cation, when the reputation he had acquired procured him the offer of director of the lesser schools of Nimeguen; but before accepting this, he took the degree of doctor
, a learned philologist, was born
at Wesel, in 1702, the son of Henry Arntzenius, who had
been successively director of the schools of Wesel,
Arnheim, and Utrecht, and died in 1728. Our author studied law, but devoted himself more to classical literature.
At Utrecht he was the pupil of Drakenborch and Duker,
and at Leyden, of Burmann and Havercamp, and he had
scarcely completed the ordinary course of education, when
the reputation he had acquired procured him the offer of
director of the lesser schools of Nimeguen; but before accepting this, he took the degree of doctor of laws at
Utrecht, and published his thesis, on that occasion, July
1726, “De nuptiis inter fratrem et sororem,
” Nimeguen.
In Dissertationes de colore et tinclura comarum et de civitate Romana Apostoli
” Utrecht, Oratio de delectu
scriptorum qui juventuti in scholis prcelegendi sunt,
Nimeguen, Oratio de causis corrupts
” ibid. Aurelius Victor,
” Plinii Panegyricus,
” enriched by excerpta from many
manuscripts, and the learned conjectures of Heinsius and
Perizonius. Its only fault, Ernesti says, is in defending
too pertinaciously the common readings. 6. An edition
of the “Panegyricus of Pacatus,
” Amst.
ion ranks him among the pseudonymous authors, a “History of Holland,” from the peace in 1609 to that of Nimeguen in 1679, under the name of Balthasar d'Hezenail de
His next publication ranks him among the pseudonymous
authors, a “History of Holland,
” from the peace in De la Devotion a la Sainte Vierge, et du Culte qui lui est
” 12mo, a piece of catholic superstition, which was attacked in two pamphlets. He had formed many more useful designs, as an universal ecclesiastical dictionary, embracing every subject of doctrine, morality, and discipline;
but this and all his other schemes were interrupted by his
death, Jan. 21, 1706. He was much regretted as an indefatigable scholar, and a valuable contributor to literary
history. His extreme temperance and close application to
study injured his health, and brought on all those miseries
of a sedentary life, which exhausted his constitution, when
only in his fifty-sixth year. In Lamoignon’s family, he
was treated with the tenderness and respect due to his laborious services and blameless character. His last moments were marked by piety and fortitude, and his last
breath expressed a blessing on his benefactors. His “.lugemens des Savans,
” Mr. Dibdin justly observes, is one of
those works with which no man fond of typographical
and bibliographical pursuits, can dispense. In 1722, a
new edition of it in 7 vols. 4to, was published by M. de la
Monnoye, including the “Anti-Baillet
” and a new edition at Amsterdam,
rely confined to this abstracted kind of writing, as appears from his letter to the public ministers of Nimeguen. In 1679, a treatise of his was published in answer
, the celebrated apologist for the
Quakers, and one of the ablest writers of that sect, was
born at Gordonstown, in the shire of Murray, Scotland, in
1648, of an ancient and very honourable family. The
troubles in Scotland induced his father, colonel Barclay,
to send him while a youth to Paris, under the care of his
uncle, principal of the Scots college who, taking advantage of the tender age of his nephew, drew him over to
the Romish religion. His father, being informed of this,
sent for him in 1664. Robert, though now only sixteen,
had gained a perfect knowledge of the French and Latin
tongues, and had also improved himself in most other parts
of knowle_dge. Several writers amongst the quakers have
asserted that colonel Barclay had embraced their doctrine
before his son’s return from France, but Robert himself has
tixed it to the year 1666. Our author soon after became
also a proselyte to that sect, and in a short time distinguished himself greatly by his zeal for their doctrines. His
rirst treatise in defence of them appeared at Aberdeen,
1670. It was written in so sensible a manner, that it
greatly raised the credit of the quakers. The title runs
thus “Truth cleared of calumnies, 'wherein a hook entitled, A dialogue between a Quaker and a stable Christian
(printed at Aberdeen, and, upon good ground, judged to be writ by William Mitchel, a preacher near by it, or at least that he had a chief hand in it), is examined, and the
disingenuity of the author in his representing the Quakers
is discovered here is also their case truly stated, cleared,
demonstrated, and the objections of their opposers answered according to truth, scripture, and right reason to
which are subjoined queries to the inhabitants of Aberdeen,
which might (as far as the title tells us) also be of use to
such as are of the same mind with them elsewhere in the
” The preface to this performance is dated from the
author’s house at Ury, the 19th of the second month, 1670.
In a piece he published in 1672, he tells us that he had
been commanded by God to pass through the streets of
Aberdeen in sackcloth and ashes, and to preach the necessity of faith and repentance to the inhabitants he accordingly performed it, being, as he declared, in the greatest
agonies of mind till he had fulfilled this command. In
1675, he published a regular and systematical discourse,
explaining the tenets of the quakers; which was well received. This was called “A Catechism and Confession of
Faith, &c.
” Many of those who opposed the religion of the
quakers, having endeavoured to confound them with another sect called the ranters, our author, in order to shewr
the difference between those pi his persuasion and this
other sect, wrote a very sensible and instructive work
called “The Anarchy of the Ranters and other Libertines,
” In for the Quakers
was published in Latin at Amsterdam, 4to. His
” Theses
theologies,“which are the foundation of this work, had
been published some time before. He translated his Apology into English, and published it in 1678. The title in
the English edition runs thus
” An apology for the true
Christian divinity as the same is held forth and preached by
the people called in scorn Quakers being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines, by
many arguments deduced from scripture and right reason,
and the testimonies of famous authors both ancient and
modern, with a full answer to the strongest objections
usually made against them presented to the king: written
and published in Latin for the information of strangers, by
Robert Barclay; and now put into our own language for
the benefit of his countrymen.“This work is addressed
to Charles II. and the manner in which he expresses himself to his majesty is very remarkable. Amongst many
other extraordinary passages, we meet with the following:
” There is no king in the world, who can so experimentally
testify of God’s providence and goodness; neither is there
any who rules so many free people, so many true Christians which thing renders thy government more honourable, thyself more considerable, than the accession of many
nations rilled with slavish aud superstitious souls. Thou
hast tasted of prosperity and adversity thou knowest what
it is to be banished thy native country, to be over-ruled
as well as to rule and sit upon the throne and being oppressed, thou hast reason to know how hateful the oppressor is both to God and man if, after all those warnings
and advertisements, thou dost not turn unto the Lord with
all thy heart, but forget him who remembered thee in thy
distress, and give up thyself to follow lust and vanity, surely,
great will be thy condemnation.“These pieces of his,
though they greatly raised his reputation amongst persons
of sense and learning, yet they brought him into various
disputes, and one particularly with some considerable members of the university of Aberdeen an account of which
was afterwards published, entitled
” A true and faithful
account of the most material passages of a dispute between
some students- of divinity (so called) of the university of
Aberdeen, aud the people called Quakers, held in Aberdeen in Scotland, in Alexander Harper his close (or yard)
before some hundred of witnesses, upon the 14th day of the
second month, called April, 1675, there being John Lesly,
Alexander Sherreff, and Paul Gellie master of arts, opponents and defendants upon the Quakers’ part, Robert
Barclay and George Keith praeses for moderating the
meeting, chosen by them, Andrew Thompson advocate;
and by the quakers, Alexander Skein, some time a magistrate of the city published for preventing misreports
by Alexander Skein, John Skein, Alexander Harper, Thomas Merser, and John Cowie to which is added, Robert
Barclay’s offer to the preachers of Aberdeen, renewed and
reinforced.“It appears also that he suffered imprisonment
for his principles, which he bore with the greatest
meekness. In 1677, he wrote a large treatise on
” universal
love.“Nor were his talents entirely confined to this abstracted kind of writing, as appears from his letter to the
public ministers of Nimeguen. In 1679, a treatise of his
was published in answer to John Brown he wrote also the
same year a vindication of his Anarchy of the Ranters.
His last tract was published in 1686, and entitled
” The
possibility and necessity of the inward and immediate Revelation of the Spirit of God towards the foundation and
ground of true faith, proved in a letter written in Latin to
a person of quality in Holland, and now also put into
English.' 7 He did great service to his sect by his writings
over all. Europe. He travelled also with the famous IVlr.
Penn through the greatest part of England, Holland, and
Germany, and was every where received with great respect. When he returned to his native country, he spent
the remainder of his life in a quiet and retired manner. He
died at his own house at Ury, on the 3d of October 1690,
in the forty-second year of his age, leaving seven children,
all of whom were alive in October 1740, fifty years after
their father’s death, and the last survivor, Mr. David Barclay, a merchant of London, died in March 1769, in his
eighty-eighth year, a gentleman still remembered for having had the singular honour of receiving at his house in
Cheapside, three successive kings, George I. II. and III.
when at their accession they favoured the city with their
presence. From his windows they witnessed the procession, previous to dining with the lord-mayor and citizens at Guildhall on the lord-mayor’s day.
the united provinces from 1646 to 1667. The second, published in 1726, proceeds as far as the peace of Nimeguen in 1678. This valuable work was undertaken at the request
The favourite studies of his life, and much of his character, may be ascertained from his works, which were
very numerous: 1. “Examen des Methodes,
” &c. Cologne, Critical History.
” 2. “Consideration sur Tetat de ceux qui
sont tombez.
” This consists of letters sent to the church
of Koan respecting some faliing-off among its members.
Rotterdam, 1686, 12mo. 3. “Reponse a M. l'Eveque
de Meaux sur sa lottre pastorale,
” Cologne, Divi Chrysostomi Epistola ad Ciesariiun Monachum, &c.
” To this
epistle are added three dissertations on the heresy of
Apollinaris, on the works attributed to Athanasius, and
an answer to father Simon. It was printed at Rotterdam,
1687, 8vo, and reprinted there 1694, under the title of
“Dissertationes Historico-Theologicae.
” 5. “La Communion Sainte,
” a treatise on worthily communicating-,
Rotterdam, 1688, 8vo, reprinted at least ten times, and
even adopted as a pious and useful work, by some of the
popish clergy. 6. “Histoire de la Religion des Eglises
Reformees, &c.
” containing an account of the succession
of the reformed churches, the perpetuity of their faith,
especially since the eighth century, the establishment of
the reformation, the continuation of the same doctrines
from the reformation to the present time, with an history
of the origin and progress of the chief errors of the Roman
church, in answer to the bishop of Meaux.' s “History of
the variations of the Protestant churches.
” This was first
published at Rotterdam, 2 vols. 12mo, reprinted by the
author in his church history in 1699, but enlarged and
published separately in 1721, 5 vols. 8vo, and after the
author’s death, in 1725, 2 vols. 4to; the best and most
complete edition. 7. “Traite de la conscience,
” Amst.
Lett-res Pastorales,
” intended to animate the protestants on
the renewal of persecution, 1698, 4to. 9. “Histoire de
l‘Eglise depuis Jesus Christ jusqu’a present,
” Rotterdam,
2 vols. fol. 10. “Traite des prejugez,
” in answer to the
pastoral charges of the French prelates de Noailles, Colbert, Bossuet, and Nesmond, 1701, 3 vols. 8vo. 11.“Defense clu Tniite' des prejugez, &c.
” Delft, Dissertation historique sur l'usage de la Benediction
” inserted in the History -of the Works of the
Learned, for 1703, an attack upon some of the popish marriage ceremonies. 13. “Dissertation sur la maniere dont
le Canon de PEcriture Sainte s’est forme, &c.
” intended
as an apology for what he had said in his Church History
against Mr. Richardson’s “Defence of the Canon of the
New Testament.
” 14. “Histoire de l'ancien et du nouveau Testament,
” Aoist. fol. Histoire des
” Rotterdam, L'Histoire des Juifs
reclamee et retabiie par son veritable auteur, &c.
” Rott.
Entretiens sur la Religion,
” Rotterdam, Sermons sur divers sujets, &c.
” Rott. 2 vols. 8vo,
on which Niceron makes a curious remark, that there is
more morality in them than is generally in those of the
Protestants. 19. “Prospectus novae editionis Canisii,
Dacherii, &c.
” He had undertaken an improved edition
of Canisius’s “Lectiones antiquoe,
” but his booksellers not
being able to support the expence, transferred it to the
Wetsteins, who published this great collection under the
title of “Thesaurus Monumentorum Eccl. et Hist. &c.
Antwerp, Preface sur la tluree
de la persecution,
” prefixed to Claude’s “Complaints of
the Protestants.
” 21. “Antiquitez Judaiques, ou Remarques critiques sur la Republique des Hebreux,
” Amst.
De Republica Hebracorum.
” 22. “Reflexions desinterress^es sur la Constitution du pape Clement XI. qui condamne le nouveau Testament du P. Quesnel,
” Amst. 1714,
8vo. 23. “L‘unite’, la visibilite
”, &c. de l'Eglise,“Amst.
1715, 8vo. 24.
” Avis sur la tenue d'un Concile National
en France, &c.“1715, 8vo, without his name. 25.
” L'etat
present de TEglise Gallicane,“chiefly on the conduct of
pope Clement XI. Amst. 1719, 12mo. 26.
” Instructions
pastorales aux Reformez de France,“concerning obedience due to the king, 1720, 12mo. This was written at
the desire of the regent duke of Orleans, yet it was attempted to be answered by Catelan, a French bishop.
The controversy, however, was carried on between him
and Basnage with great liberality. 27.
” Annales des
Provinces Unies,“vol.1. Hague, fol. 1719. This volume
contains the history of the united provinces from 1646 to
1667. The second, published in 1726, proceeds as far
as the peace of Nimeguen in 1678. This valuable work
was undertaken at the request of the counsellor deputies
of Holland and West Friesland, who furnished the author
with materials from their archives. 28.
” Nouveaux Sermons,“1720, 8vo. 29.
” Dissertation historique sur les
Duels et les ordres de Chevalerie." This dissertation on
duels is said to be a very curious work. Besides these,
M. Basnage was an occasional contributor to the literaryjournals, and left many manuscripts. His style, in the
greater part of his writings, is inferior to his matter, a remark which belongs generally to voluminous writers.
, of Nimeguen, where he was born in 1494, and therefore sometimes
, of Nimeguen, where he was
born in 1494, and therefore sometimes called NoviOMAGUS,
was an eminent mathematician of the sixteenth century,
and rector of the school of Daventer, and afterwards professor of mathematics at Rostock. He died at Cologne in
1570. Saxius says that he was first of Rostock, then of
Cologne, and lastly of Daventer, which appears to be probable from the dates of his writings. He wrote, 1. “Scholia in Dialecticam Georgii Trapezuntii,
” Cologne and
Leyden, Arithmetica,
” ibid, and Paris,
De Astrolabii compositione,
” Cologne, Urbis Pictaviensis (Poitiers) tumultus, ej usque
” an elegiac poem, Pictav. Ven.
Bedae de sex mundi setatibus,
” with scholia, and a continuation to the 26th of Charles V. Cologne, 1537. He also
translated from the Greek, Ptolomy’s Geography.
iment. He had a share in all the actions of that famous campaign against the Dutch; and at the siege of Nimeguen, distinguished himself so much, that he was particularly
, duke of Marlborough, and prince of the holy Roman empire, was eldest son of sir Winston Churchill, and born at Ashe in Devonshire on Midsummerday in 1650. A clergyman in the neighbourhood instructed him in the first principles of literature, and he was for some time educated at St. Paul’s school but his father, having other views than what a learned education afforded, carried him to court in the twelfth year of his age, where he was particularly favoured by James duke of York. He had a pair of colours given him in the guards, during the first Dutch war, about 1666; and afterwards obtained leave to go over to Tangier, then in our hands, and besieged by the Moors, where he resided for some time, and cultivated the science of arms. Upon his return to England, he attended constantly at court, and was greatly respected by both the king and the duke. In 1672, the duke of Monmouth commanding a body of English auxiliaries in the service of France, Churchill attended him, and was soon after made a captain of grenadiers in his grace’s own regiment. He had a share in all the actions of that famous campaign against the Dutch; and at the siege of Nimeguen, distinguished himself so much, that he was particularly taken notice of by the celebrated marshal Turenne, who bestowed on him the name of the handsome Englishman. He appeared also to so much advantage at the reduction of Maestricht, that the French king thanked him for his behaviour at the head of the line, and assured him that he would acquaint his sovereign with it, which the duke of Monmouth also confirmed, telling the king his father how much he had been indebted to the bravery of captain Churchill.
different names, and with opposite views. Among these are, I. “The conduct of France since the peace of Nimeguen,” 1683, i'2mo, a work in which he censures the conduct
, sieur de Sandras, was born
at Paris in 1644. After having been captain in the regiment of Champagne, he went over to Holland in 1683,
ivhere he wrote several works, published under different
names, and with opposite views. Among these are, I.
“The conduct of France since the peace of Nimeguen,
An answer to the foregoing,
” in
which he produces the arguments on the other side of the
question. 3. “The new interests of the Princes.
” 4.
“The Life of Coligni,
” Memoirs of Rochfort,
” 12mo. 6. “History of the Dutch War from the
year 1672 to 1677; a work which obliged him for some
time to quit the territories of the republic. 7.
” Political
Testament of Colbert,“12mo. The French clergy were
highly incensed against him, for relating in it an expression of Colbert, that
” the bishops of France were so much
devoted to the will of the king, that if he should think fit
to substitute the koran instead of the gospel, they would
readily subscribe to it.“8.
” Le grand Alcandre frustre,“or the last efforts of love and virtue. 9.
” The Memoirs“of John Baptist cle la Fontaine; those of Artagnan, 3 vols.
12mo; those of Montbrun, 12mo; those of the marchioness
Dufresne, 12mo; those of Bordeaux, 4 vols. 12mo; those
of Saint- Hilaire, 4 vols. 12mo. 10.
” Annals of Paris and
of the Court, for the years 1697 and 1698.“11.
” The
Life of the Vicomte Turenne,“12mo, published under the
name of Dubuisson. On his return to France in 1702, he
was shut up in the Bastille, where he was kept in a dungeon for nine years, or, as Moreri says, only three years.
Having obtained his liberty, he married a bookseller’s
widow, and died at Paris the 6th of May, 1712, at the age
of 68. He is also the author of, 12. Memoirs of Tyrconnel, composed from the verbal accounts of that nobleman,
a close prisoner, like him, in the bastille. 13.
” Historical and political Mercury,“&c. He, besides, left manuscripts sufficient in quantity to make 40 volumes in 12 mo.
” The Memoirs of Vortlac," 2 vols. I 2mo, are unjustly attributed to him but enough was avowed to give us but an
unfavourable opinion of his judgment or consistency.
d of murder in 1671. Noodt appeared advocate for them, by the special appointment of the magistrates of Nimeguen; and he exerted himself so well in their behalf, that
, a celebrated civilian, was born Sept.
4, 1647, at Nimeguen, where his father, Peter Noodt,
held a law office in the corporation. He was first educated
at the school at Nimeguen; and, having gone through the
usual classes, removed, in 1663, to the university which
then subsisted, although in a decayed state, in that city .
Here he began his studies with history and polite literature
under John Schulting, professor of eloquence and history.
Besides these, he applied himself to philosophy and the
mathematics, which he would have made his principal
study, had he not been diverted by Mr. Arnauld Coerman,
German counsellor of the duchy of Guelderland, &c. who
prevailed upon him to apply himself to law, as likely to be
of more advantage to himself and to the public. Complying with this advice he studied law three years under Peter
de Greve; during which time he maintained two public
theses with uncommon reputation. The second of these,
“De acquirenda, et retinenda, et amittenda possessione,
which was of his own composition, he defended with such
masterly knowledge, that the professor had not occasion to
say a word throughout the whole disputation. As soon as
he had completed his course of study here, he visited the
other universities of Leyden, Utrecht, and shortly after
Franeker, where he was created LL. D. in June 1669. He
then returned to his own country, and entered upon the
practice of his profession, in which he soon had an opportunity of acquiring fame by his defence of two criminals,
who were accused of murder in 1671. Noodt appeared
advocate for them, by the special appointment of the magistrates of Nimeguen; and he exerted himself so well in
their behalf, that one of them was entirely acquitted, and
the other only sentenced to banishment for two years. This
cause established his reputation, and, the same year, he
was elected professor of law in ordinary in the university of
Nimeguen, although only in his twenty-fourth year.
im with the offer of a professorship in the university of Duysbourg, which he refused, although that of Nimeguen was approaching to dissolution. William de Haren, however,
During the congress held there in 1677, his talents became known to several of the foreign ministers, and the
plenipotentiary from the elector of Brandenburg tempted
him with the offer of a professorship in the university of
Duysbourg, which he refused, although that of Nimeguen
was approaching to dissolution. William de Haren, however, third ambassador plenipotentiary from the States
General, succeeded afterwards in inducing him to accept
the law-professor’s chair at Franeker. Of this, accordingly, he took possession in 1670, and made his inauguration-speech Oct. 6. In 1683 his increasing reputation procured him an offer from the magistracy of Utrecht of a
professorship there which, after some demur, he accepted,
and made his inauguration-speech in 1684, “De causis
corrupts Jurisprudentise.
” In
d concluded it with his being recalled from Holland in February 1678-9, after the conclusion of that of Nimeguen. The third part contains what passed from this peace
Sir William Temple was not only a very able statesman
and negotiator, but also a polite and elegant writer. As
many of his works have been published, at different times,
as amount to two volumes in folio; which have also been
printed more than once in octavo. His “Observations
upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands,
” were
published in one volume, 8vo, in Miscellanea,
” consisting of ten tracts upon different subjects, were
originally published in two volumes, 8vo. One of these
tracts is upon ancient and modern learning; and what he
advanced there, as it in some measure gave occasion to, so
it involved him in, the controversy, which was soon after
agitated here in England, concerning the superiority of
the ancients and the moderns, His “Memoirs
” also, of
what had passed in his public employments, especially those
abroad, make a very interesting part of his works. They
were written in three parts; the first of which began with
his journey to Munster, contained chiefly his negotiations
of the triple alliance, and ended with his first retirement
from public business, in 1671, a little before the second
Dutch war. He began the second part with the approaches
of the peace between England and Holland, in 1673, and
concluded it with his being recalled from Holland in February 1678-9, after the conclusion of that of Nimeguen.
The third part contains what passed from this peace to sir
William’s retirement. The second part of these “Memoirs
” was published in his life-time, and, it is believed,
with his consent; though it is pretended that they were
written only for the use of his son, and sent into the world
without his knowledge. The third part was published by
Swift, in 1709, many years after his death. The first
part was never published at all; and Swift, in the preface
to the third, tells us, that “Sir William often assured
him he had burnt those Memoirs; and for that reason was
content his letters during his embassies at the Hague and
Aix-la-Chapelle (he might have added Minister) should
be printed after his death, to supply that loss. What it
” continues Swift, “that moved sir William Temple
to burn those first Memoirs, may, perhaps, be conjectured
from some passages in the second part formerly printed.
In one place the author has these words: ‘ My lord Arlington, who made so great a figure in the former part of
these Memoirs, was now grown out of all credit,’ &c. In
other parts he tells us, ‘ That that lord was of the ministry
which broke the triple-alliance, advised the Dutch war and
French alliance; and, in short, was at the bottom of all
those ruinous measures which the court of England was
then taking; so that, as I have been told from a good
hand, and as it seems very probable, he could not think
that lord a person fit to be celebrated for his part in forwarding that famous league, while he was secretary of
state, who had made such counterpaces to destroy it.’