, one of the most learned protestants of his time, was born at Westersted,
, one of the most learned protestants
of his time, was born at Westersted, in the county of Oldenburg, March 24, 1556, of which place his father was
minister, who sent him first to Leipsic, where he prosecuted his studies with great success, and for further improvement went thence to Cologne. After this he visited
the several universities of Helmstadt, Strasburg, Jena,
Marpurg, and, last of all, Rostock, where he was made
professor of poetry in 1595. Having there read lectures
with great applause for ten years, he was advanced to the
divinity chair in the same university, in 1605. In 1620
he was seized with a tertian ague, under which he laboured
for ten months before it put a period to his life in June
162 1. He has the character of having been a good Greek
scholar, and was well skilled in the Latin language, in
which he made good verses, and he had much reputation
as an orator, a mathematician, and a divine. He published
several books, namely, 1. “Antiquarius, sive priscorum
et minus usitatorum vocabulorum brevis et dilucida interpretatio.
” 2. “Clavis Graecae linguae.
” 3. “Anacreon,
Juvenal, and Persius, with notes.
” 4. “Horace and Juvenal, with a paraphrase.
” 5. “The Anthologia, with a
Latin version,
” Epistolae veterum Grsecorum, Greece et Latine, cum methodo conscribendarum
” 7. “Commentaiies upon some of the Epistles
of St. Paul.
” 8. “Monotessaion,sive historia evangelica,
&c. &c. i. e. a harmony of the four Evangelists. 9. “Nonni Dionysiaca,
” in Greek and Latin, at Francfort, Latin Poems,
” inserted in the third volume of
“Deliciae ^oetarum Germanorum.