, an English mathematician, and professor of astronomy at Gresham college, was born in Northamptonshire
, an English mathematician, and
professor of astronomy at Gresham college, was born in
Northamptonshire or as Aubrey says, at Coventry, where
he adds that he was some time usher of the school and
was sent to Emanuel college, Cambridge, in 1616. He
took the degree of B. A. in 1619, and of master in 1623.
He applied early to the mathematics, and attained to great
proficiency in that kind of knowledge, of which he gave
the first specimen in 1624. He had an elder brother at
the same college with himself, which precluded him from a
fellowship; in consequence of which, he offered himself a
candidate for the professorship of astronomy in Gresham
college, Feb. 1636, and was elected the 2 d of March. He
quitted it again, it does not appear for what reason, Nov.
25, the same year, and was succeeded therein by Mr.
Mungo Murray, professor of philosophy at St. Andrew’s in
Scotland. Murray marrying in 1641, his professorship
was thereby vacated; and as Foster bad before made way
for him, so he in his turn made way for Foster, who was
re-elected May 22, the same year. The civil war breaking out soon after, he became one of that society of gentlemen, who had stated meetings for cultivating philosophy,
and afterwards were established by charter, under the
name of the royal society, in the reign of Charles II. In
1646, Dr. Wallis, another member of that society, received from Foster a mathematical theorem, which he
afterwards published in his “Mechanics.
” Neither was it
only in this branch of science that he excelled, but he was
likewise well versed in the ancient languages; as appear!
from his revising and correcting the “Lemmata
” of Archimedes, which had been translated from an Arabic manuscript into Latin, but not published, by Mr. John
Greaves. He made also several curious observations upon
eclipses, both of the sun and moon, as well at Gresham
college, as in Northamptonshire, at Coventry, and in other
places; and was particularly famous for inventing, as well
as improving, astronomical and other mathematical instruments. After being long in a declining state of health, he
died in July 1652, at his own apartment at Gresham college, and, according to Aubrey, was buried in the church
of St. Peter le poor. His works are, 1. “The Description
and use of -a small portable Quadrant, for the more easy
finding of the hour of azimuth/' 1624, 4to, This treatise,
which has been reprinted several times, is divided into
two parts, and was originally published at the end of Gunter’s
” Description of the Cross Staffe in three hooks,“to
which it was intended as an appendix. 2.
” The Art of
Dialling,“1638, 4to. Reprinted in 1675, with several
additions and variations from the author’s own manuscript,
as also a supplement by the editor William Leybourne.
Our author himself published no more, yet left many
other treatises, which, though not finished in the manner
he intended, were published by his friends after his death
as, 3.
” Posthuinu Fosteri containing the description of
a Ruler, upon which are inscribed divers scales, &c.“1652,
4to. This was published by Edmund Wingate, esq. 4.
” Four Treatises of Dialling,“1654, 4to. 5.
” The Sector altered, and other scales added, with the description
and use thereof, invented and written by Mr. Foster, and
now published by William Leybourne, 1661,“4to. This
was an improvement of Gunter’s Sector, and therefore
published among his works. 6.
” Miscellanies, or Mathematical Lucubrations of Mr. Samuel Foster, published,
and many of them translated into English, by the care and
industry of John Twysden, C. L. M. D. whereunto he hath
annexed some things of his own." The treatises in this
collection are of different kinds, some of them written in
Latin, some in English.
, professor of astronomy at Gresham-college, was the son of Henry Gellibrand,
, professor of astronomy at
Gresham-college, was the son of Henry Gellibrand, M. A.
and some time fellow of All-Souls-college in Oxford. He
was born in the parish of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, in London, in 1597: but his father settling upon a paternal
estate at St. Paul’s Cray in Kent , he probably received
the rudiments of his education in that neighbourhood. He
was sent to Trinity-college, Oxford, in 1615; and took
his first degree in arts, in 1619. He then entered into
orders, and became curate of Chiddingstone in Kent; but,
having conceived a strong inclination for mathematics, by
hearing one of sir Henry Saville’s lectures in that science,
he grew, by degrees, so deeply enamoured with it, that
though he was not without good views in the church, he
resolved to forego them altogether. He contented himself
with his private patrimony, which was now come into his
hands, on the death of his father; and the same year, becoming a student at Oxford, made his beloved mathematics
his sole employment. In this leisure, he prosecuted his
studies with so much diligence and success, that, before
he became M. A. which was in 1623, he had risen to excellence, and was admitted to a familiarity, with the most
eminent masters. Among others, Mr. Henry Briggs, then
lately appointed Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford
by the founder, shewed him particular countenance and
favour. This, in a few years, was improved to a degree
of intimate friendship, insomuch, that the professor communicated to him all his notions and discoveries, and, upon
the death of Mr. Edmund Gunter, recommended him -to
the trustees of Gresbaio -college, where he once held the
geometric lecture, for the astronomy professorship. He
was elected Jan. 22, 1626-7. His friend, Mr. Briggs,
dying in 1630, before he had finished his “Trigonometria
” recommended the completing and publishing
of that capital work to our author.
ed, communicating their observations to one another; and they sometimes consulted Mr. Samuel Foster, professor of astronomy at Gresham-college in London. Horrox having now
, an English astronomer, and memorable for being the first who had observed the passage of Venus over the sun’s disk, was born at Toxteth in Lancashire, about 1619. From a school in the country, where he acquired grammar-learning, he was sent to Emanuel-college in Cambridge, and there spent some time in academical studies. About 1633, he began with real earnestness to study astronomy: but living at that time with his father at Toxteth, in very moderate circumstances, and being destitute of' books and other assistances for the prosecution of this study, he could not make any considerable progress. He spent some of his first years in studying the writings of Lansbergius, of which he repented and complained afterwards; neglecting in the mean time the more valuable and profitable works of Tycho Brahe, Kepler, and other excellent astronomers. In 16^6, he contracted an acquaintance with Mr. William Crabtree of Broughton near Manchester, and was engaged in the same studies; but living at a considerable distance from each other, they could have little correspondence except by letters. These, however, they frequently exchanged, communicating their observations to one another; and they sometimes consulted Mr. Samuel Foster, professor of astronomy at Gresham-college in London. Horrox having now obtained a companion in his studies, assumed new spirits. Procuring astronomical instruments and books, he applied himself to make observations; and by Crabtree’s advice, laid aside Lansbergius, whose tables he found erroneous, and his hypotheses inconsistent. He was pursuing his studies with great vigour and success, when he was cut off by a sudden death, Jan. 3, 1640-1.
onathan Goddard, Dr. George Ent, Dr. Giisson, Dr. Merret, doctors in physic, Mr. Samuel Foster, then professor of astronomy at Gresham college, Theodore Haak, a German of
In March of this year, 1644, he married Susanna, daughter of John and Rachel Clyde of Northiam, Northamptonshire. In 1645, the weekly meetings, which gave birth to the Royal Society, being proposed, he attended them along with Dr. John Wilkins (afterwards bishop of Chester), Dr. Jonathan Goddard, Dr. George Ent, Dr. Giisson, Dr. Merret, doctors in physic, Mr. Samuel Foster, then professor of astronomy at Gresham college, Theodore Haak, a German of the palatinate, and then resident in London, who is said to have first suggested those meetings, and many others. These meetings were held sometimes at Dr. Goddard’s lodgings in Wood-street, sometimes in Cheapside, and sometimes at Gresham college, or some place near adjoining.
t he had accomplished, he communicated to Mr. Seth Ward, then Savilian professor of astronomy, Rook, professor of astronomy at Gresham college, and Christopher Wren, then
Notwithstanding this opposition to the ruling powers,
he was in June following appointed by the parliamentary
visitors, Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford, in room
of Dr. Peter Turner, who was ejected; and now quitting
his church, he went to that university, entered of Exeter
college, and was incorporated master of arts. Acceptable
as this preferment was, he was not an inattentive observer
of the theological disputes of the time; and when Baxter published his “Aphorisms of Justification and the Covenant,
our author published some animadversions on them, which
Baxter acknowledged were very judicious and moderate.
Before the end of this year, Wallis, in perusing the mathematical works of Torricelli, was particularly struck with
what. he found there of Cavalleri’s method of indivisibles,
this being the first time he had heard or seen any thing of
that method, and conceived hopes of attaining by it some
assistance in the problem concerning the quadrature of the
circle. He accordingly spent a very considerable time in
studying it, but found some insuperable difficulties, which,
with what he had accomplished, he communicated to Mr.
Seth Ward, then Savilian professor of astronomy, Rook,
professor of astronomy at Gresham college, and Christopher Wren, then fellow of All Souls, and several other
eminent mathematicians at that time in Oxford, but not
meeting with the assistance he wished, he desisted from
the farther pursuit.
In 1653, he published a grammar of the English tongue,
for the use of foreigners in Latin, under this title: “Grammatica Linguse Anglicanae, cum Tractatu de Loquela seu
Sonorum Formatione,
” in 8vo. In the piece “De Loquela,
” &c. he tells us, that “he has philosophically considered the formation of all sounds used in articulate speech,
as well of our own as of any other language that he knew;
by what organs, and in what position, each sound was
formed; with the nice distinctions of each, which in some
letters of the same organ are very subtle: so that by such
organs, in such position, the breath issuing from the lungs
will form such sounds, whether the person do or do not
hear himself speak.
” This we shall find he afterwards
endeavoured to turn to an important practical use. In
1654, he was admitted to the degree of D.D. after performing the regular exercise, which he printed afterwards,
and in August of that year, made some observations on the
solar eclipse, which happened about that time. About
Easter, 1655, the proposition in his “Arithmetica Infinitorum,
” containing the quadrature of the circle, being
printed, he sent it to Mr. Oughtred; and soon after, in the
same year, he published that treatise in 4to, dedicated to
the same eminent mathematician. To this he prefixed a
treatise on conic sections, which he sdtin a new light, considering them as absolute planes, constituted of an infinite
number of parallelograms, without any relation to the cone,
and demonstrated their properties from his new method of