, of Nizza, an artist who flourished from 1483 to 1513, may be considered
, of Nizza, an artist who flourished
from 1483 to 1513, may be considered as the founder of
the primitive Ligurian school Genoa and its states still
possess many of his works. Though inferior in taste to the
best contemporaries of other schools, meagre in design,
and attached to gilding, he yields to none in characteristic
beauty of heads, and a vivacity of colour, which has defied
time. The folds of his draperies are natural, his composition has propriety, his attitudes spirit, his plans are uncommon. He possesses an originality which clears him from
all suspicion of imitation, or deference to another school;
all this is to be understood of small proportions, for on
large dimensions it does not appear that he ever ventured. The most praised of his relics are a “Murder of
the Innocents
” at St. Agostino; and a “St. John,
” in the
oratory of the Madonna di Savona.