, of Albro'-hatch, in the county of Essex, was early in life an officer
, of Albro'-hatch, in the county of
Essex, was early in life an officer in the army, bearing the
commission of lieutenant-colonel in queen Anne’s reign,
under the great duke of Marlborough. In 1714, he was
made comptroller of the. Mint, and in 1717, one of the
lords commissioners of trade and plantations. In the same
year he was appointed envoy extraordinary to the court of
Spain, but declined it, and retained the office he held
until his death, Feb. 14, 1746. He satin the fifth, sixth,
and seventh parliaments of Great Britain for Stockbridge,
in the eighth for Maiden, and in the ninth for Portsmouth.
Coxeter hints that he was secretary of state for Ireland,
but this is doubtful. He wrote two very indifferent dramatic pieces, “Orpheus and Euridice,
” and “Solon
” which
were printed in