to, published about the beginning of the last century, with nearly 300 plates but others ascribe it to
Nicholas Fontaine. Le Maistre remained at Paris till 1675,
when he retired to Port-Royal but was obliged in 1679
to quit it, and retired to Pompona, where he died, at the
age of seventy-one, in 1684. His works are, 1. His
translation of the Bible, with explanations of the literal
and spiritual sense taken from the fathers; in which part
he was assisted by du Fosse, Hure“, and le Tourneaux.
This work was published at Paris, in 1682, and several
subsequent years, in 32 vols. 8vo. Several other editions
have been printed, but this is on the whole esteemed the
best. 2. A translation of the Psalms, from the Hebrew
and the Vulgate together. 3. A translation of the Homilies of St. Chrysostom on St. Matthew, in 3 vols. 8vo.
4. A translation of Kempis on the Imitation of Christ, under the name of de Beuil, prior of S. Val, Paris, 1663,
8vo. 5. A translation of Phaedrus, under the name of St.
Aubin, 12mo. 6. Three comedies of Terence, 12mo. 7.
The Letters of Bongars, published under the rj^me of
Brianville. 8. The poem of St. Prosper, on ingratitude,
rendered in verse and prose. 9.
” Les enluminures de
l'Almanach des Jesuites,“1654, 12mo; an attack upon
the Jesuits, which was so far relished as to be reprinted in
1733. 10.
” Heures de Port-Royal,“called by the Jesuits
Hours of Jansenism, 12mo. 11.
” Letters of Piety," in
2 vols. 8vo, published at Paris in 1690. The merits of
this author are fully displayed in the memoirs of PortRoyal, written by Nicholas Fontaine, and published at
Cologne, in 1738, in 2 vols. 12mo.