, one of the popes so called, whose proper name was Bertrand de Gouth,
, one of the popes so called, whose proper
name was Bertrand de Gouth, or de Goth, was appointed
bishop of Comminges, then archbishop of Bourdeaux by
Boniface VIII. and afterwards elected pope at Perugia,
June 5, 1305. The ceremony of his coronation was performed at Lyons, Sunday, November 10, but interrupted
by a wall giving way, from being overloaded with spectators: by which accident John II. duke of Bretany was
^killed, the king wounded, and the tiara thrown from the
pope’s head. This accident was considered as a presage of
the misfortunes which afflicted Italy and all Christendom
during the pontificate of Clement V. He was the first pope
who resided at Avignon. In 1311, he held the general
council of Vienne, appropriated to himself the first year’s
revenue of all the English benefices, which was the origin
of first fruits, abolished the order of templars, and made
the collection of what are called the “Clementine Constitutions
” of which there are some scarce editions; Mentz,