, one of the favourite pupils of Linnæus, and eminently distinguished
, one of the favourite
pupils of Linnæus, and eminently distinguished by hisillus“trations of the natural history and medicine of the Levant,
was born at Toernvalla, in East Gothland, Jan. 3d, 1722.
He was the son of a poor curate, who died at an early age,
and whose widow, on account of mental and corporeal infirmities, was obliged to be placed in the hospital at Vadstena. Her brother, a worthy clergyman of the name of
Pontin, educated young Hasselquist with his own children,
at the school of Linkoeping; but he was soon deprived of
this benefactor, and was obliged to become the tutor of
young children till he was old enough to go to the university; and by a similar plan he was enabled to support himself after he entered at Upsal, in 1741. Here he soon
took a decided turn for physic and natural history, and
had some talents for poetry; and such was his diligence,
that his superiors procured him, in 1746, a royal stipend or
scholarship. In June 1747, he published his thesis, entitled
” Vires Plantarum," setting forth the erroneous and
often foolish principles on which plants had formerly been
employed in medicine, and suggesting a truly philosophical one iii their natural botanical affinities.