f his character. He bequeathed a valuable portrait of himself, which has since been engraven, to the president of Trinity college and his successors. Mr. Burton, the author
, an eminent mathematician of the
sixteenth century, was born at Uttoxeter in Staffordshire,
Dec. 21, 1542, and was a descendant, through six generations, of Henry Allen, or Alan, lord of the manor of
Buckenhall in that county. He was admitted scholar of
Trinity college, Oxford, June 4, 1561, became fellow in
1565, and in 1567, took his master’s degree. From a
strong inclination to a retired life, and a dislike to entering
into holy orders, to which, according to the statutes, he
ftmst have been called, he quitted the college, resigned his
fellowship, and went to Gloucester-hall (now Worcester college), in 1570. Here he studied very closely, and acquired
a high reputation for his knowledge in antiquity, philosophy, and mathematics. Having received an invitation from
Henry earl of Northumberland, a great friend and patron
of the mathematicians, he spent some time at the earl’s
house, where he became acquainted with those celebrated
mathematicians Thomas Harriot, John Dee, Walter Warner, and Nathanael Torporley. Robert earl of Leicester
had a particular esteem for Mr. Allen, and would have conferred a bishopric upon him, but his love of solitude and
retirement made him decline the offer. He was also highly
respected by other celebrated contemporaries, sir Thomas
Bodley, sir Henry Savile, Mr. Camden, sir Robert Cotton,
sir Henry Spelman, Mr. Selden, &c. His great skill in
the mathematics made the ignorant and vulgar look upon
him as a magician or conjuror: and the author of a book,
intituled “Leicester’s Commonwealth,
” has absurdly accused him of using the art of figuring, to bring about the
earl of Leicester’s schemes, and endeavouring, by the
black art, to effect a match betwixt him and queen Elizabeth. It is more certain the earl placed such confidence in
Allen, that nothing material in the state was transacted
without his knowledge, and he had constant information,
by letter from Allen, of what passed in the university.
Allen was very curious and indefatigable in collecting scattered manuscripts relating to history, antiquity, astronomy,
philosophy, and mathematics, which collections have been
quoted by several learned authors, &c. There is a catalogue of them, bearing date 1622, among Anthony Wood’s
papers in the Ashmolean museum. He published in Latin
the second and third books of Ptolemy, “concerning the
Judgment of the Stars,
” or, as it is commonly called, of
the quadripartite construction, with an exposition. He
wrote also notes on many of Lilly’s books, and some on
John Bale’s work, “De scriptoribus Maj. Britanniae.
Having lived to a great age, he died at Gloucester-hall, Sept.
30, 1632, and was buried with a solemnity suited to the
greatness of his character. He bequeathed a valuable portrait of himself, which has since been engraven, to the
president of Trinity college and his successors. Mr. Burton, the author of his funeral oration, calls him not only
the Coryphaeus, but the very soul and sun of all the mathematicians of his time. Mr. Selden mentions him as “omni
eruditionis genere summoque judicio ornatissimus, cele-
berrimae academies Oxoniensis dec us insignissimum; a
person of the most extensive learning and consummate
judgment, the brightest ornament of the university of Oxford.“Camden says, he was
” Plurimis optimisque artibus Ornatissimus; skilled in most of the best arts and sciences.“Mr. Wood has transcribed part of his character
from a manuscript in the library of Trinity college, in these
” He studied polite literature with great application; he was strictly tenacious of academic discipline, always highly esteemed both by foreigners and those of the
university, and by all of the highest stations in the church
of England and the university of Oxford. He was a sagacious observer, and an agreeable companion.
ract on family instruction, and, what is now the most valuable of his works, the life of Dr. Harris, president of Trinity college, Oxford, 1660, 12mo. He had a son, of the
, an English divine, son of John Durham of Willersley near Carnpden in Gloucestershire, was born there in 1611, and educated at Broadway in the same county. In 1626 he became a student of New-inn, Oxford, took his degrees in arts, and after receiving orders became curate of St. Mary’s, Reading. In the beginning of the rebellion he went to London, conformed with the ruling powers, and became preacher at the Rolls chapel. He was afterwards presented to the rectory of Burfield in Berkshire, and that of Tredington in Worcestershire; but after the restoration was ejected and came to London, where he remained unemployed for some time. At length upon his conformity to the established church, Sir Nich. Crispe presented him to the rectory of St. Mildred’s, Bread-street, where he died July 7, 1684. He published several single sermons, a tract on family instruction, and, what is now the most valuable of his works, the life of Dr. Harris, president of Trinity college, Oxford, 1660, 12mo. He had a son, of the same names, who was D. D. of Cambridge, rector of Letcombe Basset in Berkshire, and chaplain to the duke of Monmouth. He died of an apoplexy June 18, 1686.
1666 to Oxford, where he remained in the house of the ingenious and learned Dr. Ralph Bathurst, then president of Trinity-college, before he was admitted a gentleman-commoner,
, third son of the former, was born at his
father’s house at Sayes-court, near Deptford, January 14,
1654-5, and was there very tenderly educated in his infancy, being considered (after the death of his brother Richard Evelyn, January 27, 1657, who, though but five years of age, was esteemed a kind of prodigy) as the heir
of the family. He was likewise universally admired for
the pregnancy of his parts, of which he gave a pleasing
proof in a Latin letter written to his father in Dec. 1665,
and which induced his father to send him in 1666 to Oxford, where he remained in the house of the ingenious and
learned Dr. Ralph Bathurst, then president of Trinity-college, before he was admitted a gentleman-commoner, which
was in Easter term 1663. It is not clear at what time he
left Oxford; but Mr. Wood seems to be positive that he took
no degree there, but returned to his father’s house, where
he prosecuted his studies under the directions of that great
man. There is, however, good reason to believe that it
was during his residence in Trinity-college, and when he
was not above fifteen years of age, that he wrote that elegant Greek poem which is prefixed to the second edition
of the Sylva, and is a noble proof of the strength of his
genius, and wonderful progress in learning in the early
part of his life. In Nov. 1675, he set out for Paris with
lord Berkley, ambassador to the French court; and in May
1676, returned to England. He discovered his proficiency
soon afterwards, both in the learned and modern languages,
by his elegant translations, as well as his intimate acquaintance with the muses, in some original poems which were
very justly admired. If we consider the father’s turn of
mind, we need not wonder that he should employ his pen
first upon gardening, especially in the easy way of translation, and from a book so justly as well as generally admired as the French Jesuit’s has ever been. The title of
our author’s little treatise was, 1. “Of gardens, four
books, first written in Latin verse, by Renatus Rapinus;
and now made English by John Evelyn, esq.
” Sylva,
” and it must be allowed that the sense is very
faithfully rendered, and the poetry is more easy and harmonious than could have been expected from a youth of
his age. 2. “The life of Alexander the great,
” translated from the Greek of Plutarch, printed in the fourth
volume of Plutarch’s lives by several hands. 3. “The history of the grand visiers, Mahomet and Achmet Coprogli;
of the three last grand signiors, their sultanas, and chief
favourites; with the most secret intrigues of the seraglio,
&c. Lond. 1677, 8vo. This was a translation from the
French, and has been esteemed an entertaining and instructive history. Our author wrote also several poems
occasionally, of which two are printed in Dryden’s Miscellanies, and more are in Nichols’s Collection of Poems.
The one entitled “On virtue,
” has been esteemed excellent in its kind by the best judges and the other, styled
“The remedy of love,
” has been also much admired. On
Feb. 24, 1679-80, he married Martha, daughter and coheiress of Richard Spenser, esq. Turkey merchant, whose
widow married sir John Stonehouse, of Radley, in Berks,
bart. Mr. Evelyn, who had a turn for business as well as
study, and had been introduced to the prince of Orange
in 1688, was in 1690 made one of the chief clerks of the
treasury, and quitting that situation in 1691, became one
of the commissioners of the revenue in Ireland, which
country he visited in 1692. He would probably have been
advanced to higher employments if he had not been cut
off in thd flower of his age, dying at his house in Berkeleystreet, London, March 24, 1698, in the forty-fifth year of
his age. He had by his wife two sons and three daughters.
His eldest son, Richard, -died an infant at Sayes-court, as
did his eldest daughter Martha Mary. His second daughter, Elizabeth, married Simon Harcourt, esq. eldest son
and heir of Simon lord viscount Harcourt, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, by whom she became mother to
the first earl Harcourt. Jane, his third daughter, died an
infant at his house in the parish of St. Martin’s in the fields,
and was interred at Kensington. John Evelyn, his second
and only surviving son, born at Sayes-court, March 2,
1681, succeeded to his grandfather’s estate. He was married at Lambeth chapel, September 18,- 1705, to Anne,
daughter of Edward Boscawen, of Worthivil, co. Cornwall, esq. He was by letters-patent bearing date July 30,
1713, created a baronet. This worthy gentleman, who inherited the virtue and learning as well as the patrimony of
his ancestors, made several alterations and additions to the
family-seat at Wotton, in 1717, one of which was the
erecting a beautiful library, forty-five feet long, fourteen
feet broad, and as many high, for the reception of that
large ajtd curious collection of books made by his grandfather, his father, and himself, and where they still remain. He was long one of the commissioners of the
customs, a fellow of the royal society, and was succeeded by
his eldest son, John, who dying in 1767, was succeeded
by sir Frederick Evelyn, on whose death, in 1812, the
title descended to Mr. John Evelyn, the grandson of
Charles, a younger son of the first baronet of the Wotton
, president of Trinity-college, Oxford, was born at Broad Campden, in G
, president of Trinity-college, Oxford, was born at Broad Campden, in Gloucestershire, in
1578, and sent for education to the free-school of Chipping-Campden, where owing to irregular conduct of the
masters and their frequent changes, he appears to have
profited little. From thence he was removed to the city
of Worcester, and lastly to Magdalen-hall, Oxford, which
was preferred from his relationship to Mr. Robert Lyster,
then principal, a man somewhat popishly inclined. Here,
however, he had a tutor of a different stamp, a reputed
puritan, under whom he studied with great assiduity. Although his parents designed him for the law, as soon as he
took his bachelor’s degree, he determined to make trial of
his talents for the pulpit, and went to Chipping-Campden,
where he preached a sermon which gave satisfaction.
He afterwards officiated for a clergyman in Oxfordshire,
and in both cases without being ordained. At length he
was examined by bishop Barlow, who found him a very
accomplished Greek, and Latin scholar, and he had the
living of Hanweli given him, near Ban bury, in Oxfordshire. During his residence here he was often invited to
London, and preached at St. Paul’s cross, also before the
parliament, and on other public occasions. He had also
considerable offers of preferment in* London, but preserved
his attachment to Hanweli, where he was extremely useful
in confirming the people’s minds, then much unsettled, in
the reformed religion, as well as in attachment to the
church of England, although he afterwards concurred with
those who overthrew it so far as to accept preferment
under them. On the commencement of the civil war,
tjie tranquillity of his part of the country was much disturbed by the march of armies, and himself obliged at last
to repair to London, after his premises were destroyed by
the soldiery. On his arrival in London, he became a
member of the assembly, but appears to have taken no
active part in their proceedings.or some time, Hanwell having now been taken from him, he officiated at the
parish-church of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate-street, until the
rilling powers ordered him to Oxford, as one of the reforming visitors. Here during the visitation of the earl of
Pembroke, the chancellor of the university, he was admitted; D. D. and president of Trinity-college in April
1,648, in the room of Dr. Hannibal Potter, who was ejected
by the visitors. This situation he retained until his death,
Uec. 11, 1658,. in his eightieth year. He was buried in^
Trinity-college chapel, with an inscription from the ele-“gant pen of Dr. Bathurst, one of his successors, and contaming praises of his conduct as a president more than sufficient to answer the charges brought against him by others.
The only words Dr. Bathurst is said to have struck out are
these in Italics,
” per decennium hujus collegii Præses
æternum cdebrandus“nor was this alteration made in the
epitaph itself, but in Wood’s ms. of the
” Hist, et Antiquitates Univ. Oxon.“The only fault of which Dr. Harris
can be accused, and which was very common with other
heads of houses put in by the parliamentary visitors, was
taking exorbitant fines for renewals of college leases, by
which they almost sold out the whole interest of >the college in such estates. On the other hand he appears to have
made some liberal grants of money to the posterity of the
founder, sir Thomas Pope.
” One is surprized,“says
” at those donations, under the government of
Dr. Robert Harris, Cromwell’s presbytenan president.
But Harris was a man of candour, and I believe a majority
of the old loyal fellows still remained.“Durham, the author of Harris’s life, gives him the character of
” a man of
admirable prudence, profound judgment, eminent gifts
and graces, and furnished with all qualifications which
might render him a complete man, a wise governor, a
profitable preacher, and a good Christian." He appears
to have very little relished some of the innovations of his
time, particularly that easy and indiscriminate admission
into the pulpits, which filled them with illiterate enthusiasts
of every description. His works, consisting of sermons
and pious treatises, were collected in 1 vol. fol. published
in 1654.
ke the first instigator), Dr. Tillotson, Mr. Stillingfleet, Dr. Patrick, Dr. Whichcot; Dr. Bathurst, president of Trinity college, Oxford, Dr. Wallis and Dr. Lightfoot, with
Along with this specimen and proposals, Mr. Pool published the opinions of “several eminent, reverend, and
learned persons, bishops and others,
” in favour of the
work, and of his ability to execute it, of which he wa$ authorized to make this use. Among the prelates -who recommended the “Synopsis,
” as a work which they “were
persuaded would tend very much to the advancement of
religion and learning, were Morley, bishop of Winchester,
Reynolds of Norwich, Ward of Salisbury, Rainbow of
Carlisle, Blandford of Oxford, Dolben and Warner of
Rochester, Morgan of Bangor, and Hacket of Lichfield
and Coventry and among the other divines, several of
whom afterwards were raised to the episcopal bench, were
Dr. Barlow, provost of Queen’s college, Oxford; Dr. WilIdns, Dr. Castell, Dr. Lloyd (whom some, as we have observed, make the first instigator), Dr. Tillotson, Mr. Stillingfleet, Dr. Patrick, Dr. Whichcot; Dr. Bathurst, president of Trinity college, Oxford, Dr. Wallis and Dr.
Lightfoot, with the most eminent and learned of the nonconformists, Baxter, Owen, Bates, Jacomb, Horton, and
Manton. Most of these signed their opinions in a body;
but bishop Hacket, Dr. Barlow, Dr. Lightfoot, and Dr.
Owen, sent him separate letters of encouragement, in language which could not fail to have its weight with the pubJic. He also acknowledges, with great gratitude, the munificent aid he received from sir Peter Wentworth, K. B.
” who appears to have been his chief patron, and from sir
Orlando Bridgman, the earls of Manchester, Bridgwater,
Lauderdale, and Donegal the lords Truro, Brooke, and
Cameron, sir William Morrice, sir Walter St. John, sic
Thomas Clifford, sir Robert Murray, &c. &c. &c.
, Dr. Hannibal Potter, who had been his tutor at college, was, upon the death of Dr. Kettle, elected president of Trinity college, but was ejected by the parliamentary chancellor,
His brother, Dr. Hannibal Potter, who had been his tutor at college, was, upon the death of Dr. Kettle, elected president of Trinity college, but was ejected by the parliamentary chancellor, lord Pembroke in person, attended by the parliamentary visitors and a guard of soldiers. His only subsistence afterwards was a poor curacy of 20l. a year, from which he was also ejected for using some part of the Liturgy.
ancis Howell, with a promise of So/. a year to Dr. Ward, which was never paid. In 1659 he was chosen president of Trinity-college, although absolutely disqualified for the
In 1654, both the Savilian professors performed their exercise in order to proceed doctors in divinity; and, when they were to be presented, Wallis claimed precedency. (See Wallis.) This occasioned a dispute; which being decided in favour of Ward, who was really the senior, Wallis went out grand compounder, and by that means obtained the precedency. In 1657 he was elected principal of Jesus-college by the direction of Dr. Mansell, who had been ejected from that headship many years before; but Cromwell put in one Francis Howell, with a promise of So/. a year to Dr. Ward, which was never paid. In 1659 he was chosen president of Trinity-college, although absolutely disqualified for the office, and was therefore obliged, at the restoration, to resign it. At that time, however, he was presented to the vicarage of St. Lawrence-Jewry: for, though he was not distinguished by his sufferings during the exile of the royal family, yet he was known to be so averse to the measures of the late times, and to be so well affected to the royal cause, that his compliances were forgiven. He was installed also, in 1660, in the precentorship of the church of Exeter. In 1661 he became fellow of the Royal Society, and dean of Exeter; and the following year was advanced to the bishopric of that church. Dr. Pope tells us, he was promoted to that see, without knowing any thing of it, by the interest of the duke of Albemarle, sir Hugh Pollard, and other gentlemen, whom he had obliged during his residence at Exeter.