, prince of Marsillac, and governor of Poitou, was born in 1613. He was
, prince of
Marsillac, and governor of Poitou, was born in 1613. He
was the son of Francis, the first duke of Rocbefoucault, and
was distinguished equally by his courage and his wit. At
the instigation of the duchess de Longueville, to whom he
had been long attached, he engaged in the civil wars, and
signalized himself, particularly at the battle of St. Antoine. After his return his house became the rendezvous
of all the wits of Paris, Racine, Boileau, &c. who were
captivated by the charms of his conversation. He died at
Paris in 1680, aged seventy-seven. As a writer he is
chiefly known by a small work, which has often been reprinted in this country, in English, entitled “Maxims,
of which Voltaire has not scrupled so say, that it contributed more than any performance to form the taste of the
French nation, and give it a true relish of propriety and
correctness. “Though there is,
” continues he, “but one
truth running through this whole piece, namely, that ‘ selflove is the spring of all our actions and determinations;’
yet this thought presents itself under such a variety of
forms as never fail to strike with new surprise. It is not so
properly a hook itself, as a set of materials to embellish a
book. This little collection was much read and admired;
it accustomed our authors to think, and to comprise their
thoughts in a lively, correct, and delicate turn of phrase;
which was a merit utterly unknown to any European writer
before him since the revival of letters.
” It has, however,
been mostly admired by those who entertain an unfavourable opinion of mankind, and who have been soured by
disappointment and misfortune, particularly by disappointed ambition. Chesterfield and Swift are on the side
of Rochefoucault. We have also of this noble author
“Memoires de la Regence de la Reine Anne d'Autriche,
written with great sense and a deep penetration.